NeonMadman, yes I agree with the points you made. One would think that based on the society's past record they would let sleeping dogs lie, and stay as far away from prophetic interpretation as they could.
About Those Heavenly and Earthly Classes...
by NeonMadman 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
Why not try to get a Bible study? Instead of asking these apostates?
Who are you addressing your remark to, Bleep?
Of course, if you are going to get a Bible study, make certain you do not contact Jehovah's Witnesses for it, since they don't offer Bible studies. What they call "Bible studies" are actually programmed considerations of their literature, using scripture only marginally and as reference material, generally misapplied or taken out of context, to advance their own organizational policies and interpretations.
What I dont understand about the hole thing is,
the annointed get acount after acount in the
bible telling them about the heavenly hope, hundreds
of them. While the Great crowd get some parable
and vary vague scriptures, a hand full at best. Yet the
anointed susposedly know they are anointed through some
'sign' or maraculous vision. why do THEY need this reinforced in
the scriptures, they souldnt, the great crowd are the ones that
need that reinforcement. This seams backwards.
hannibal, that's because the whole "two-hope" doctrine is not taught in the scriptures, by any reasonable reading. Will the saved be on earth? Yes! Revelation 21 depicts the City of God descending from heaven to earth, and God dwelling there with his people. That is the one destiny for all of the saved.
Addressing the maker of this new topic. It is a Bible teaching from Gods word in new english. And we even use Gods name.
Addressing the maker of this new topic. It is a Bible teaching from Gods word in new english. And we even use Gods name.
I have no idea what you are talking about. What "new topic"? What is supposed to be a "Bible teaching"?
And, no, JW's do not use God's name. No Hebrew in ancient times ever referred to his God as "Jehovah". "Yahweh" is a possibility; it might not be completely accurate. But we know with certainty that "Jehovah" is not how the name was pronounced.
And if the name "Jehovah" is so important, why does it not appear in any known manuscript of the New Testament? Apparently the apostles never used it, even when quoting Old Testament scripture that used the name. That may have to do with the fact that the name of Jesus is said to be "the only name under the heavens by which men must be saved". Not Jehovah, but Jesus. The "name above all names," even the name Jehovah.