2015 Regional Convention Anthony Morris Governing Body encourages coerced baptism of unwilling children ...again

by Watchtower-Free 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Island Man
    Island Man
    "You are ready for your drivers license, but you're not ready to dedicate your life... hmm explain that to heaven"

    Watchtower discourages young adolescent JWs from marrying, saying they're likely not mature enough for such an important commitment. But they want children to enter into the most important commitment of their lives by getting baptized? Explain that to heaven, AM III, you shameless hypocrite!

  • DarioKehl
    Fuck this asshole. I hope something terrible happens to him. Seriously--it would make me happy.
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    That guy is totally off his medication, he's way too mentally ill or to repeat a phrase from the JW magazine 'mentally diseased' to be speaking to kids like that,, god he useing his sock puppet Jehovah to make threats on their life, unless they submit to corporate symbolistic yet legally binding water baptism and makeing them fair game for abuse/Disfellowshipping,,, he needs to be locked up in an insane asylum till he gets better because he's gone totally out there and multiply 6 or 7 if the other GB share his views,, this is one sick fucking corporation run by escapees from the psych wards around the world.
  • Fisherman
    Not old enough to smoke, not old enough to drink, not old enough to consent to sex, under aged, a minor, but old enough to be prosecuted as an adult,
  • clarity

    This guy is so slick Makes me sick!

    Who is Tony Morris d tird .


  • airborne
    Anthony Morris is one sick puppy. He looks like a poster image of an emotional abuser. Mental manipulation all the way.
  • daringhart13

    Of course! They need more kids to cough up their ice cream money......like Sophia!!!

  • bafh

    If I was still in and if I had kids - I would start talking to them early about waiting to make those kinds of big decisions until they are much older. Christ set the example - and was 30. We know now that humans achieve adult reasoning in their late 20s or early 30s.

    This is another example of going beyond what is written. How can they say with a straight face they don't do infant baptism when the children are so young? It's really a technicality.

  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate
    Just when I think this religion can't get any madder, they prove me wrong.
  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble
    Ironic that at a convention with the theme "Imitate the Christ" parents are pressured to baptize their children at HALF the age Jesus was when he was baptized. Let's review: it's a CULT.

    On a positive note, at this huge convention, with all bigwigs from the GB, there were only 5 baptized (okay, still 5 too many). Compare the to the 1958 DC in The same state (NY) when 7136 were baptized!

    Kids are smart. They do go online behind their parents back and Google on JWs and try to avoid baptism. They have seen too much shunning around them when baptized kids leave the org and seen that those not baptized generally can retain some contact with their families.

    Though the tower will not fall anytime soon, the cracks are becoming visible.

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