My chat with Elder Dad. (I'm angry!!)

by home_and_dry 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • jschwehm


    When I left the JWs, I told my mother that I felt that her love for me was directly proportional to how good of a JW I was. I have yet to be proven wrong...and when I mentioned this to her she never denied it.

    The JWs are incapable of unconditional love because they have never received it from their religion themselves and are taught by their leaders not to display it to anyone. In any case, JW relatives are difficult to deal with because of their world view. The longer I am out of the JWs the more difficult it is to deal with them because I just do not view the world in that way anymore. I think we also have to accept the fact that for many JW relatives the most they can do with us former JW relatives is be pleasant in our presence whenever fate puts us in the same room with them. It is sad...but for them that is all they can give and there is nothing we can do to change that. In the meantime, I am building a new set of friends and family that are not so conditional.

    Jeff S.

  • truthseeker1

    but more to the point, what a bass ackards thing your father did. Perhaps thats why nothing has happend to me for my viewpoints and what I have said about the Org. We will see tho.

  • home_and_dry

    Thanks for all the comments!

    I have calmed down a bit now and I've come to a few conclusions. firstly, yes my dad is an elder and so he is never gonna agree with my lifestyle choices, just as i dont agree with his religious choices.

    I do feel lucky in that I do still have a good relationship with my parents (albeit a slightly conditional one) and i think i've got the best situation that can be expected under the circumstances.

    i've kept my mouth shut all these years and never had the kind of confrontation i did tonight as a result of it. maybe my lesson is that although i get frustrated with them and their beliefs, for the sake of my sanity maybe its just best to keep quiet and not go near controversial subjects!

    I just feel a bit concerned that maybe now he went off to his elders meeting with my little outburst fresh in his mind and i could end up with the CO knocking on my door in the morning!!

    Oh well, live and let live i guess!

  • Mary

    I'm surprised that you were so upset at your dads reaction........after all, there probably isn't an elder alive that approves of his daughter "living in sin" as you put it.

    While I certainly don't agree with the Organizations view on most things, I still believe people are far better off getting married and THEN having kids. Surprisingly, statistics show that if you live together before getting married, your chances of splitting up are 4 times as likely as those that get married without living together. I'm not sure why this is, but dats the way it're actually lucky to have your parents still talk to you: I know alot that have left the Organization and their familes won't even speak to them!!! Pretty scary that a religion has that kind of control, but this one certainly does.

    Marriage isn't "just a piece of paper"; it's a wonderful way for two people to publically commit themselves to each other. A driver's license is technically also "just a piece of paper"; someone can drive a car with or without it, but I think we'd all agree (especially if you get pulled over), that it's a good thing you have "just a piece of paper"......

  • 144001

    "Holy matrimony is a blissful myth, wholly based on religion wholly based on bullshit." - - Rudimentary Peni

  • jst2laws

    Hello home_and_dry

    I do feel lucky in that I do still have a good relationship with my parents (albeit a slightly conditional one) and i think i've got the best situation that can be expected under the circumstances.

    I'm glad you have calmed down and come to that conclusion. Your argument with your dad could have ruined a good thing you have going. Also, up till this event you thought you had a good relationship with your dad. It sounds to me it was as good as you could hope for. As an appointed elder he was being appreciably liberal to try to ignore his training to be judgemental and instead accept you as you are. But his buttons got pushed and he revealed his suppressed discontent with your condition. If he thinks about it he may regret some of the things he said. On the other hand he may feel guilty and compelled to do something about your remarks. You made some good points with him about DFing. Maybe he will think about it.

    Hope you can talk again and get back to where you both were before the arguement.


  • jst2laws



    Holy matrimony is a blissful myth, wholly based on religion wholly based on bullshit." - - Rudimentary Peni[/qoute]

    Whooowww! I'm trying to figure out if you are angry with the concept of matrimony or with the concept of religion.

    You have my sympathy!


