Pardon my ignorance, having never been a JW, but what do JW's do on the Fourth since they don't believe in flag and country? Can they go to friend's bar-b-ques? Is it ok if they go to a parade or firework display? How is this great holiday viewed? (just curious, and still learning)
What do JW's Do on the 4th?
by Double Edge 25 Replies latest jw friends
JWs do on the 4th, the same as they do on all the other holidays...they go out in service and attempt to save heathens. Then, either the day before or the day after, they have their bbqs, turkey or ham dinners.
The 4th of July is treated as any other day. My parents never went to any BBQ's or even watched the fireworks.
Im not sure all Witness famillies were this strict but mine were.
LOL Windchaser...
I remember my mother making a turkey the day after Thanksgiving or finding a gift to give to me a week after my birthday...but never on THE day...
I always thought it was funnie!!
They wait for the 5th so they can do what everyone else was doing on the 4th!
Tink =;o)
the JWs I knew would do as everyone else would on the 4th (sans the explosives)- gatherings, BBQs, picnics... only it isn't called celebrating the 4th- it's just a get together of the 'friends'
Im not sure all Witness famillies were this strict but mine were.
yeah, none of the witness families around here are that strict. we always watched fireworks somewhere when i was growing up in the religion, and i know alot of active witnesses that still do.
Special field service day. You will be able to find many more people at home because they are bbqing, playing games in their backyard and will be happy and rested and therefore more readily available to listen to the good news.
Speaking of holidays, this always kinda irked me during the Christmas season, (especially when there were children around) :
If we were out at night, the jw adults would ooh and aah over all the pretty Christmas lights. I felt bad for these kids, who would have to give up all the joys of the season, but have to endure their parents enjoying the "pagan" decorations.
we usually went to my mom's side family reunion, non jws. then on the way home dad would pull the car over and we'd watch the fireworks.
one year right after my baby brother was born we were at a DC in duluth MN. from our high up hotel window we watched the fireworks over downtown duluth, it was awesome. for some reason that memory is so clear in my head.
Edited by - peaceloveharmony on 3 July 2002 13:51:16