Anti-Evolutionists Wanted !!!!

by Francois 163 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus


    In this thread, christianity and it's gods has been totally left out of the hypothesis. Comparing francois' theory with anything from christianity, and then challenging it is sort of a strawman approach.

    Your santa clause illustration is good, because there really was a guy who started that christmas tradition. Of course he doesn't give gifts anymore. By this illustration, 'god' did not directly create the material universe. Instead, 'god' may have created other beings that may have chosen to do some experimenting, have some adventures, whatever. If you will drop old paradigms from your gun sites for a while, other possibilities come up.


  • ballistic

    I was watching a program on TV today which said that 99.9% of species are extinct. This really brought it home to me that most of creation was not "for" us, but came before.

  • Satanus


    Actually, i was just thinking about how we humans just don't fit into nature. While all of nature preys on other parts, there is still a balance, a simplicity, that we cannot conmform to. To live, we must clear vast parts of the earth and build our otherworldly shelters and machines. Even animals that do store stuff use all natural systems. For us, in most parts of the earth, we simply cannot fit into any natural niche. I think we are an addon, alien, afterthought, maybe an experiment.


    Edited by - saintsatan on 7 July 2002 18:36:12

  • JanH


    It is true that deism is not in any way challenged by evolution.

    I can't help feeling that deism is some sort of last restort for nostalgic ex-theists.

    - Jan

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Hello Francois and all;

    Going back to an earlier part of this thread(and I am FAR more confused than most of you on this subject!) I find the variation within species, obviously, very easy to accept and believe; as we can all understand the outcomes of interbreeding...

    But I find it illogical to believe that a step up the evoloutionary ladder happens over and over again, that result in benefits to the animal that seem so,' designed'

    How did a chameleon 'decide' to evolve it's camoflage?

    How did an animal survive partly our of the sea,to greater and greater degrees until the process was complete and it was an amphibian? How did it's body cope with collecting and processing oxygen in a different way?

    It seems to me that no amount of dropping off buildings will make my future decendants' bodies grow feathers;develop hollow bones and adapt to flying in the future.

    The jury will be out for me, for a long time!

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    I have been conducting my own experiment for months now; in the panels opinion;

    For how long will I have to bounce up and down before I start to notice changes to my body,and what will those changes be?

  • hillary_step


    For how long will I have to bounce up and down before I start to notice changes to my body,and what will those changes be?

    I think that your question is your answer, the mind is the first thing to be


  • Francois

    Well, Quantum, to sum up then you said, essentially, that science is indeed ahead of religion in proving what religion denies, but that "we'll show 'em next season."

    You can "ask the same of me"? OK, my answer is NO, I have no evidence that religion has ever won a debate with science. And neither do you apparently since you steadfastly refuse to answer the question; the question in the form of a request STILL IS: show us ONE instance where religion has won a debate with science. We're waiting. (And, btw, the amount of money you have has nothing whatever to do with whether or not you can tell the truth. Grants are irrelevant.)

    What you THINK is going to happen is likewise irrelevant - as is the fact that you don't understand the fossil record. But you are right about one thing at least, Genesis has nothing to do with the fossil record nor with any other facts recorded by modern science. In fact, Genesis is irrelevant in this conversation.

    And you say that winning is a matter of perception, and I say that poor spelling produces a very poor perception. But then, winning debates is certainly not a matter of perception. If you say the universe is heliocentric and I say that is an error - that in fact the earth orbits the sun, the fact that I win that debate is most certainly not a matter of perception, beliefs or degree, it's a matter of fact.

    Really Quantum. You should follow advice given to you previously. You should be doing lots more reading than writing. This exchange is a waste of time.

    Pseudoxristos - I think you're safe in not having to rework your system. Atheists and agnostics take comfort in the fact that things of the spirit cannot be measured. And I've stipulated that proof for or against the existence of God cannot be had in logic or in any system of measurement. You're totally safe. And yes, you win whether you believe it or not. You don't have to join the club.

    Such a deal! If I'm right, there is a loving God who will usher us into a universe adventure beyond our wildest imagination, and everything will be fine. I'f I'm wrong, then there will be no God, we'll die at the end of our alloted time, return to dust, and there's no heaven and no hell, and everything will STILL be fine. Win/win I believe it's called.

    How 'bout that question concerning evolution being a technique of Deity? You for it or agin it?


  • gravedancer

    We have come down to the usual resort of creationists...quoting scriptures. Therefore, it's time for me to say so long to the thread. When we get into trying to explain some God through something he supposedly inspired through someone....we are so far removed from a point of making sense that its not worth me wasting my time. If we continuie to try and be rational then I am sure we will attract more thinking people to the debate.

    If I was just to start quoting from the Koran would you now believe Allah was God and that Allah exists?

    As far as the question "what would it take for you to believe God exists"...lets stick with my Allah line of defense...."What would it take for you to believe Allah was God"?

    What would it take for you to believe a pink fairy with 3 teeth and hairy armpits exists and created people?

  • JanH


    These are the kind of questions answered by very basic evolutionary theory.

    You seem to have lots of misconcenptions about what evolution is. I recommend you read Introduction to Evolutionary Biology at

    As always, it is hard to beat Richard Dawkins books "The Selfish Gene" and "The Blind Watchmaker" for learning how extremely powerful darwinism is in explaining precisely those kind of questions.

    - Jan

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