I have been pondering the whys of JWs who regularly, and not-so regularly post to the board. The possibility then struck me that maybe they are assigned--have special dispensation--to associate here in order to retrieve any "misguided" or "lost" sheep and bring them back into their fold. Could this be? Or are they, thenselves, on the edge, wanting the freedom we now have? I would have been terrified into deep prayer for even considering the unfaithful act of logging on to a site such as this. HbH
JWs Assigned to Fetch Lost Sheep Here?
by HomebutHiding 38 Replies latest jw friends
I have given this thought too, hbh......."back in the day" when I was a good, devout dub, I NEVER would have entertained such a thought as to converse w/"apostates". NEVER. Heck, my faith made me follow the rules to the greatest of detail. Makes me think that dubs that are on this site don't have as strong of faith as they think they do. It will just be a matter of time before they leave. You can't tell me that if an active, devoute dub went before a body of elders and said "btw, I have been actively conversing w/apostates over the internet" that the BOE would clap their hands in applause!
Maybe they ease their conscience by counting time here as field service.
LOL mommy......never thought of that!
I figure there are basically 2 types of JWs who come here: those who already have doubts and are looking for confirmation but can't leave yet; and those who try to "convince" the "apostates" of the error of their way but lack the training in critical thinking and evidence to pull it off.
I would think that some here might not want to scare off the first group; and won't let the second group push their buttons.
: The possibility then struck me that maybe they are assigned--have special dispensation--to associate here in order to retrieve any "misguided" or "lost" sheep and bring them back into their fold. Could this be?
If true, it ain't working. When dubs confront people who know much more about their own religion than they do, they don't stand a chance.
I am a JW and I have never thought of coming here to count time, or bring anyone back into the "fold."
I used to post here many months ago, and left because I got sick and tired of ex-jws telling me how I feel and think when I KNOW how I feel and think. I'm not denying that cruelties go on in some KHs toward df'd ones but I have stated that I have never seen it in any congregations I have been associated with, nor the one I am in now. Presently, there is one elder who has 2 df'd adult children who are not living in the home--yet the elder's wife is there to do anything for them that she can--to help with whatever needs they may have. I see another elder who regularly talks to another d'fd person at our hall.
I also feel that it is not the BOE business what books I read, what movies I watch, or whether or not I go to a board where there are ex-jws. So therefore, I feel no compuction to go and tell them what I do in my personal life. I have posted on religious message boards for about 7 years, mostly with people who are born-again Christians. I was cautioned only once by an elder to beware of "apostates" because they are all over everywhere. I had to chuckle to myself because I could tell him many and more things about posting than to be beware of "apostates."
I believe my faith is very strong because it is based on the Bible not on an organization. I have faith in Jehovah--and that proves itself to be the best faith to have since 1975 didn't pan out nor none of the phrases I've heard since then...such as "the end of this system is coming real soon", or "we are "deep in the end of this system," etc. Fact is NOBODY knows, nor can speculate about it. Whatever Jehovah is going to do, and how and when he is going to do it is anybody's guess.
So I just take each day as it comes, thank my heavenly father for the gifts he gives us every day such as the sunrise, the sunset, random acts of kindness I receive from people, the flowers, etc. Things that most people take for granted. You know that phrase, "stop and smell the roses"? I am one of those persons who do that, while still trying to carve out a living.
Yes I count my time here.
Read Gods word daily.
And with Simons new format on this page, it takes longer to download,
which means for hours to put on my time card...thanks Simon !!
So Mike, with the new delays (Thank you Simon) you are able to auxilary pioneer? Good for you! And, if you type with one finger from each hand, as I do, you can full-time pioneer! Wowee!
Hi Flowerpetal,
I find it interesting that you continue to watch the boards (even though your participation has declined, which in an of itself proves you're not out here to count service time, LOL).
It's too bad you got put off earlier, although with 166 prior posts it looks like you "hung in there" with us for a while. Your post sounds quite reasonable. I say, hey if being a JW works for you (even if you don't agree with everything going on in there), then do what you gotta do!
I didn't go back and read your prior posts, but your post today sounds very reasonable and clear. I don't know why any ex-JW here would object to your contribution here. Of course, since many people have been deeply hurt by the WT and/or the elders, you can see why some would directly challenge your faith, and doubt that anyone could reasonably believe as they *assume* you do -- because most JW's who come here fit one of the 2 patterns outlined by Blondie earlier.
In any case, you're not the average JW who is overly worried about her status within the congregation. For that reason, I'd find your continued participation here intriguing (if you choose to do so).
Edited by - Gopher on 3 July 2002 9:15:17