I am so grateful that we got out of the borg for so many reasons. One of the main reasons are my kids. Today they are having a bunch of friends over to have wrestling tournaments on our trampoline. They have worked so hard on making today special. My son and his friends even have their own website with a large group of boys who are into wrestling .
The thought I had was, how lonely he was while we were JW. He was depressed alot. I got very worried about him . There were no kids at all at our hall, and he was home schooled so he only had the neighborhood kids to associate with.
One of the elders in our hall lived down our street and would watch to see what our son was doing, and who he was walking around with. He always felt like he had to hide who his friends were, because they were supposed to be bad association.
Well since leaving , our lives have become fuller, my son is alot happier. He has many friends and is very well liked. Before he didnt have anyone to do things with, now he has the freedom to choose his own friends without the brothers trying to do it for him. It warmed my heart to see a truck load of these boys , smiling , laughing , picking on each other. I am just grateful that we got out in time for my oldest to enjoy his teen years, the childhood is gone really, but he is having tons of fun. We stopped to get cokes and chips and my son looked at me and smiles and said "thank you , Mama. This means alot to me.
Now I have about 15 kids at my house mostly 15 yr old boys, and wondering what to make for dinner???? Life is good!!!!!!!!!!!