What Would You Have Done?

by Dutchie 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpiderMonkey

    A few months before my crisis of faith that lead to my DFing, I had a similar experience. I was riding my bike down a fairly major street & saw a wallet lying on the sidewalk. I picked it up & looked in it; sure enough, there was ID, etc, and a good bit of cash (I didn't count it - why bother, since it didn't belong to me, and I knew I could find the owner? - but there were quite a few 20's, so I know it was significant). The owner's address was only a few blocks away, so I turned around & brought it back to her, an elderly lady.

    Like's been said before, SICKENING. That these people would talk about faith leading to works... And then STEAL just because they can get away with it. For me, the issue was right & wrong (plus, LOL, "Jehovah's watching")... If you can fail such a simple test, then really, where is your faith?

  • Salud

    It goes to show what kind of people these really were. Dutchie, did you say anything to them? I don't think I could have held back.

    I am sure they reminded everyone how hard it was to Pioneer. I hope they did not give God any credit for this. I would not have given this family another dime! This is dispicable behavior, even for being JW's.

  • DakotaRed

    Christian or not, any decent respectful person would have returned the wallet, intact, with all the money still there. She may feel good about it, but she still stole the money. What if that was someones entire paycheck and now, they couldn't feed their children? Would Jehovah "provide" for her while possibly starving a small child? I think not!

    Last I heard, one of the ten commandments is, "Thou shalt not steal." Her keeping the money was defintely stealing.

    Lew W.


    I`ve found wallets on the street,I`ve found wallets in the mall,I`ve had purses and wallets left in my shop.I`ve returned them all,in tact.The owners were quite often suprised to find nothing had been lost...OUTLAW

  • SYN

    If I found that much money, I'd feel very bad about spending it. I'd rather make an effort to get it back to it's owner. Also, the contents of a wallet are often very valuable, not just the money itself, for instance, passports and so forth.

  • neyank

    DakotaRed says: "Last I heard, one of the ten commandments is, "Thou shalt not steal." Her keeping the money was defintely stealing."

    How we forget that the WTS have changed the comandments somewhat.

    Don't forget how they view lieing.

    It's ok to lie to someone not deserving the truth.


  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    return the money to its rightful owner, of course. jw's think that it's ok to 'stick it' to non-jw's, 'cause we're the scum of the earth, don't you know that? my jw sister and niece rip off 'worldy' people all the time. they have zero tolerance for any of us. they rejoiced when the world trade center went down and all those people died.

    "jehovah provides"? god that makes me sick. what deluded, sick little monkeys.

    ~incense and peppermints

  • Reborn2002

    Jehovah provides = theft

    Her comment that "Jehovah provides" insinuates that God intervened and allowed the person to lose their wallet with a very significant amount of money (in all likelihood an entire week's pay or more) and that she was entitled to it, and God intended for the other family to suffer.

    Arrogant, self-righteous, selfish, self-serving SONS OF BITCHES is the only term that comes to my mind which could even possibly define that type of behavior.

    Well.. how about this same woman lost her purse with $600 in it, considering I am sure she did not earn a high income.. someone else comes across it.. takes the money.. then she DISCOVERS who took the money. She asks for the money back, but they had already spent it, and she would get NOTHING back. Why? Because it was another Jehovah's Witnesses, and after all, "Jehovah provides." I wonder how her attitude would change then?

  • Dutchie
    Dutchie, did you say anything to them?

    Hi Salud, well when she was telling us this story we were out in field service and I am ashamed to say that I didn't say anything to her about it. A few of us sisters excahnged looks but that's all. We dropped it right there. I don't know why. I wish I had more moral courage at that time, but I didn't. Today it would be different but then, at the time, it just seemed simpler just to let it go.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    testify, reborn!

    you know, her comment is sickening when you think about it. let's see: starving children all over the world are ignored by the jw's god. but somethow he provides for empty-headed morons like her to go eat steak at lonestar. riiiight. i wonder if she even thinks about that. i mean, what if the wallet belonged to one of her homies? maybe it did. or maybe the person just took the money out of the bank to pay for a jw's operation, how did she know? they act as if they belong to an exclusive club, or something... "oh yeeeah, jah's got my back, yo". ugh.

    (edited to correct font formatting)

    Edited by - Incense_and_Peppermints on 29 June 2002 14:24:29

    Edited by - Incense_and_Peppermints on 29 June 2002 14:26:6

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