"My Child is Dead"

by Lee Elder 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    Path of Horns wrote: <The Society has not provided essential needed information, has supplied misleading information and has effectively prevented most Witnesses from reading balanced viewpoints on the matter to make an informed choice. This combined with the threat of automatic disassociation have created a generation of JWs that are willing to die believing a policy that it's creators are no longer sure of.> The WTS has been aggressively disseminating what amounts to bad medical advice for decades. Indoctrinating both parents and children, monitoring compliance, violating patient confidentiality and punishing any who chose to research, think and act on their own conscience - it is moral turpitude. Dungbeatle wrote: <Patients ALSO need to be informed of all their options, and that rarely is the case with Jehovah's Witnesses. I really doubt that Jehovah's Witnesses will refuse blood for their children if they were aware of the ENTIRETY of Watchtower's history on blood.> Education of both physicians and JWs is the key to ending this waste of precious human life. Many JWs, like Mary, have doubts about the policy but are in a very difficult position due to WT coercion and sanctions against doubters or those who ask the hard questions. Frequently, by the time they or their children show up in the emergency department - there is no time left to investigate and re-evaluate. Establishing informed consent in these situations is very difficult and we know that autonomy is simply not present in a significant percentage of cases. In elective surgery, physicians can do better, but this is the realm where the bloodless techniques work the best. It is the trauma cases and diseases of the blood and cancer where so many JWs are losing their lives. Frequently, no red cells or no platelets means chemotherapy must be stopped. We are making inroads into educating physicians - this morning a doctor emailed us requesting 25 copies of our brochure "Do Jehovah's Witnesses Really Abstain from Blood?" for his patients - so the word is getting out, but it is a slow and time consuming process, and the WTS has vastly superior resources to wage their PR campaign.

    Edited by - Lee Elder on 21 June 2002 12:49:23

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    First, this is the saddest thing I have ever read. PERIOD.. I have tried to put myself in the mother's shoes and look at it from her perspective and I cannot even get close to fully comprehending how she must feel before I start to cry. My heart just aches for the mother, and I am going to pray to god every night that this child did not die in vain. That somehow his death, along with all the other JW's (child or adult) that died for this stupid man-made doctrine that has no definate biblical scripture be stopped, and that God will somehow use all these cases as a means to stop this awful crime.

    Second, the very first thought that entered into my mind as I was reading this was about the bible story where God had asked a man to sacrifice his son, and just as he was going to kill his son, Jehovah stopped him. He didn't want the child. If he didn't want a child then why would he want a child now?

  • one

    The case may not the best evidence to show what is wrong with blood polciy.

    Do protesters need to wait for an 'ideal' case?

    Present the facts and thinking people can arrive to conclusion. Specially parents will be inclined to make up their minds, revisit the issue.

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