I now wish to be the best man.
Very Important Question
by Imbue 154 Replies latest jw friends
GOOD FREAKING LORD....is mango a man or woman?????? is naeb a tricky lesbian who adores breasts????
STOP THE MADNESS PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wedding? My my... Ok, Mango, tell you what, you can babysit the dog, Neabs, you can babysit the cat!!! Is that OK?
Madness? Tell that to the other Amanda, this Amanda had gone home for the night...
OOOOOOO Ooooooooo oooooOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I be ringbearer and flower girl?????
Can I wear a dress, stilettos, and carry a jackhammer while holding a microphone at Syn's manly, no, womanly, no manly mouth?
This thread is disturbing, confusing, and is the real reason why the internet is creepy.
After reading this and finding out that SYN is actually DEREK and a MALE instead of CYNTHIA and a FEMALE as HE (or should I say IT?, since trust and credibility have been destroyed entirely) claimed in private email to me some months ago, I am inclined to agree with the terminology tyydyy so eloquently stated on page 2 of this thread.
"Joking around" is one thing.
Allowing the deception to continue for an extended period of time (i.e. MONTHS) is another.
I for one am not amused.
Moe, you can sit here and bitch that you dont want someone talking badly about your ever so dear SYN, but I am simply stating the truth. It is his responsibility to face up to it since he committed the action, so mind your own business and dont respond to this post with nonsense.
SYN, you can post some artsy, cutesy half apology, and thats fine, perhaps that is your nature and the context of your threads.
Alas, I dont like being deceived.
Thats my opinion, if you dont like it, you dont have to like it. Just like I dont like being LIED to.
Moe, you can sit here and bitch that you dont want someone talking badly about your ever so dear SYN, but I am simply stating the truth. It is his responsibility to face up to it since he committed the action, so mind your own business and dont respond to this post with nonsense.
Reborn - That is mean. If somebody you loved was talked poorly about would you not defend them? I am not bitching, sorry if I came across that way, but please be a little nicer to me. My "ever-so-dear" SYN jsut so happens to be somebody I love, so am I supposed to just sit here? How is it none of my business? I have feelings you know, and you just hurt them.
Ashi -- but isn't creepy fun!
I really don't dislike Syn...it's just weird, you know? It's like a person telling you he was lying to you about his identity for months, or he or she pretending to be a police officer for a year and then telling you it was a joke.....it's just a little weird..but, as far as I'm concerned, water under the bridge. This is just a message board after all.
This is just a message board after all.
Ashi - agreed! I do understand your feelings, trust me I do. As a way to not create yet another flame war, I will no longer post on this thread unless it is positive or in jest!