I posted these in another thread but may as well put them here too.
News in KM , dfd,
by happy man 69 Replies latest jw friends
I'm not entirely happy about these developments.
My mother, after almost four decades of having her head up her booty, has come around to being a mother to *all* of her children, regardless of their affiliation (or lack) with the Cult she brought us all up in. After years of being deprived of associating with each other, we have worked very hard to become a family again. The last two or three years we have been together several times each year, happily enjoying one another's company with nary a word or problem associated with the religion with which she is still loyally attached.
We are (were?) planning yet another family get-together this Labor Day Weekend and THIS time, in *MY* home. You know... the end of August? About the time Mama will be hearing this bullshit?
Like I said... I'm not very happy about this... not one bit.
Is this a correct scan???
Questions in the KM???? This is the first time I see this!!!!
this is exactly why i just left and didn't bother with the whole disfellowshipping nonsense. My dad has repeatedly encouraged be to "be a man" and face up to the brothers and get DF'd, but I don't want to go through all of that craziness. I wonder how they feel about this article....I can't understand how so many Witnessess just go along with this. It goes against my human nature to completely shun my own family because they don't believe the same way I do - is it me or is that just not incredibly absurd???
I had already left prior to this article (for 10 years) My family however chose not to share this info with us (my brother and I) but continued to treat us as usuall. Not shunned.So it wasn't until I went back that I learned about it.
I do remember though when they began to really lean in that direction in the 70's the GB telling everyone not to stay attached to unbelieving family members because they will be destroyed shortly anyway and no sense in staying too connected. There was no one dictating to the congergation at that time that they "Could't" continue to associate with their family.
It will only hurt that much more to see them die.
I still remember that so clear it could have been yesterday. I think I will remember that even if I get alzhimers.
There are still many JWs that do not follow those rules to the letter.
I really pity the ones that do. It is out of ignorance.
Next they will be telling married couples that they can't have sex anymore if one is dfp'd.
When I was a child my dad was told his sister had been disfellowshipped. dutifully he cut off all contact with her. ( I have to admit she was two hundred miles away and we didn't have a car, so it wasn't like she was next door.)
Twenty years later ( just before he died) he found out that the elders who had told him she was disfellowshiped were mistaken. (some horendous mix-up with two people at the time with the same name Who my dad both knew). She had never been disfellowshipped at all. She had just "fallen away". My aunt, who's a wonderful person, was absolutely great about it when my dad crawled back on bended knees.
But it was still twenty years too late. Twenty years wasted. None of her family ever held it against us as a family, (none of them are JW's). Heaven only knows why!
At http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=14795&site=3 you find a transcript of a German TV talk show (it was not radio but a local TV station).
Please take a look at that quote from Bernd Klar, PR Spokesman of the German Branch on that TV talk show:
"If I were saying today that I do no longer want to be a Witness, that I want to leave the Kingdom Hall, nothing would happen to me. My brothers would speak to me, they would visit me and ask why I do no longer want to be a Witness ..."
I just checked, there is a mistake in the translation. Klar did not mean leaving the Kingdom Hall, but leaving the place of the talk show.
"If I were saying today that I do no longer want to be a Witness, and than left this place, nothing would happen to me. My brothers would speak to me, they would visit me and ask why I do no longer want to be a Witness ..."
My mother, after almost four decades of having her head up her booty, has come around to being a mother to *all* of her children, regardless of their affiliation (or lack) with the Cult she brought us all up in. After years of being deprived of associating with each other, we have worked very hard to become a family again. The last two or three years we have been together several times each year, happily enjoying one another's company with nary a word or problem associated with the religion with which she is still loyally attached.
We are (were?) planning yet another family get-together this Labor Day Weekend and THIS time, in *MY* home. You know... the end of August? About the time Mama will be hearing this bullshit?
I'm suppose to visit my family this year. I have plans to fly in October. My situation and my brothers has been simular to yours. Maybe even better. (although I have always had a very close relationship with my mother more so then my father).
So far nothing has changed. I can only hope it stays that way.
It has been better with my father the past few years
Edited by - plmkrzy on 19 August 2002 6:8:59
I'm not DA or DF. I just faded away and eventually became "apostate". My father is well aware of this.
I guess the first part of this material would have hit last week, mostly concerning those DF'ed. No noticeable change with my father when I spoke with him this past weekend.
Next week will be the true test, as it concerns relatives not in the home. Particularly chilling is the story in paragraph 13 about some ungrateful children who cut off ties with their own mother, which shamed her into gettng reinstated.
Not that I'm disassociated, but my father, knowing my position, might well consider me disassociated. And after this article, treat me as such, hoping it will instill me to come back.
There's just no way I can think of going back. Even if I had to - just to have a relationship with my father during his remaining years - I couldn't endure it. I just saw a link to the Witness Zone BBS today and read some of the conversations on an obviously moderated pro-JW group. It was so mind-numbing. I couldn't endure that way of life. I'd crack.
I guess if I were suddenly cut-off, my first response would be to attack back. Up until now, me being apostate has not compelled me to interfere with what they want to believe. I've explained my feelings and what I believe is wrong, then let them be free to worship how they wish, not pushing anything at them. Only when they try to coax me back do I defend my reasons. And we've basically agreed to disagree.
But given the prospect of being cut off from my family and their only solution being to join the JWs again (which I can't do), my only response seems to be to enlighten them and finally rescue them from it. Of course if they don't answer my calls or read any letters, I don't know how I'm going to do that. But this is the sort of thing to turn me from passive anti-JW to angry, bitter anti-JW.