I fail to see how the Bible conflicts with evolution. If anything they support each other. In the bible, you have the plants, then the fish, then the animals, and then Man. Isnt this the same view as evolution?
You could take this one step further: science also agree's with the bible creation story. First we have darkness then light (big bang), then there was the earth, then the oceans, and air yada yada yada. This sequence of Biblical creation matches the scientific creation theory. The only thing science cannot answer is 'If the big bang was the beginning of everything, how did it start?" God started it :)
It seems that people fight over the little things and cant see the bigger picture. 'Oh the earth is 6000 years old so evolution cant be right' This is very silly. Or 'No one has seen God so he isnt real', has anyone here seen the Big Bang??
In the big picture, science and religion support each other- just one calls a chicken a chicken and the other calls it Gallus domesticus .