Seems to me no one can do anything to prevent any crime since we live in this bad world.
Here is a quote from the front page of the Silentlambs website:
D o Jehovah's Witnesses approve, condone, and encourage accused, confessed, and convicted child molesters to call door to door on unknowing potential victims in the witnessing work?
o Judicial Committees require two witnesses to the event of molestation before taking any disciplinary measures?
o elders allow sex offenders complete anonymity when they are discovered?
o they threaten parents of molested children with disfellowshipment if they try to warn other members whose children may be in danger?
oes the Service Department remove elders who warn parents of a pedophile member even though the elder is simply attempting to protect the children of the congregation?
oes your Kingdom Hall provide significant training on how to direct a molested child to get the help they so desperately need?
Or. . .
oes the Watchtower Organization advise you that the best way to help a "troubled" person is to instruct them to endure and wait for God's Kingdom to solve their problems?
Care to answer these few little questions? The world is watching!