I Have a Question

by Farkel 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ZazuWitts


    Regarding that specific picture, I'm suggesting that the napkin appearing items, were cloth hankies. I remember in the early 50's attending summer conventions where many woman would plop a hankie on top of their heads to offer some 'scalp burn' protection from the sun. My lil' sis and I used to snicker at it, calling them 'snot hats'.

    Also I have some old family pictures from the 1920s - family reunion pics that also show hankies atop the heads of family members - again probably to help deflect the sun.

  • RedhorseWoman

    I remember that there used to be lace hankie-type things (I think they were called Mantillas) that many women would wear to church. Catholics, especially, would wear these lace hankies. In fact, I used to carry one in my purse in case I found myself in a situation where I needed a head covering.

    Zazu's comment about protecting their heads from the sun is a good possible explanation, or it could be that at that time, JW as well as Catholic women would wear a head covering or hat to church gatherings.

  • Dismembered

    Hi Farkel

    My Proclaimers book is in storage too. The Town Dump, I looked but I can't find it

  • Adonai438

    This is a good topic- he he ;)

    Just to put a little modern spin on this I remember only in about 1995 or so a study teacher of of someone I knew would go run and put on a basball cap when her fiance came over because since there was now a man in the house that could be teaching she had to show submission to him while she taught. Doile, napkin, hat, and now baseball caps ;)

  • NameWithheld

    I just have to say - what kind of most powerful deity would give a crap what a pissant little human had on it head or not!? What a crock of *hit. "Oooo, better throw a paper towl on your head of god'll kill you!"

    I can't beleive I used to fall for this crap!

  • waiting

    Waaaaaaaaay back in the 50's & 60's - midwest usa, a woman wouldn't go shopping "Downtown" without a proper hat on - and sometimes white gloves to match...and a dress and heels.

    I was raised a Catholic, and a female didn't enter the church without a headcovering, even to clean it. I know - I helped clean sometimes and we wore scarves. By the 60's, we would wear mantillas (long lace coverings) or the short, round, version. Of course, on Easter, hats were in. Or if we had a hangover - scarves or hats would do as we wouldn't bother to comb our hair. Hippie style.

    Remember the movie The Deerhunter showing 1968? All the older women had scarves on for daily activity (Russian & Pole descent) - but proper hats for church.

    As for back in the 20's? I would think that any PROPER woman - jw or otherwise, would have a head covering on in Church/religious activity. A lot of women wore them to work too, just took them off when they got there.

    Women in general were big on hankies and stuff back then. Poor souls.


    Edited by - waiting on 26 June 2002 15:40:55

  • anglise

    Hi Farkel

    just sent a scan


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Post it Farkel...Post the pic of the hankie-heads!!


  • Farkel


    I didn't get it. Try sending it again to this address, please:

    [email protected]


  • larc

    Farkel, I wanted to add some comments to what my wife, zazu, had to make. I looked at the picture and couldn't figure it out. Most of the ladies had hats on. A few, had what looked like doilies on their heads. One women in the left fore ground had nothing on her head. I asked my wife about the picture. As she said in her post, she remembers women putting white cloth on their head to reduce heat and sunburn. I asked her about the woman in the fore ground, and my wife noted that the woman's hair was so thick that she probably did not need sun protect. So, that is our theory about the picture.

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