by Naomimara 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Naomimara

    Dear Erica,

    I'm still up - it's the weekend anyways! It was nice to hear from you. I was anticipating the May Dateline show with eagerness and thought it was very well presented. You did a fine interview - surely what more can I say. Who with a good heart would not be moved with appreciation for your participation. I pray too that you continue courageous and enduring.

    I have called other attorneys. Those in the mid and western parts of the country cannot take a case with ease in another state because each state has laws, rules and procedures differing from one another. Even if locally I could find another lawyer, they would not jump in on an appeal because the case is too far along (I made such an effort about 6 months ago) and it would be too time consuming for them to do catch up. Only if locally another case was pending with the same issues and Defendants (WT) would there be such a possiblility.

    Clearly, my attorney is very renowned and quite a capable person who thrives on high profile and Constitution issues, so I know he can do the job, he just gets distracted because he keeps up a high work volume and has a firm of employees to get paid, therefore some cases (contingency) may be slower moving. That is why I do all that I personally can.

    I appreciate your sincere and well wishes - yours NM

  • Naomimara


    I was caught up with writing when you posted last evening.

    'Media v. Lawsuit' was an interesting comment. -

    I think of the media as eye catching advertisement. It makes a point, an impact and should motivate someone to become interested in the product or service, ultimately to the point of investing in such.

    Law on the otherhand involves the details of the product. All the that goes into it needs to be clearly disclosed for persons to rely on. The where, when and how need clear definition. This also can patent the service or product so that no one else can touch it.

    One of the symbols for law is the turtle. It may be painfully slow but a winner in the race.

    There was a time past when Jehovah conducted a necessary legal case with the nation of Israel - Micah 6:2

    It is my opinion that if legal action does not back up the media presentation, all the hard work and courage that those invested in presenting matters to the public could be lost. Worse than that, such lack of follow up could discredit those who cry out for help. If the pain is strong enough a person takes action, true?


  • ignored_one


    I don't blame you for not giving out all the details on this thread. It's known that the WTBTS monitor this site so it's good you're not giving them any ammunition.

    If I could help I would but it's kinda difficult for me atm being still in as it were.

    I wish you the best of luck however.

    Ignored One.

  • Naomimara

    I think for many's circumstances if anyone believes that they wanted to do something, forward to Bill Bowen. If you mention the Connecticut lawsuit and his confirmation on my posting, I trust that he'll take care of matters properly. Much thanks.


  • dungbeetle

    <We need lawsuits to back up the claims made in the media but fail to support these lawsuits financially because we have become too jaded by our past.>

    pathofthorns, what the h**l are you talking about.

    Who has 'not supported a lawsuit' on this board? Let alone your 'reasons' for this supposed 'non-support'. I have found JW's, non-JW's and ex-JW's nothing BUT supportive, as a class and as individuals.

    My advice to the originator of this thread is to GET an EMAIL somehow. No excuses, find a way to get one. Hotmail is never ON your computer, just don't save your password. Get a friend to do your email for you. This is a serious problem that you need to find a solution for.

    My other advice is to get a free webpage, or if free is not big enough, a cheap one a few dollars a year. Sometimes you can divide your material between several free websites and link them together, such as the free homepage on yahoo, a free one on geocities, and jpegs put up on a pic hosting site. (as an example) Even if no one has money (I do not right now) there are some who who might volunteer time or webpage building expertise to you for such a worthy cause. Perhaps someone has some webspace they pay for that they will donate a part of to you. There are places on the web where you can get free webpage building info as well.

    You could start putting up some generalized info about your case, and yourself. YOU are the one who needs and wants the money, YOU have to put out first.And lastly, find a way to get a paypal account. Put a link to that just like Simon, Kent, and Randy have done for their pages.

    So, to summarize: GET a free webpage. PUT up your stuff. PUT up a paypal link. ASK for and be willing to accept other kinds of help.

    I wish someone like you all the best in your endeavors.

  • DazedAndConfused

    I totally agree dungbeetle. From what my husband said today...he can now get a web adress for as little as $4/yr. for a one year contract. If he signs up for 2 years it is $14.95 for the second year. This sure beats the $70/yr we have been spending for the past 4-5 years. Free is good, but it does have its limitations.

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