2015 Regional Convention Anthony Morris Governing Body encourages coerced baptism of unwilling children ...again
by Watchtower-Free 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Still Totally ADD
On the History Channel the other day they played the doc. of the rise and fall of Nazis Germany. One of the things that caught my attention was all young boys whether they was ready or not was required to be part of the Nazis Hitler youth group. This way they could indoctroate them in the Nazis way at a very young age. The mind set of Hitlers Germany was a Cult. The things he did is very similar to the mind set the WT has. Demonize everything that is not like them and if you don't like it and leave you will die. Remember the WT is a Cult. Still Totally ADD -
Tony Morris III has an ego problem. He exudes scornful pride.
He has a Christ complex and looks down on absolutely everybody.
He misses the point of the scriptures and adds burdens like the modern day pharisee he is.
He has no love. He has a seething, evil malevolence.
Let him explain THAT to heaven.
I am certain Botchtower knows that born-in children are one of their key areas of bleeding when it comes to loss of membership. This is why he's focusing on this.
Several years ago, my Dad told me that "the young ones are leaving in droves".
It does not surprise me that they are trying to force kids to get baptized.
Brokeback Watchtower
AM#3 has taken the place of St Peter who stands guard at the pearly gates to reject people who haven't done enough to merit entrance. Heaven can be a lonely place once he gets done. -
I am certain Botchtower knows that born-in children are one of their key areas of bleeding when it comes to loss of membership. This is why he's focusing on this.
I agree but there is another aspect that's worrying them just as much. They are seeing the older generation dying off at a quick rate. The hardcore, older ones are passing away. At such a rate that the young blood isn't replacing the numbers, let alone enough to keep growth up.
If kids keep leaving at this rate there is going to be an even bigger gap in the average age of a JW than there already is. They are bleeding out both ends, young and old.
What kind of a guy say stuff like this?
Every Watchtower president. He actually reminds me a lot of the WT presidents of the past. I'm almost certain that if it was the old arrangement he'd be president. Heck, he probably pretty much is the leader/president of the GB, it's just not officially known anymore.
He has all the traits of the past leaders.
-- it-1 p. 339 Blasphemy
"Blasphemy includes the act of claiming the attributes or prerogatives of God"Let TOMO take that up with heaven.
Tony Morris III has an ego problem. He exudes scornful pride.
He has a Christ complex and looks down on absolutely everybody.
He misses the point of the scriptures and adds burdens like the modern day pharisee he is.
He has no love. He has a seething, evil malevolence.
Let him explain THAT to heaven.
Agree 100%.Even ignoring the JW / GB stuff: what kind of miserable life must he lead, to exude such scornful malice? Way deep down inside, the dude must have serious issues. He's got so much bitterness and hatred inside that he can't control it, it just bursts out. That can't be a happy existence.Most GBers, living a relatively cushy life, make it well into their 80's or 90's. This guy, with so much negativity within, likely won't last another 5 years. That stuff just eats away at you. -
Most GBers, living a relatively cushy life, make it well into their 80's or 90's.
Can't remember exactly where but just recently I heard the comment that "humble elders will train younger men to fill their positions, and then modestly step aside.
I wonder how soon those old guys on the governing body will do what they told others to do? -
Can't remember exactly where but just recently I heard the comment that "humble elders will train younger men to fill their positions, and then modestly step aside.
I wonder how soon those old guys on the governing body will do what they told others to do?You're a GB for life once you're in. You'd have to go off the deep end to be removed. Too much of a PR issue to have a GB step down, df or removed. They'd probably put you in a back corner, not let you give many talks to have a say in anything vs removing them and having the PR issue.
I'm also 99% sure that after Franz DF and book, all GB have to sign disclosure of what they can do, say, repeat etc.. or face legal actions.