  • Salud

    The fact that many people today divorce and don't see marriage as anything more than a piece of paper is a sad commentary on the problems plaguing society today. Maybe I am old fashioned but there is something to be said of a marriage that lasts 40 or 50 years, unlike the marriages you hear of that last a mere few months.

    It is true that people who are married tend to try to work out problems more so than those who are not. Maybe that is what is missing today in many relationships, the commitment factor. Anyway, marriage is not only common in Christian beliefs but also in your 'pagan' religions as well. It is universaly accepted.

    Home and Dry... Try to understand your father and where he is coming from. The fact that he accepts you and speaks to you speaks volume on his part. Don't spoil a good thing. Enjoy your father and mother while you still have them, for one day they will be gone. My sister and my dad had a rift develop between them right before he died, this pains my sister to this day several years later. DO NOT let that happen. You may not agree but you can at least relate and get along.

    Also if you are waiting for lots of money to get married and have a big wedding, it may never happen. Perhaps examining your priorities might be in order.

    Just my 2 cents.


  • Sentinel


    I tend to agree with your post. Relationships are much more than a piece of paper. The paper is a way of tracking people and their offspring. It's part of the arrangement of this society. Having that piece of paper to say you are "legally married" is a form of manipulating masses so that their offspring won't be caught up in the stigma of being born "out of wedlock". It is another one of those early Christian dogmas.

    I hardly believe the earliest of man had such a piece of paper. No doubt when a commitment was made, both parties simply agreed between themselves to honor it. And, families were grouped together, and for the most part were marrying into other families. Families have a way of dealing with their own in these matters, especially where duty and responsibility are clear. As society changes, so do the laws.

    The place where I work every day is a place where couples continuously arrive to "get that piece of paper". Some are serious about it. Others act like it's an obligation because of pregnancy. Others can't keep a straight face and laugh all the way through the generic method of the ceremony. Others are obviously marrying so they can stay in this country. It should be personal choice, and you shouldn't be judged for not doing it. I have know many couples that have stayed together for many years, till death, in fact, without the benefit of a "ceremony and a piece of paper". Most of us tend to conform to be accepted. And, most of it revolves around the laws of this society.

    And, then there are those who marry, spending lots of money on the whole event. They opt out after the first little rift in their "paradise". Marriage means different things to different people. Who knows what it will be even ten years from now. There are many who marry at the Court Clerk's office, rather than deal with all the stuff that goes on in a church or a religious ceremony.

    Even if a young woman has a child or children out of wedlock, she bears the full responsibility if she opts not to marry the father. He may already be married. He may not want the responsibility that comes with day to day care of young babies or children. The woman who decides to have her children takes on a lot. A piece of paper would not change the mind of someone who is not ready to handle the job of being a mate or a parent. Paying child support is a very small portion of that duty. A piece of paper would not change anything. Marrying a person for all the wrong reasons never works out in the end. And, if you are in a relationship for a period of time, the law still recognizes you as common-law mates.

    I think its better to take your time and be certain. No one should judge another person unless they've walked in their shoes, and who of us can really do that. It takes about five minutes to get married, and a VERY long time and a good bit of money to get out of it with a divorce. Not to mention all the damage that people do to each other emotionally. Children get damaged anyway. We cannot protect them from life. Life happens sooner or later. We can be loving in everything we do, and treat others the way we'd like to be treated in return, and that's about it.

    It's hard for parents to let go and allow their grown children to be themselves--even after they've had relationships, been married, had children, whatever. Parents just keep trying to control, and that just makes for a bitter relationship. These babies are their grandchildren.....they need to just relax and accept and be very loving. They should respect you. Each of us has to be prepared to accept responsibility for our choices in life. We all make mistakes.

    Life isn't easy, but it beats the alternative...


  • 144001


    Both. LOL

    Rudimentary Peni is a hard core punk band that originated in the early 80s. Their music is some of the finest of the punk genre that I've ever heard. Deep bass, sinister vocals, brilliant content. Awesome band.

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