Amazing coincidence ... what are the odds!

by Simon 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    I saw this on a TV programme a year or so ago and thought of it today for some reason:

    A wages clerk at a small company was working on the payslips when she noticed a mistake with one of the employees wages. As it was his day off but the wages had to be paid into the bank that day she decided to ring him up to check on whatever the problem was.

    He answers the phone and she says "hi" and starts to explain the problem.

    For some reason though, he is amazed and keeps asking how show knew he'd be there !?

    Turns out, she hadn't called his telephone number but used his national insurance number instead. He had gone on a day trip out with his partner and was walking past a public telephone call-box when it started ringing and he'd decided to answer it to see who it was.

    What an amazing coincidence ... what are the odds!

  • SpiceItUp

    That is freaky....thanks for sharing Simon!

  • SYN

    Good grief...that'd be enough to make anyone feel paranoid!

    Edited to add: Personally if I see a public phone ringing, I always pick it up and say "Underground Airways, how may we help you?" LOL

    Edited by - SYN on 25 June 2002 15:49:9

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Back in the 1970's there was a show here in the US called "That's Amazing!". It was a rather silly show, overall. However, I do recall them airing a story of a teenager that was visiting here from Europe. I can't remember which country, exactly. On a US five dollar bill she wrote something. Her name and some little verse, can't remember exactly what it was (Geez, the memory goes first!). Then she spent it.

    Anyway, a few years later she came back on a return visit. While after paying for some items while shopping, she received that SAME five dollar bill in her change.


  • ISP

    Obviously the angels in mid heaven direct the accounts department there!


  • KenUK

    Hi Simon,

    Some professional input here...

    Wages Clerks are "passe" - they are now Payroll Administrators....:-)

    Would you like your P45 now or later!!


  • Farkel


    : What an amazing coincidence ... what are the odds!

    A whole bunch better than Armageddon coming "any day now," that's for sure!


  • terafera

    BG, I remember 'That's Amazing'..I also liked 'That's Incredible' and 'Real People', sometime in the late 70's.

    I was just reading a similar story in Chicken Soup for the Soul.... back in New York, in the 1940's, a young man was seated on a train next to an older man who was very distraught. They start talking and the older man explains how during the Nazi regime he left the country temporarily and came back to hear his whole family had been killed. Depressed, he came to America and had only been in the country a few weeks. The young man asked what the name of the wife turns out he had known her, she was now living in New York. It turned out she had survived but was told her husband had been killed. She then went to America to seek out a new life. The young man gave the old man the phone number of the woman and the two were reunited. They had only been living a few miles from each other!

    I love 'coincidental' stories!!

    Edited by - terafera on 25 June 2002 17:14:49

  • Farkel


    : I was just reading a similar story in Chicken Soup for the Soul

    That's a great pick-me-up book, isn't it? I just flip to any old page when I'm in the mood and always get a lump in my throat or a tear in my eye when I read it.


  • Amazing

    Some days, the way things turn out, it does make one believe that there must be a God.

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