i read several times on this thread that guys would get violent if they were hit on by another guy. . . .
ok i am a guy and i have been hit on by men several times throughout the years, and though i found it weird when i was in the borg, i learned to accept it as a compliment and not get all homophobic about it as i got older. . .
in fact in my mid twenties i gave some thought to being bi because even though i knew i liked women, i wondered if i had stiffled my sexuality in any way by being a dub for so many years, especially during my teen years, was i straight because i was told i was supposed to be straight or was i straight because i really was straight?
and though i have never been attracted to men, at times i have found myself attracted to some musicians who happen to be male,
rewind in time:
one night i met up with a friend of mine named Tina who worked as a waitress at a little italian restaurant a few blocks from my job, i walked over on my way home and stopped to say hello and see what she was doing that nite, she was about to end her shift so she had me wait for her, in the meantime i had some wine, next thing i know i am sitting over at a table with an attractive couple that was in their thirties, a good ten years over me at the time, i drank some more wine with them and tina joined in,
we decided to go to a bar and drink some more so as to not hang at the restaurant, we drank some more for the next hour or so and i got up to go to the bathroom, the alcohol had taken its toll, as i was waliking out of the boys room, the guy that was hanging with us walked in, pinned me against the wall and started kissing me,
so i thought about it for a second and in that second i thought, ok if i was gay i would be enjoying this, but i am not gay and yet i am not repulsed by it either, the beard stubble seemed to bother me more than anything else,
i kissed him back and thought ok if i ever had any curiosities this would be the time to answer them, realizing that i was not turned on by what was going on i said thanks and excused myself,
only to later that nite end up making out with his friend who was a smoking 36 year old flight attendant that i had mistaken for his girlfriend,
lesson learned that nite:
always shave if i even think i am about to get any tang
Edited by - dcs ghost on 16 July 2002 0:32:32