But now she's gone ...... from breast cancer a couple of years ago. We prayed and prayed to Jehovah in Jesus' name: the "Ask anything in my name" Jesus. We asked Jehovah, not to cure her miraculously, because that's what people pray for in Tent Revival Meetings. We were better than that. WE were JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES!!! We Stooooood Up In Fearrrrlessnessssssss ...... We asked to simply help us find a treatment that would at least help her to have a few more years. HELLO, HELLO, HELLO ...... guess that number was no longer in service.
So I started to deduce that "Ask anything in my name" was a fraudulent statement, and that Jehovah, while he might be the "Hearer of prayer," just hears and hears and hears and does nothing. Strange observation to make about One who supposedly is in charge of everything, all the way down to atomic, subatomic, and who-knows-what-else kinds of particles.
I'm happy now that I made the observation in an earlier post about how maybe Jesus got all his stuff from Buddha, and maybe never was really THE Son of God but just another insightful but imperfect MAN, like Paramahansa Yogananda, Gandhi, etc etc etc et etc etc etc etc ....................
I just found a photo of her I did not know I had. It shows her with a big radiant face a few months before the end. She, as I, did not yet suspect that our prayers were not going to be acted upon. I now have a candle in front of it near some India paraphernalia I got at the Self-Realization Shrine. I just have my Aim-A-Flame at the ready, but have not yet lit the candle to commit a False Religious Act. But doing so will allay some grief, just as has my simply setting up the photo. She would be really angry at me for doing that. The congregation would throw me out into the street. But I do feel that now I'm experiencing more of a loving-kindness attitude in myself toward others than I had while a JW. That's telling me some things I had not imagined before.
Edited by - Bhagavad on 21 June 2002 16:47:20