Do you consider this site Godly or Ungodly

by Truthexplorer 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    “Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon, than the Word of God. It is a history of wickedness, that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my own part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel.”

    Thomas Paine - The Age of Reason. From the Online Library of Liberty - The Writings of Thomas Paine, Volume IV ,Page 34

    “But the belief of a God is so weakened by being mixed with the strange fable of the Christian creed, and with the wild adventures related in the Bible, and the obscurity and obscene nonsense of the Testament, that the mind of man is bewildered as in a fog.

    “A man, by hearing all this nonsense, lumped and preached together, confounds the God of the Creation with the imagined God of the Christians, and lives as if there was none.

    “Of all the systems of religion that were ever invented, there is none more derogatory to the Almighty, more unedifying to man, more repugnant to reason, and more contradictory in itself, than this thing called Christianity.”

    Thomas Paine - The Age of Reason - From the Online Library of Liberty The Writings of Thomas Paine, Volume IV, Pages 189-190

  • nicolaou
    This is my very last post.


  • steve2

    Truthexplorer perfects the old JW dump and run. Parting shots fired from an alarmist, black and white heart. Quite why an OP is necessary beats me. But some people thrive on condemning others for daring to question ancient writings that reek of violence and superstition.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    (1) Fewer people are dying young, and more are living longer.

    (2) Fewer people suffer from extreme poverty and the world is getting happier.

    (3)War is becoming rarer and less deadly. It's possible to send a missile right up

    an evil world leader ass while he is watching the 6 o'clock news, thus eliminating

    senseless killing of millions.

    (4) rates of murder and other violent crimes are in free-fall

    (5) There's less racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination in the world.

    Guess what the Bible from cover to cover, all those things are prominent.

  • smiddy

    Well said millie210

    I agree 100%


  • kaik

    That time is now near...Which time? The time in 1350 when Black Death ravished Europe and Asia and killed 100 millions of people, where Mongolian armies sacked entire cities and Jews were burned to death in Europe by thousands? Or the the times of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao with gas chambers, the SS, and NVKD executing millions for their ethnic and social status? Or it was the time in the 1st century with Nero and Caligula, and gladiator fights, and where people were sold into slavery as a cattle? Why was not your idea of "will continue to the point when Godly intervention" back then when it was needed? Today is selling people to slavery illegal, dictators get prosecuted in the world courts, killing people due war is consider a war crime, plague can be treated by antibiotics, and never humanity lived better than today. You are delusional. Try stoning disobedient children due autism and you will end up in prison. Or forcing women to marry their rapist is not only disgusting but also utterly wrong. And you advocating these "moral" views? Glad you are gone.

  • kaik
    VI, I love Thomas Paine writing. Interesting is his life when he barely botched guillotine in 1794 while in Parisian prison. After his death, his grave was desecrated and his remains were lost in time.
  • Bonsai

    I now feel this ever since a certain event took place that absolutely confirmed everything I need to know that this world is now completely gone mad.

    "A certain event"? Please. How so conveniently vague. What event?

    Your final post exudes frustration and arrogance. Maybe you're frustrated because you can't stone an apostate who disagrees with you, or maybe you'd like to have some domestic slaves to help with the house work? Or maybe you want to sick your pet bear on the next door neighbor's kid because he calls you "baldy"?

    Welcome to 2015 buddy (put the rock down)! Thank goodness we have constitutions and laws to protect us from religious nut jobs! The world has gone mad, and yet, religion seems to be the worm in its brain driving it to its madness.

  • punkofnice

    Oh, blimey. This is one of THOSE threads again.

    I don't care if god is real or not. Personally, l no longer believe in god but that's not my point.

    The op has given a 'witness' and then run away. To my mind that's because they fear having to defend their beliefs when called out.

    This site has nothing to do with being godly or ungodly......that's a JW bifurcated view.

    The op's question is void.

  • stillin

    Punk, bifurcate, good word! It's exactly true that this is what JW's do.

    To the OP, there are all kinds of people here, some are pretty bitter about things, some are simply trying to sort things out. Some are teachers,some are learners. Most of us are both. I enjoy and embrace the diversity here.

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