dear syn,............ please hold them back as long as you can........ until they are really pissed at you,,,,,,,,, until they are sooo pissed, that they want to get physical...............hehe
I would love to do this at a judicial hearing
by WildTurkey 27 Replies latest jw friends
Can't say that I did anything that wild at my hearing but at the end of the appeal hearing (apostacy for joining the local Y) the chairman said "we could go in circles for hours and still not agree." So I answered "yeah, let's wrap this up because Monday Night Football starts in a bit and I don't want to miss the beginning of the game." The look on all six faces was pricesless.
lol, those are brilliant
That's Brilliantly Funny!
You could always have a ham sandwich tucked safely away in your pocket to be pulled out at the most inopportune moment as you ask: "Pardon me, but do you have any Grey Poupon?"
LOL, Roybatty! I wonder if they might have been thinking the same thing?
Bring a plastic lightsaber and make the whoosh noise of it lighting whenever they accuse you of anything.
not interested
well ive been df'ed 2 times now i think illl go back and get df'ed again so i can use some of these suggestions and ill add one when they say to you that they are going to df you say "well i have one more thing to confess but i dont want to get anyone else into troble " and when they ask what it is say "i had sex with your daughter/son "wich ever applies
Wow, that would hurtnot interested,lol. Or, I had sex with one of the elders wifes, but im not saying whos!
not interested
or how about "i had sex with one of the elders"or if your a female "i had sex with one of the eldes wifes...... i think they might like that though