Theocratic Ministry School (TMS) pet peeve of mine is found below.
Please feel free to add any that you find as annoying and hypocritical as mine...
Last night, Brother Gramaton* delivered the # 2 talk (Bible Reading). He received all of this "wonderful, upbuilding" counsel from Brother Hank*, the School Overseer. Ohhhh, however, Brother Hank threw a "BUT" in his counsel to Brother Gramaton: "But, your timing was 5 minutes and 17 seconds so we are going to have to ask you to work on that again."
Pet Peeve #1): Should counsel be made public? In school, did your teacher (or instructor) make public your grades? How does little Timmy or Suzie feel about getting told in front of the whole audience that his or her talk was a failure?
The "2nd half of the meeting (Service Meeting)" began and Brother Hank was assigned the last part (slated to be 20 minutes in length). Brother Hank wound up using 30 minutes for his 20 minute part.
Pet Peeve #2): How is Brother Hank going to counsel someone on 'Timing' for going 17 seconds over and then turn around and go 10 minutes over his alotted time?!? Also, what is the big deal with 'Timing' if Elders and Ministerial Servants almost ALWAYS go overtime on their Public Talks, Service Meeting parts, and the conducting of the Watchtower Study?
*names have been changed