I Have a Question

by Farkel 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ashitaka

    They could have all had noses in the crowns of their heads and needed to sneeze.......


  • Farkel


    : They could have all had noses in the crowns of their heads and needed to sneeze.......

    Yes. That IS a possibility! God knows they've had their noses in worst places over the decades.


  • ashitaka

    LOL. Classic. My dad's going to enjoy that one when he logs on...

  • Beck_Melbourne

    I have seen that illustration you are talking about Farkel and yes they are all seated with head coverings. In those days (not looking in OUTLAW's direction) embroidered doilie looking things were fashionable...could that be why?? LOL..hells bells it certainly did look gothic.

    But I am just wondering if it was because they could have been elder's wives...and that gave them an honourary role in the congregation... as leaders amongst the army of women folk. Shit I'm just grasping at straws here...I'm sure someone who was around in them days (not looking OUTLAW's direction) might have the answer!

    And btw OUTLAW..since when did they wear doilies on their head throughout the entire meeting?? Man alive, I ain't never heard that one before. Have you got any pics of that? What a laugh and a half that must have been.


  • Prisca


    I'm well aware of Farkel's age, and I realise you're in the same age bracket as him. Farkel's got a daughter my age, so that makes him old enough to be my father, even though my real father is a good 20 years older than Farkel. Anyway, I digress....

    My point is: the fashions back then were a little weird, compared to our standards. So what look like doilies or paper napkins to us, are probably their head-ware. Cocktail hats, that sort of thing. Actually cocktail hats don't amount to much material at all.

    I suppose you guys haven't had that much interest in the fashions of the Roaring 20s as they were known then.

    So until the said picture can be produced, I would suggest against speculating that they were some kind of paper napkin worn in submission to the speaker, Judge Ratherflawed. No evidence before has been produced before that women were supposed to wear head-coverings whilst listening to the speaker, so why speculate and ruin your credibility?

  • Farkel


    : But I am just wondering if it was because they could have been elder's wives...and that gave them an honourary role in the congregation... as leaders amongst the army of women folk. Shit I'm just grasping at straws here...

    Yes, those are exactly the same kinds of questions I have. ALL the women in that picture were wearing head coverings and ALL the women were sitting down in the audience listening to old Joe.

    I go back to my original question: Just what did the WTS teach about women and head coverings in those days?

    (Knowing AlanF as well as I do, I suspect he's got 700 million old WT mags and books out and is pouring through them right now to find the answer. I LOVE you, AlanF, you big geek!)



    Hey Beck,the times I saw it was at the bookstudies.Sometimes it would just be all women and us kids.So when the women decided which one of them was going to take the book study,the one in charge would start franticly looking for a head cover.Like I said in my other post,sometimes it was a kleenex tissue or a table napkin or most anything the lady in charge could quickly put on her head and start the meeting.Anytime I saw this done was when a male wasn`t there to take the book study and the ladies did not come prepared with a head covering.It did look ridiculous but those were the rules,way back in the olden days..LOL...OUTLAW

  • Prisca

    Farkel, If you look at photos of women attending church during the 1920s, you'll probably see that they are wearing exactly the same headwear as the JW women.

    I am not disputing the fact that they are wearing hats/headwear. I do find it hard to believe that the women had to wear headcoverings because the speaker was a male!! The women are sitting with their spouse/families, listening to a talk. They are not giving the talk, are they?

    Furthermore, I have never heard even the slightest inckling that women had to have headcoverings just to LISTEN to a talk.

    Farkel, have you ever considered the remote possibility that you may be wrong in your interpretation of why the women are wearing what they are wearing???

    Edited by - Prisca on 25 June 2002 23:20:47


    Hey Prisca,the roaring 20`s,good grief girl I`m not that old.LOL..When I speak about head coverings I am not talking about Ratherflawed`s days that was way before my time.I am speaking about what I saw when I was a kid.It`s not speculation it`s what I actually experienced growing up as a dub kid...OUTLAW

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Well, considering that the WTS is a money making corporation, one would think that they could design an appropiate headcovering for the women. All that would be required to "purchase" one, would be a "donation".

    I'm sure that the sisters would consider just about anything besides a paper napkin, or tissue, to be haute couture. Even a handy, dandy little bag to store it. That way it could be carried and used at a moments notice.


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