I'm aching, Moe!
Very Important Question
by Imbue 154 Replies latest jw friends
Well, getting back to the question at hand, if you remember I wasn't too pleased with you wehn you "admitted" being a girl in the first place. I understand your reasons for doing what you did, but their are consequences to the things we do even if the things we do are necessary. I hesitate to say I don't trust you, because Moe obviously knows you better than I and I will defer to her, but I'mw atching you bub. Oh yes. I'm watching you. *evil laughter*
Well I'm tired of screwing around with the board!
Besides, Naeb, don't tell me you believe me for even a second.
Well of course not but thats not the point. :)
SYN, maybe Im outta the loop (its happened before), but I always thought you were a man. From many of the posts you made when I first started coming here...they sounded .. i dunno... like a guy talking.
When I did see something about you being a woman being discussed, I figured it was just a joke. I never bought it...just for your peace of mind!
Naebie -- please be good to my SYN, OK?
WHEW! *wipes sweat off forehead* Thanks Tera and Moe!
SYN : Your second very important question is: were you leading Reborn on??? Hmm... SYN needs to be counseled for leading poor Reborn on and breaking his heart!
We really need to know this because we desperately need a laugh!
Well SYN,
What can I say. I liked you when I thought you were a man. I liked you when I thought you were a woman and if Moe likes ya', you cant be all that bad so I guess I like you as a man again. So, whens the wedding?
bitter mango
maybe amanda's judgements of you are right, but i'm not the type to just trust what other people think ... so i'll stick with my original thoughts from many months ago. being evasive to avoid the whole gender issue is fine, but there is just no reason to straight up lie about it (twice). it's no big deal, it just shows again how easy it is to fool people when there is a screen between "friends".