A simple question for You Know

by toddy 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyrano

    You Know,

    People have been proclaiming the 'worlds end' since written history.

    As you know (no pun intended.. ok it was intended LOL), the watchtower has been proclaiming the end for over 120 years. Yes, the watchtower elite, tell people they won't die, discouraging marriage, education and investment. They also encourage people to donate as much money as they can to help the watchtower get out the word.

    Since the end is so 'close' (again), and you seem to have some 'special' insights, should we now donate to you, in order to assist your ministry?

  • SYN

    I sincerely hope I'll still be posting when I'm 97!!!!!!!!

  • Englishman

    Not even 50. Really?

    So when I asked you a couple of years back as to how you coped with the disappointment of the 75 fiasco, and you said that you were only just becoming interested at that point, you were just 22 - 23 years of age?

    Good grief man, you had your whole life in front of you, and you chose to give it to a bunch of wasters from Brooklyn!

    My giddy aunt.


  • crawdad2

    hi you know,

    you said; at some point you will have to come to terms with the foolish reasoning.....

    you mean, after the watchtower falls, because of all the law suits, and they are exposed as just a lurking place for demons?

  • LDH

    So when I asked you a couple of years back as to how you coped with the disappointment of the 75 fiasco, and you said that you were only just becoming interested at that point, you were just 22 - 23 years of age?

    Good grief man, you had your whole life in front of you, and you chose to give it to a bunch of wasters from Brooklyn!

    Eman, my parents too. Now, they have too much pride to admit they have been wrong for 35 years and almost ruined the lives of their children.

    That's why YK keeps blathering on about the end. He wouldn't be able to handle the alternative.

    "The TRUTH? You can't handle the truth!"


  • ISP

    Hey YK.....I think you overlook the fact that if something is ridiculous..its in order to ridicule it! In fact power to the ridiculers! It was the ridiculers/apostates that alerted the WTS about its illicit union with the UN wasn't it? So much for heavenly direction, anointed/FDS oversight.....or anything else!


  • Francois

    Lessee. YK says he's less than 50, but let's take fifty as a nice round number. Now, if IQ equals chronological age divided by psychological age, in YK's case we get...ONE! YK's IQ is one! NO, No, no, hold your applause please. Nuthin' to it. Simple division only. (Takes bow) Thank you my friends. (Makes gesture encouraging audience to sit down again)! Thank you. Yes. After the lecture? (whispers behind hand).

    And friends, you don't have to do the heavy math to figure out YK's IQ. All you gotta do is read his rantings and his over-optimistic point of view and you know You Know is about a dozen ants short of a picnic. Jesus said, "The poor you will always have with you." I really think The Master should have said, "The poor and the dummies you will always have with you," then at least You Know could have prided himself on being a fulfilment of prophecy.


  • Marilyn

    It's a bit of a dumb question IMHO which plays right into YK's hands. 2 Peter something, something.......... or was it 1 Peter something, something? "Where is this promised presence of his..............from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as from creations beginnings............. "

    Asking the guy why the end hasn't come yet is like giving him a licence to go on waiting for it.


  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    This ain't 1925, nor is it 1975, and WWIII ain't gonna be no Desert Storm cakewalk for the Anglo-American king. / You Know

    Oh good, you acknoledge that 1925 and 1975 the JW's predicted the end of the world.. Excellent, you have taken the first step towards freedom.

    Now, go look up in the bible the test for False prophet, apply appropriatly to the people who predicted 1925/1975 (The organization, as you know -- they are the ones printing and approving the print). Now, take the big leap. "GET OUT OF HER".. We'll welcome you on the other side as soon as you take the step.

    Edited by - ItsJustlittleoldme on 24 June 2002 21:15:18

  • You Know
    You Know

    Oh good, you acknoledge that 1925 and 1975 the JW's predicted the end of the world.. Excellent, you have taken the first step towards freedom.

    Freedom form what? Freedom from reason? Do you imagine that just because the world didn't end then, that now, by some sort of magic, or similar fantasy, that Jehovah's judgment will not finally overtake this system? The reasoning of apostates is infantile. / You Know

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