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by campaign of hate 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Samaritan At the Well
    Samaritan At the Well

    Welcome to JWD

    You will find a sense of relief being on the board.  The more soul searching you do and ongoing research, the more you will find out the TTATT

  • Ding


    If the WT does set a new date such as 2034, we need to press JWs to commit themselves as to whether this date is from the Bible or GB speculation. Otherwise, when it fails, they'll use the usual dodges:

    1. We never actually came out and said it would be the end.

    2. The GB never really endorsed the date. It was just some of the brothers running ahead of Jehovah's chariot.

  • jwfacts
    Welcome. That is an interesting summary of what is likely to happen over the coming decades. As insane as it all sounds to those of us now removed from it all, those in gladly clutch at any little crumb to feed their belief that it is all true and the end will be soon. Very sad.
  • millie210

    Just dropping in to give a big welcome to the forum!

    Interesting post you had on future dates and speculation. I think you are on to something there.

  • Blackfalcon98
    Welcome to the forum! 
  • whathappened
    Welcome!  Nice to have you here!
  • LisaRose

    I was reading a book the other day, it was historical fiction, but took place during the time of the Millerites, a group following William Miller. The believed based on some chronology he pulled out of his rear that the end was coming in 1843. People actually didn't bother bringing in the crops or milking the cows, they went up on the roof of their barn and waited for the end. At the end of the night they sheepishly got down and went on with their lives. 

    The millerites did not give up, they then explained that Christ had come invisibly (sound familiar?) Various factions come up with alternate theories and new dates, one group becoming the Seventh Day adventists, and of course CT Russel browsed heavily from them for his own special end time predictions. The bible states quite cleary that no one knows the day or the hour, so anyone making any prediction is going against the scriptures, but they just keep doing it because fear is useful to manipulate people. The more things change, the more they remain the same. It's a con game that has been going on for a while. 

    It made me realize that I was just as foolish as those people standing on the roof of their barn. It's hard thing to have to admit you were wrong, but the alternative is to remain in ignorance, afraid to see reality. 

  • TTATTelder

    Pretty good prediction of future WT games. I wonder just how much the lawsuits and media will be obstacles this time around. 


  • JunkYardDog
    if i remember correct the wt did add 1914 and 120 yrs to come up with 2034  in a 2005 wt.  so your not dreaming.  welcome
  • smiddy

    Welcome C.o H. glad to have you on board .

    Your scenario of what will/may take place in the next fifty years is as good as anybodys if not better .

    Nothing surprises me with this cult.


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