Well, it's nice to have articulate people putting across the Witness point of view every now and then - but I still say, an informed JW is an XJW.
Personally, I've grown rather tired of flaming Witnesses over and over about their religious beliefs - there is no such thing as convincing someone.
The only person who can convince someone is that person.
If you can look at the entire history of the Society as has been "laid bare" (to use an extremely inappropriate phrase) on this and other XJW-compatible sites in the past, I simply can't understand how you'd still want to be associated with such a group at all. Hell, there's CLEAR evidence that they have KILLED and ABUSED people! What on Earth could possibly be your motivation to stay in such a Society?
That, and the fact that your God has been gone for about 2000 years now (or 3000 or 4000, there are several versions of that particular story). Don't you find it surprising that "Jehovah" has an "Invisible" presence? (And that Christ has been reigning "Invisibly" since 1914?) Do you know why this Omnipotent God has kept himself hidden from us? Obviously is must be to test our faith, I guess.
How can you dismiss the fact that people like Farkel got sentenced for not doing Military Service and then later the doctrine changed? Farkel was extremely inconvenienced by this (to put it lightly ), but the flip-flopping of the GB's doctrine has caused DEATHS, honey, DEATHS. How a "Christian" could condone THAT, is beyond me.
Petal, I'm really trying to restrain my animosity in this post, because I appreciate the balance you bring to this forum, you are a valuable contributor. A real live Wtness here on JWD who can actually talk coherently is pretty rare! You're welcome here anytime, unlike some of your more....volatile....brethren and sesthrern!
That last word was a bit dodgy....LOL.