Norwegians Harm Whales

by Magog 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • JanH


    Jan, my sarcasm must have not come off as brilliantly as I thought it did.

    Anyone can see the original thread and see you did not make any attempt at sarcasm. This was just a post-hoc excuse, just like you chickened out of your factual errors on Ruby Ridge.

    THEREFORE I take NO responsiblity other than to say, I support the actions of my country

    Which makes you at least partially responsible. Otherwise, why not simply agree with the other Americans on that thread who took exception to the real-world consequences of American politics?

    I also support the American intervention in Afghanistan. On the whole, I think its execution was examplary. FYI, Norway committed 100% of their special forces to the Afghan alliance -- really the only powerful military resource a small country has -- and I support that decision fully. I would however openly criticize it if any of those servicemen killed innocents because they had a "shoot first, ask afterwards" policy.

    - Jan

  • LDH
    FYI, Norway committed 100% of their special forces to the Afghan alliance

    LOL, all three people?!?!?

    --------->>>> dodging Norwegian pea-shooters.

    Jan, I did not make a mistake on my assesment of Ruby Ridge. I view that as another terrible tragedy. I still feel the father bears partial responsibility. Yes, I live very near the mountains in California where almost every resident has a weapon. NOT every resident, however, is preaching White Supremacy. The ATF, DEA, FBI are not interested in surrounding their homes and blasting them to kingdom come.

    Weaver is another conspiracy theorist. His family paid the price, sadly. I don't relish the death of any human. I just find that people set themselves up for a big fall and then blather on and on about how "it wasn't their fault."

    I would however openly criticize it if any of those servicemen killed innocents because they had a "shoot first, ask afterwards" policy.

    - Jan

    That's where we differ. If you shoot at me, I will shoot to kill. Then ask questions. Have the damn brains not to be blasting off guns in a war zone.

    Let me tell you a true story. I will not name names for confidentiality reasons.

    A police officer in this country was called to a domestic disturbance. The year was 1969. In 1969, Police had much more respect than they now have, sadly.

    The wife had called the police. The police pulled around to the back door, and got out of their police car. The bitch wife then yelled to her husband, "The pigs are here!!!" as a warning. See, she didn't actually want their help, she just wanted to scare her husband a little, after all, he'd been beating the shit out of her.

    This piece of shit opened fire on two cops, killing one officer and hitting the other. The wounded officer, a decorated Veteran, pulled out his weapon while he lay bleeding and wounded behind the police cruiser, and emptied his service revolver into that motherfucker, who died where he stood. This all happened because some lame brained bitch called the police as a part of some game she played with her abusive husband. She got hers, and he did too.

    Don't you dare have the audacity to talk about "waiting to see" whether the other person intends you harm before you shoot to kill. You don't have any real world application of how that pansy-ass namby-pamby non-violence shit plays out. I do.

    I am sick of nations calling in the big guns, and when people die, acting like they are so shocked. GET OVER IT. I would rather YOU die than me. If that makes me selfish, so be it.


  • LDH1

    Otherwise, why not simply agree with the other Americans 
    on that thread who took exception to the real-world 
    consequences of American politics? 
    Because I have the brains to realize that anytime military or
    armed forces is deployed, life is endangered and there is a high 
    probability that people will die.
    Because I'm not a hypocrite. Because the same Americans who took
    "exception" to such action are in all liklihood not walking or riding 
    a bicycle to work today. No, I'm pretty sure they gassed up their cars 
    with refined crude oil and rode on in to work in air-conditioned comfort.
    They just don't like to face the facts about how we get those commodities. 

    Edited by - LDH1 on 2 July 2002 13:1:55

  • dubla
    . I would however openly criticize it if any of those servicemen killed innocents because they had a "shoot first, ask afterwards" policy.

    - Jan

    you know what? i never thought about it that way. this is exactly right........our soldiers should indeed be interrogating their attackers BEFORE ever opening fire. perhaps a simple shout, like: "excuse me, could you please stop firing your weapons for a minute so we can assess the situation before returning fire?", or something along those lines would suffice.


  • Nikita


    Nikita, we choose to discuss politics because it interests us. When we were JW we were told we must remain politically neutral (unless you live in Mexico, har har). This, by a religion founded on Marx's principles of Classes, LOL.

