by Naomimara 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mimilly

    Outlaw, hon, you've made YOUR point. Have you checked it all out with Bill Bowen yet? If not, please stop stating the same things over and over. Check it out before you go on the offensive, please. If her story is true, then all your comments are adding acid to wounds. Being careful goes both ways - financially and emotionally.

    Please - ease off.

    hugs, Mimilly

  • one

    Can you post an scanned copy of your complaint at the court?

    State court?,

    Federal court?

    Case number.?

    It is a public record.

    What do you have to loose.?

  • one

    It is a good to make a "business plan" before jumping to a new "project".

    And take into account all possible scenarios.

    Most peopole on this board are 'working class", and not the philantropic, but the abused. complaining and sit on the fence, exceptical class. But wellcome...


    Hey Mimilly,I just read your post you seem like a nice person.Many times on this board we have imposters assuming other peoples identitys.We have had a few trying to scam goodhearted honest posters.The person persueing the lawsuit may very well have contacted Bill.There is no way to know it is this person.The post dosen`t make sense,thats why I have trouble believing it.Anyway you are a good person for not wanting to see another hurt.I will leave this thread...OUTLAW

  • Mimilly

    Outlaw - honey, I never meant for you to leave the thread. I don't doubt that you've seen scams and have good reason to feel the way you do.

    Dutchie - in another thread, Naomimara said her computer is accessable to others and that is why her email is locked. That is why I asked her to email me.

    Yes, impersonation is a problem in this technological age. Yet Silentlambs did verify her. (see other thread). Each of us can do the very same.

    All I am asking of everyone is to keep in mind that we could be dealing with the heart of a sincere person here, and that being said, she is being slapped in the face and driven further into depression. Check things out to see if they are so. I will wait for Naiomimara to email me.

    Jim - lawyers can be stupid. Just look at the one in Canada representing the shunned father who wants payment even though he knows he has a great case. He is refusing to represent the father in the custody battle. Also, many lawyers are not in it for the justice - they are in it for the game. It could also be said that Naiomimara offered money back as a gesture of thanks - that she doesn't care about the settlement - but the justice - and setting a precident.

    All I'm asking is to please not judge. Check it out. If it's a scam, it will be shown to be one. It isn't fair to judge a person without first checking it out. If it isn't a scam - you are doing great damage and adding pain to a person in need of help.

    hugs to all,


    Edited by - Mimilly on 29 June 2002 22:38:49

  • Dutchie

    Thanks Mimilly. I understand now.

  • Pathofthorns

    This is the difficult catch 22 the ex-JW community finds itself in. We need lawsuits to back up the claims made in the media but fail to support these lawsuits financially because we have become too jaded by our past.

    I don't know what the ultimate solution will be, but this predicament seems to favour the WT and allows them to perpetuate their crimes. Ultimately I think they will die a slow and painful death and our lack of organization and our failure to put our money where our mouth is will prevent us from gaining some serious and decisive victories.

    I think the battle will be fought and won in the media where the required proofs are lesser and I think the tedious one on one efforts combined with their own internal apathy, frustration and disillusion are what will destroy them.


  • Naomimara


    I am really surprised with what you just wrote. With little exception lawyers are business persons who are out to make money. Mine is a man who took my case on a contingency basis but because it has been so complicated (First Amendment) putting hours and hours on it is not feasible for his firm. That is why I did so much of the work myself. He was ready to give up two years ago. I went to a community college and worked exhaustingly so as to do much of the research and writing. I've stood before the "giants" and had to present arguments and I'm only 5'4".

    This case is for the principle of the matter. I am not a hypocrite but neither will I leave the table because a few Judas' are sitting there.

    When my case is over I am more than happy to go to sleep in death until a time when life will no longer be so trying. And believe me Jim, I don't want to owe anyone anything. That is why I replied the way I did about money. People don't just give me things. Everything in this life carries a price and I never would want anyone to be able to say that I used them or that I became rich off of them.

    I don't want anything from you, really - Love NM

  • Naomimara


    You are so funny. You talk about $12,000 and my original post was for $35 and even that could be negotiable. Dear God I know times are tough, can you imagine if I asked for more. There would be a let's linch Naomi post going. You wouldn't mind but I'm offering something of value in return even. It's late here on the east coast and you've at least made my heart a little lighter. It will help me sleep better. Thanks


    Edited by - Naomimara on 30 June 2002 2:39:48

  • Erica

    I am very sorry you have gone through so much. I can't send money for I can barely afford to drive my worthless car to work and back and put diapers on my baby, but I can suggest that you call around to diffrent lawyers, a few out there will take your case for nothing and you pay only if you get a settlement. I belive I read that you know Bill Bowen , call him he knows my lawyer and maybe he can help you. I wish you my best and will keep you in my prayers.

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