I can totally relate to this thread. I was never an elder, MS or even a pioneer, but I was raised in a family where my dad was the PO for many years, and an elder for even longer. Our family was one that was respected, and I remember many times as a kid being told to put on a good appearance, becos we had to set a good example for the rest of the congregation.
As I became an adult in my own right, and was living in a different congregation, I was used as an example again for younger sisters, as I was a single sister that never got into trouble, always out witnessing, gave # 3 talks, volunteered at assemblies, etc.
After a while, I didn't want to be so "popular" anymore. I was starting to have doubts about "the truth" and I needed space to think about things. So I slowly distanced myself, started to miss a few Saturdays witnessing, missing meetings more often too. People started to drift away, since I was no longer "a good example". Visits and phone calls dried up. I was left alone. Hence, I wasn't as popular as I once was, and I got the space I needed.