    Now we find that we are free to discuss ANYTHING and no one will tell us otherwise.

    That's why we discuss politics.

    I understand all that. I guess it just seems to me that this argument is going nowhere. Or is it maybe that all of you find this to be a constructive discussion? ( I ask that with all sincerity-so please don't anyone take it as sarcasm) Is anyone seeing the others perspective at all?

  • Magog


    You just keep on digging you in deeper.

    Your lead in is humorous. First bias the situation before you make your comments. Am I doing that? Yes, to make my point.

    No, it was not a "personal attack" on the US. After all, the USA is not a person. it was the headline you wrote to this thread that made it a nationalistic one, by singling out Norway. Have you forgotten that already? Your attempt to make it sound like I made this discussion one of nationalism is particularly disingenious.

    It was a form of 'Ad Hominem' .. to deflect from the issue surrounding Norway, and start finding fault elsewhere. Again, the concept is to illustrat how many non-Americans must sound to Americans.

    You explicitly made direct attacks on Norway to "get back at" what you perceived to be unfair criticism of the US. After the attack was rebuffed, you backtracked into asserting you only did this to teach someone "a lesson." Your satirical comments was followed up by some disgruntled Americans before I responsed. I pointed out the hypocrisy of the US in criticizing other nations for doing what they do themselves.

    You are assuming motive. The criticism of American actions in Afghanistan is fair. The stereotypical style of blaming all Americans, and assuming that America must always be guilty and wrong is what troubles me.

    More than this, however, I pointed out a number of facts about the topic at hand, whaling, to refute the position of some extremist groups calling themselves environmentalists. If you felt that criticism of US policies were similarily unfair, why did you not do the same? One could be persuaded to believe it is because you do not have the facts on your side, and that this is a knee-jerk response.

    Jan, again, you are totally missing the objective of the post. I quoted a Rueters article about Norwegian whaling, and then my comments were absurdly stereotypical of Norwegians as a parody. The issue is not about whaling. It is intended to show how many comments sound to Americans. Placing the shoe on the other foot for a change. Why is this concept, even when repeated to you, so hard for you to grasp?

    Again, you are totally illogical. Norway and Japan support a sensible hunting for some whale species. Our position is self-consistent. That of the US administration is not.

    Again, if you look at my very first response to everyone's comments, I clearly state the purpose, issue, and concept. It is not about whaling, but about how non-Americans sound.

    I also found it very amusing you singled out Norway, considering that the thread you were so peeved off by, at was started by a Brit and most of the other critics of the American politics of killing hundreds of innocent bystanders were indeed British. Some were Americans. As far as I can see, the only Norwegian participating in that thread was me. So, when you say you posted this thread as a "parody" to show how unreasonable criticisms of the US is, I had to assume it was my criticisms you argued were unfair and built on wrong facts.

    Yes, I singled out Norway. So what? I never stated I was peeved off regarding any thread. That is your assumption without facts. Whether it was started by a Brit is irrelevant, and obfuscates the issue of my post, which is another poor argumentation style.

    Now, I fail to see where you pointed out what my errors of fact or judgment were in that thread. I did myself, in the first message, state that "this latest disaster was undoubtedly an accident" and thus not an act of terrorism as Logical argued. Alas, nobody followed up on my references to other cases where the Bush administration (more or less democratically elected by the American people) seems to deliberately provoke and piss off the rest of the world, counting on nationalists to develop a "US vs them" siege mentality that would help Bush get reelected.

    I did not comment on that thread. I am not interested in that topic. It is irrelevant to my post. Again, more obfuscation coming from you.

    A number of bigoted and hateful messages from Americans on that thread, LDH in particular, did provoke me to make statements that I agree will be unfair to the many Americans who do not agree that non-American lives are worthless. But this does not change the fact that US forces are under orders that continues to kill far more civilians than what reasonable rules of engagement would.

    I cannot deny that Americans display bigotry and ignorance at times, maybe many times. My point is that those who frequently highlight this American fault fail to see theat they themselves are doing the same thing. Simply put, it is hypocrisy.

