Grateful we got out in time for our kids.....

by LyinEyes 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    I am so grateful that we got out of the borg for so many reasons. One of the main reasons are my kids. Today they are having a bunch of friends over to have wrestling tournaments on our trampoline. They have worked so hard on making today special. My son and his friends even have their own website with a large group of boys who are into wrestling .

    The thought I had was, how lonely he was while we were JW. He was depressed alot. I got very worried about him . There were no kids at all at our hall, and he was home schooled so he only had the neighborhood kids to associate with.

    One of the elders in our hall lived down our street and would watch to see what our son was doing, and who he was walking around with. He always felt like he had to hide who his friends were, because they were supposed to be bad association.

    Well since leaving , our lives have become fuller, my son is alot happier. He has many friends and is very well liked. Before he didnt have anyone to do things with, now he has the freedom to choose his own friends without the brothers trying to do it for him. It warmed my heart to see a truck load of these boys , smiling , laughing , picking on each other. I am just grateful that we got out in time for my oldest to enjoy his teen years, the childhood is gone really, but he is having tons of fun. We stopped to get cokes and chips and my son looked at me and smiles and said "thank you , Mama. This means alot to me.

    Now I have about 15 kids at my house mostly 15 yr old boys, and wondering what to make for dinner???? Life is good!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Dutchie

    Hi Lying: How about:

    1. Frank and Beans

    2. Hamburgers and Potato Salad

    3. Order some pizzas?

  • DakotaRed

    15 year old boys will eat just about anything and lots of it! Hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, tacos, just about anything you have, they will consume.

    Fortunately for me, my kids never got involved with the JWs and are more than overjoyed now that I am out. I couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to my grandsons and watching them wither away because of some misguided and ever changing policy, so am tickled they never got involved too.

    I can relate to having boys over, though. After I got custody of my daughters, our apartment became the most sought after hang out, for some reason. Both of their boyfirends and all their friends seemed to spend a lot of time with us. When they came over, it was like a vacuum cleaner was attached to the refrigerator door. And no, they didn't always leave a lot for me, LOL

    Edited by - DakotaRed on 22 June 2002 18:34:58

  • Solace

    I too am so thankful not to have gotten my kids involved in the org. Now, if I can just keep my families J.W. claws out of them I can breath freely.

  • mpatrick

    Ditto! It is so nice to be able to raise my children how I see fit instead of letting an Organization dictate every aspect of their lives. Fortunately, out of seven of us, only 2 of my siblings are still JWs along with my parents. The rest of my relatives are Catholic, so I don't have to worry too much about my children being influenced by the borg.

  • Simon

    It's great isn't it? I love to see Liam and Dylan getting the life I never had and being able to join in. I'm glad we got out when we did - soon enough that they won't have any nasty memories of all the crap.

  • gsx1138

    I invited a friend of mine (15yr friend) over to my place for a BBQ. I had got him into the JW thing about 10years ago but it never really took hold. However, he convinced his now wife to check it out and now she's militant (shame on me). He asked me if I was studying again and I said not even on a cold day in Hell. He said, "Even now that you have a kid?"

    Especially now that I have a kid. WTS=psychological destruction. I'm glad your son is doing so well. As far as food. 15 year old boys aren't all that picky.


  • JeffT

    When we left in 1989 our two oldest were 13 and 12, the youngest 4. I can't imagine raising any of them in the borg. When we left the oldest told us that he was about to tell us he wanted nothing to do with the KH. He's now a computer programer. Our daughter, the next one down, has been in theater for years. I know her creativity would have been totally stiffled had we raised her as a witness.

    Alex, now sixteen, got his GED last fall and his going to community college. He's drumming in a heavy metal band, wears his hair in purple dreadlocks and has numerous piercings. Some days I think of taking him to the hall just to see the reaction. The band practices every monday at our house. I love the fact that they feel welcome and comfortable here. A really nice group of kids, and all the better because they are just being themselves.

  • zenpunk

    That's fantastic! I remember spending many lonely afternoons as a 15 year old JW while all the other neighbourhood kids were playing. That "thank you" from your son says it all...

  • xenawarrior

    Lyin: So glad to hear that you are all enjoying your lives so much now!!! Have a great party!!

    as for 15 year old boys? They'll eat anything that isn't tied down! lol

    Hugs at ya!


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