Monthly Complaint

by comforter 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • 144001


    No one cares about your opinion or whether you stay or leave. You started this thread in true troll-like fashion, looking to offend others. You're a worthless piece of excrement, worthy only of getting flushed down the toilet henceforth where you came from.

  • Farkel

    comforter says:

    : Another problem of yours is that you are trying to find God on your own, with your so-called superior intellect.

    Sure the hell beats trying to find God through a bunch of failed prophets with inferior intellect.

    : Life does not work that way.

    Certainly not in dubland, but then again, life doesn't work at all in dubland.

    :You are on earth and God is in heaven.

    Yeah? So? What's your point?

    :Don't get too big for ya britches.

    Don't worry, comforter: AlanF won't. He leaves such arrogance for those twerps you worship in the Brooklyn Babel.


  • julien
    You seem to read the Bible with a pick and choose attitude. If a teaching taste good to your palate, you keep it. But otherwise you chuck it.

    What a riot. This statement coming from a representative of a religion that has selected about 200 scriptures from the entire bible upon which to construct their dogma.

    Next we have a real beauty. JWs take the verse "Abstain from blood" and parrot it like some kind of magic phrase which somehow embodies the strange and complex JW blood doctrine. (Fraction X forbidden but fraction Y is OK?? who decides this???)

    So called apostates say the verse must be read in context, taking into consideration the intended audience and purpose. JWs will have none of that, shiftily sidestepping this argument in much the same way as comforter here, with things like "I refuse to be distracted from the real issue". Yet the same JWs will then turn around and say something like this:

    The verse must be read in its historical context and compared with what other scriptures say. If you do a little research, you will find that back in first century Asia Minor, women often tried to exaggerate their beauty by braiding their hair in extravagant ways and wearing excessive jewelry for the bling bling effect. Early Christians thought this way of life was wrong and jws do too. We apply 1 Timothy 2.

    See they can't very well forbid women from wearning nice clothes or jewelry, so like comforter they have to finally look at context to find some way out.


  • ignored_one


    My thoughts exactly.

    Ignored One.


    Hey comforter,so you`ve been pursueing this board for two years eh?You must have been doing it under numerous names.Is there any reason you`ve had to change your name so often?My guess it`s been a combination of being tossed off the board and being laughed off the board.Julien has a great new name for you for when you change your name again.It`s right at the bottom of his post.How`s "PATHETIC" for your next new cyber name?Just think,if you use this cyber name at least one small part of your post will have some ring of truth to it..LOL...OUTLAW

  • Crazy151drinker

    Hmmmmm, Mr. Comforter

    You say that the end is near. Ok thats great. How do you know? The Brooklyn Gangsta's have been predicting the end of the world now for over 100 years and everytime they are wrong. Correct me if I am wrong, but revelations specificly states that no man would know the end time.

    Oh, and please stop refering to yourself in the third person, you are Not GOD.

    Edited by - crazy151drinker on 5 July 2002 16:17:14


    Hey Un-Comforter....Study the publications...Preach the Word of the Borg...and by all means Pay Attention to your Glorious Ones when they tell you to DRINK THE KOOL-ADE.


  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    The Watchtower has said that those who deviate from the faith only seek to pull down and do not try to build up. They have no positive teachings. Only negative ones. This forum proves that the organization is telling the truth. The people that frequent this place concentrate on negativity and tearing down. The only support that they offer is the enablement of anger and hate. That is it. It has been said that one staring in the abyss too long will eventually become like the abyss.

    where's all this hate and anger you speak of? i see people posting happy posts, meeting each other and sharing happy conversations. you seem to focus on only negative things.

    it seems to me that you are doing more than a fair amount of 'abyss-staring'. better run away before you get polluted... methinks jw's can't stand expatriots being happy and free... as free as the wind free as the grass grows.... (you know the rest)

  • AlanF

    NeedsComfort said:

    : I am not going to discuss your moral ineptitude in this place. Don't take that as a sign that I have no evidence concerning your illicit conduct. I just refuse to stoop to your level. You know what I am talking about and so does God.

    Like I said, you're talking out of your ass. I challenge you: put up your evidence for all to see.

    : I can also say that you are not honest either.

    Oh, really. Based on the same invisible evidence that you've got about my "moral ineptitude"? LOL!

    : For example, have you ever emailed Witnesses and told them that you are a faithful jw when you were not? Please answer truthfully.

    No, I've never done such a dastardly deed.

    But then, I've never told anyone that I spoke for God. Why do you accept such huge lies from the men you worship, but nitpick on little lies from others that you don't even have any evidence for?

    : Another problem of yours is that you are trying to find God on your own, with your so-called superior intellect. Life does not work that way. You are on earth and God is in heaven. Don't get too big for ya britches.

    Ah, I see. God figures out that someone is ripe for the picking, and then contacts him in some mysterious fashion. Since I haven't been so contacted, I'm scum. Is that right?

    Or do you think that God comes to people only through the idiotic Watchtower organization? Is that what you mean by disparaging anyone "trying to find god on your own"? What a ridiculous notion you have!

    : The truth is that you would not be happy in any religion.

    That's true, because I consider all religion bullshit, based on its historical record. Your conduct here only serves to reinforce that.

    : The religious life requires one to submit to a higher authority than one's own thoughts.

    And if one concludes, based on massive evidence, that there is probably no such "higher authority"?

    : There is no perfect religion like you are looking for.

    Right. Not even close.

    : Were you not a Bible Student at one time?

    No. I was a Jehovah's Witness, because that's what my mommy and daddy raised me to be.

    : What happened to that?

    I wised up.

    : Sounds like you are just bouncing around trying to find meaning.

    Not at all. I have all the meaning I need in life: the purpose of life is to live.

    What else have you got? "The purpose of life is to worship God". Wow! Good deal! What an egomaniacal God that would be!

    : Now you agnostic going on atheist.

    I did say that, didn't I.

    : And know that bad company spoils useful habits.

    Another reason I'm no longer a JW.

    : Read Romans 1:20 and leave the atheists alone.

    Ah, that old chestnut. Tell me, smart boy: If God is loving, then why did he create a world where there has been a billion years of predators ripping apart prey?


  • Fredhall


    It would be a better world if Dingle Berries take in Romans 1:20

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