    If Norway pursues a policy that I see as unethical I do not hesitate to say so (I just don't agree that whaling is unethical). It seems many Americans subscribe to and openly say "my country right or wrong", a position that is highly unethical and extremely dangerous both to the Americans themselves and to the stability in the rest of the world.

    I have not read any post where Americans have said such a thing. The statement, "My Country Right or Wrong" is a cliche' that is over used by critics. I find Americans very charming in their ability to be most introspective and self-deprecating. They blame themselves far to much, and wallow in serious guilt. No wonder they have so many problems with depression. Even my comments now are a bit stereotypical, because America is a large, diverse nation with many subcultures and ethnic structures.

    Even if Norway pursued some highly unethical practices, I don't see how this somehow justifies killing children at a wedding in Afghanistan.

    I never once equated to two situations. You did. You conscience must be bothering you to keep bringing this up and trying to equate the Afghani situation with Norwegian whales. I was only addressing how non-Americans sound to Americans, and found the Norwegian whaling issue a convenient platform to draw my comparison. Why is it so hard for you to stick to the issue of this post, without having to drag in something from an unrelated post?

    As I have pointed out above, you singled out Norway, and obviously me. Now, I did not use an "ad hominem" style of argumentation. I used facts and arguments, as I do in this thread.

    You immediately used a form of 'ad hominem' by deflecting greater guilt to the USA. Why did you single out the USA? Why not stick to the issue of Norwegian whaling? You obviously did see the concept I was trying to highlight through my use of parody, and you are ignoring it.

    You, on the other hand, do use personal attacks as a form of argumentation. So does a number of Americans in this and other threads. So if you posted this to teach anyone a sort of "lesson", both the message and its addressee was wrong.

    I am not using personal attack in the issue. I admit for a second time retaliating. I was not trying to teach anyone. I am trying to point out an issue of hypocrisy.

    Your problem is that you only assert that these criticisms are unfair. You do nothing to substantiate your position.

    The substantiation are your responses and those of others who agree with you. It is not so much whether the criticisms are unfair as you assert, but how they sound to Americans. Hence, my post was to show this in reverse by simply using Norwegians as the vehicle to make the point. Your response shows me that you are more equipped at debating rather than understanding. You and other non-Americans like to say how much Americans do not understand. The whole basis of this demonstrates the inability of many non-Americans to see their own hyprocrisy.

    Sure, I totally agree that many criticisms of Americans are unfair. And I have said so many times. Alas, the rabid style of some very vocal American patriots on this board tends to make even your friends ashamed to say anything positive about the USA. When many people are so overly self-rightous, they don't need others to pat them on the back.

    The acknowledgement is appreciated, even if late. One of the cultural aspect of Americans I have come to appreciate is their not-so-subtle contrarian style. They sound far more rabid and radical than they really mean. If one takes time to understand their culture, one finds them far more kind, moderate, and generous in their real views. Non-Americans must learn to understand other cultures like the American culture, and appreciate them for what they are. Study them, and accept them as just another variation in the world community. I fear that as long as this bias and bigotry continues against Americans, our world will not really evolve to new levels anytime soon.

  • JanH


    It is painfully obvious that you don't understand what an ad hominem is. It is a personal attack on a person to avoid dealing the argument the person is making. I did deal with the whaling argument (which you say is both what your posting was about and what it wasn't about; make up your mind!). Further, you are totally ignorant about what makes up and doesn't make up a logical argument. Or perhaps you posted all this just to explain how one should not argue?

    You now backtrack completely and argue that your whole idea was to explain how this criticism was perceived by Americans. In an earlier posting, you said that the criticism of Americans was unfair. Now it suddenly doesn't need to be unfair. Even for what you agree is fair criticism of Americans, you somehow feel you have to explain to me how this "feels like" to those poor fragile Americans. Your tone is now suddenly condescending to Americans.

    Essentially, your latest posting is a long big non-apology apology telling us you didn't really mean anything at all with the thread you started, except possibly to show how criticism looks like for Americans, and that you don't want to be hold accountable for anything, and finally that you don't mean what you say.

    Essentially, you are either a coward who now refuses to stand for your original position after it has been soundly refuted, or you are a troll who did not mean what you said.

    Either way, consider yourself plonked.

