Do you consider this site Godly or Ungodly
by Truthexplorer 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Over the years, I have seen a change in heart with the country I grew up in and the general view of what they perceive as how everyone should view things in relation to morality. A strictly religious country for centuries now forever changed within a short number of years. I have also seen the viewpoint on this site gradually change in many ways. I am all for constructive criticism of the society so that they will makes things better for their members; but by the same token increasingly alarmed at the views of those who even suggest that God has Got things wrong, that his son Jesus would not have such a opinion,, that the bible is nonsense etc. oh come on...think about it! For me, Gods standards NEVER change. I fully believe that Gods word was inspired and that his moral standards are for our (mankind's) benefit....absolutely. Wake up people The world is upside down in their thinking. Gods ways are the best ways. the wholesome ways, the right ways. The ways God had intended families to be. The world has changed....not for the better....but for the worse..moral breakdown is everywhere (except in those parts of the world where the opposite extreme is carried out which no doubt again saddens God).and will continue to the point when Godly intervention. is necessary. That time is now near. I now feel this ever since a certain event took place that absolutely confirmed everything I need to know that this world is now completely gone mad. There is no balance anymore. It is now from one extreme or the other. complete liberalism or inhumane extreme intolerance. My faith is in God and his son, our King Yeshua/ Jesus who will bring everything BACK to perfection. No more sickness, death or badness of any sort. It is at this point I have to say goodbye. For those of you who are confused out there, the only advice I can give for you is to turn to God and his beloved son Jesus Christ for guidance. There lies the hope and the inner peace you will truly find. The spirit will guide you through the good and bad. Turn back to him and regain your faith. Goodbye everyone. This is my very last post. TE -
Introvert 2
Well said TE I agree. -
This site is definitely ungodly.
This site doesn't order armies to rape, capture, torture and kill. We don't threaten to torture and kill most of humanity in the future. We don't condone slavery, misogyny and child abuse--like God does.
Ever since a certain event took place? I feel life is getting better now,no need for god to intervene. Funny how peoples perceptions of certain events are different! -
Since this is your "very last post," I suppose there's no real point in responding to you. So I will write this for lurkers:
This site is for ex- and want to be ex-JWs: people that have come to learn that this religion is a scam, its leaders are liars and hypocrites, people that need affirmation and comfort and maybe a little guidance and direction.
The question in the OP is a false dichotomy.
The world is most definitely NOT getting worse, all assertions to the contrary are based on delusions, not reality. This not to say that there are not a number of very serious issues which mankind should deal with--ironically almost all self-induced--but it is to say that in fact we are as a species evolving and getting more rational and less violent.
If you don't believe that it is only because you refuse to accept reality.
Bye bye. And take Introvert with you.
problemaddict 2
The old one and done post eh? Why post at all?
This site isn't about believing or not believing. Its about being allowed to believe as you see fit. that journey takes different people different places, but I had enough of a religion that was dogmatic in its viewpoint thank you very much. In the real world, it is perfectly reasonable to have a spirited discussion about a topic in which you may disagree with the person with another viewpoint......and its perfectly ok. In fact even beneficial.
Personally I think your approach is in itself very "JW". Its the ole "this world is so bad" mantra. The world is not that bad. The people that have given up on it, do it the largest disservice.
problemaddict 2
DJS, why you gotta be like that?
I appreciate that you took the time to post here. It seems you don't want to hear what we had to say, but for the lurkers here who feel the same I will try to address some of your points.
strictly religious country for centuries now forever changed within a short number of years.
Yes, there have been changes. Rape and domestic violence are now treated as a crime, not a right. Women have access to birth control and can choose when to have children. Divorce is now an option, people do not need to be trapped in bad marriages. Racial discrimination is no longer legal.
those who even suggest that God has Got things wrong, that his son Jesus would not have such a opinion,, that the bible is nonsense etc. oh come on...think about it!
I don't think God has gotten things wrong, I am just not convinced he exists. Trust me I have this a great deal of thought, it was not a decision I took lightly. I wanted there to be a God, I really did, but the evidence just wasn't there. I cannot believe in the God of the bible anymore than I can believe in Krishna.
I now feel this ever since a certain event took place that absolutely confirmed everything I need to know that this world is now completely gone mad.
Please, do tell what event has convinced you the world has gone mad? While there is a lot of bad things that have happened I also see reason to hope. People have been predicting the world would end for centuries. I guess they are bound to be right some day, but I'm not betting on it this time.
There is no balance anymore. It is now from one extreme or the other. complete liberalism or inhumane extreme intolerance
Intolerance is out there, just as extreme liberalism is out there. The reality is the majority of people are somewhere in the middle, so the odds are the laws and the world will stay somewhere in the middle.You may not like where that middle is, but you might want to consider that it is you that is on the wrong side on a few things, not others. just a thought
A lotl of people seem to be getting their undies in a bunch because gay people can now be married. I have a hard time understanding how someone else's right to marry the person they love hurts or affects me in any way. You have the right to practice your religion, but not the right to force others to adhere to your religion. That seems fair to me.
There lies the hope and the inner peace you will truly find.
You are making an assumption that I don't have inner peace, when the reality is I am a very happy and peaceful person. Realizing that the Jehovah's Witnesses were not God's channel of communications was the best thing to ever happened to me. Realizing that God doesn't exist freed me from a lifetime of guilt. Don't be mistaken, I am still a moral person, I just don't need religion to tell me that I am a horrible, sinful person who needs to be saved. It turns out I wasn't lost to begin with.
God's dying. And thats good