Grateful we got out in time for our kids.....

by LyinEyes 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    I am happy for all of you. It is a joy to see our children having joyful experiences. Simon, I know what you mean. We can live through the joy of our children, and it is a wonderful experience. Some day, you will have grandchildren like I do, and you will experience the same joy all over again. Oh, by the way, grandchildren are easier to raise. Now, as far as the 15 year olds, I would like to add this observation. When our kids were teens, we lived in a very average house. Up the hill from us the kids lived in mansions. On Fridays, we invited the friends of our kids, some from the mansions, over for fun and pizza. The kids told us years later, that they had fond memories of the Friday nights of fun together and the pizza. Lots of good memories, and for you who are treating the kids to good times, they will be memories forever. Edited to add the part about the experience with kids and pizza.

    Edited by - larc on 22 June 2002 19:58:27

  • Simon

    yes, the kids are everything to me. Liam really likes bumper cars at the moment so we're going to the Namco Station at the Trafford Centre tomorrow to have a ride on them. He's getting pretty good at steering now in fact, you should see him play 'Wreckless' ... he knows the routes, counter-steers rounds corners and stufff. He is amazingly good at directions - when we go to Canada he will give us directions to Grandad's house and get it right.

    Don't tell Angharad but there is no way he's got that from her - following her directions is always a challenge: "go left", she'll say, while pointing right ... tip: always follow the hand.

    Edited by - Simon on 22 June 2002 20:21:53

  • Imbue

    Lyin eyes: That's so sweet! It's a pleasure to have confirmed that families don't fall apart after their exit from the org. Once again the WT is proved wrong since, they instruct that XJW's don't have a chance without the org.

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    I'm really glad your son's having such a good time!

    My daughter (15)had her hair cut the other day;looked pretty fabulous and funky!My husband and I caught her trying to neaten it up later and he spent the whole day telling her to make it scruff it up and asking 'what kind of teenager do you call yourself...!'

    Teenagers eh ??!!

    (we'll have to watch her!)

    At least her music was at the required teenage volume tonight!

    They do all seem to be more outgoing now.

    Though no2 needs no more encouragement..

    She recently abseiled facing the floor from a tower and took the brakes off her bike to make her stomach lurch!

    May god help me when she reaches her teenage years!

    We recently had a garden party for them all and 30 friends;bought alot of pizzas;oh, and don't forget stuff for the veggies-I did !

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Hi Simon,

    it's a standing joke that if the children go out with me we may not get home.My daughter navigates for me now ;and as for coming back...I have to turn the map to face the way we're going!

    So I may see you both at Emans bbq-maybe not...The worst thing is that i'll argue i'm right and really believe it!

    could you leave me some sort of trail??

  • Marilyn

    When our first child was born we thought she might need blood and we decided we'd let her have it. Just me and hubby knew about it. We kinda knew it was all over at that point but we muddled on for 2.5 yrs more until our second child was born. He was a shit of a baby and cried all the time - so it seemed sssssooooooooooo easy to stop the meetings fiasco at that point. We knew we didn't believe it and we knew we had to let go of the very bad habit of being JDubs coz we didn't want to mess up the lives of another generation. That was over 20 yrs ago. It has been so much easier raising a family with our own initiatives rather than complying with a bunch of nitwits.


  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    It was so different for me when I was a JW back in the late 40s and 50s. I had friends at school, my best friend was a neighbor about a 1/2 mile away whose land joined ours. We were together almost all the time and when we got 16 and able to drive we went out every night, except for meeting nights, Tues and Thur. I dated worldly girls, went home and spent the night with male friends from school. I played on the basket ball team at school, drove the school bus, was in several clubs at school. My dad was the PO and he would come to some of the ball games. I had a great childhood. Times have changed so much since then.

    My children weren't raised as JWs so they had a great childhood also. I have been so lucky in my life that I know it can't continue, the odds are to great against it continuing this way. It scares me.

    Ken P.

  • scootergirl

    I know for me I don't ever want my children to look back on their childhood and feel like they missed out. There are events in my life that I missed that I regret now. Sometimes I feel like I live vicariously thru my children.

  • not interested
    not interested

    well i dont have kids but i want to and i know one thing if i do have some one day they will be involved in school sports and i will be there to waatch them. when i was young it was ok to be in sports and then one dayit wasnt so then i had to deal with all the crap like why arent you on the team your good at this or that, and all icould say is that my parents wouldnt let me so when i have kids someday ill be behind them 100% watching coaching and cheering that they arent part of what i grew up with

  • jaded

    Oh how I wish I had woke up sooner. The guilt that I feel for having raised my children in this disfunctional so called religion is unbearable! I hope that any lurkers who are reading this will get out now before it is too late for their children.

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