    - Jan

  • dubla


    you continue to surprise me....please tell me that you arent as dense as you are coming across here. its getting painful to read, so im compelled to comment.

    I did deal with the whaling argument (which you say is both what your posting was about and what it wasn't about; make up your mind!).

    ITS SATIRE......a lot of us got in on the first run, but you apparently still cannot get it. magog was using sarcasm to poke at your bigoted view of americans! here, compare these two quotes:


    If their actions the last months have not been deliberate attempts to piss off the rest of the world, they have little idea about what goes on outside their country. While this latest disaster was undoubtedly an accident, it shows how little non-American lives matter. Ask any non-US gulf veteran.

    I actually suspect the Bush administration deliberately alienate the rest of the world because they hope it will help get Bush reelected. If some reactions from 'patriots' here are representative, this may well succeed.

    (btw, let me add here that you insinuated every non-us gulf veteran could care less about non-american lives, WAY BEFORE lisa or anyone else "instigated" you as you claim)


    Arrogant Norwegians don't care about these poor endangered creatures. Norwegians terrorize this vulnerable species. If only Norwegians would look outside their own little dark country to see what the rest of the world thinks of them. Norwegians just don't understand anything because of their ignorance of the environment. Their radical, selfish left-winged government [is probably in cahoots with Osama bin Laden.

    cant you see the INTENDED similarities here? cant you see this thread had really little to do with whaling, and much to do with your bigoted statements?

    if thats not enough for you, compare these two quotes:


    Incidentally, the comments on this thread, especially the tasteless ones by LDH, just demonstrates my point. To Americans, non-American lives are not worth shit.


    Those who defend Norwegians and Norway, thank you. You help make the point.

    are you seeing the similarities yet? its a PARODY of YOUR bigoted statements.

    You now backtrack completely and argue that your whole idea was to explain how this criticism was perceived by Americans. In an earlier posting, you said that the criticism of Americans was unfair. Now it suddenly doesn't need to be unfair.

    WHAT?? are you really missing it all this badly? READ THIS QUOTE CAREFULLY:

    The issue is not about whaling. It is intended to show how many comments sound to Americans.

    explanation: the issue HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH whaling, its actually about how YOUR previous comments sounded to americans, and intelligent readers in general for that matter. the whole purpose of this thread was to show just how unfair and unitelligent stereotyping an ENTIRE country is.

    Essentially, your latest posting is a long big non-apology apology telling us you didn't really mean anything at all with the thread you started,

    actually, magogs latest post wasnt that at all. it was a black and white explanation of parody, and how it works to prove a point......but you still couldnt see it, even in black and white, so i thought id bread it down further in simple terms and use a few quotes to compare. magog has great patience in these explanations, i do not......this will be my only attempt, so i hope this helped.


    Edited by - dubla on 2 July 2002 14:54:51

  • JanH


    The obvious fact that it was satire does not mean I have to agree with the point it was trying to make. And I explained exactly why it was wrong. You seem to have a problem reading what I write.

    (btw, let me add here that you insinuated every non-us gulf veteran could care less about non-american lives, WAY BEFORE lisa or anyone else "instigated" you as you claim)

    Edited to add: I assume you mean "every US gulf veteran" even though you wrote the opposite. Unclear thinking begets unclear writing.

    Perhaps you should read the part you quoted again? I was talking about the politics of the Bush administration. Rules of engagement are decided by top leaders, not by servicemen on the ground, and certainly not by voters. If every American feels insulted by criticism of their administration or military leaders (whoever is responsible), it just proves my point.

    To call such pointed criticism "bigotry" is disingenious. It simply underscores my point that you hold the "my country right or wrong" position I find so detestable.

    - Jan

    Edited by - JanH on 2 July 2002 15:4:11

  • dubla


    well, perhaps i was confused by your statement. i assumed by this...

    , it shows how little non-American lives matter. Ask any non-US gulf veteran.

    ....that you meant ask a non-us gulf veteran about non-american lives, and youll get the answer that non-american lives matter little. then this statement, by you, seemed to back up that thought:

    To Americans, non-American lives are not worth shit.

    and if you cant see that last quote was bigoted, then further explanations will be wasted entirely.


    Edited by - dubla on 2 July 2002 15:14:1

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