Arrrgggghhh!! Help I'm losing my mind

by Leander 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leander

    I'm going nuts at my job. I just feel so freaking trapped in this cublicle. I feel bad about complaining because at least I have a job, but its like my sanity is slowly leaving me. I guess I'm what you call a creative type of person, I usually thrive in situations where I'm able to use my creative abilities. In particular architechture has always been an interest of mine, unfortunatlely I don't have the patience (or the resources) to spend 4-6 years in school again.

    Can anyone suggest to me other ways to earn a living without being trapped in a 40+ hour job?

    I almost feel like selling everything I own and starting over with a part time job

  • TheOldHippie

    WHEN or IF you find some other ways, I sincerely hope I wll be one of the first other persons you will tell it to!

    I constantly dream about starting as a small-scale sheep - farmer or something like that. Must be remnants of the good old hippie dreams ...... I manage to take a couple of trips averseas annually, and that takes some of the steam off. As does going to rock concerts at times. Or enjoying a joint every decade.

    Stop the world, I want to get off ...............

  • writerpen


    Don't just toss college to the wind. I've just been accepted into an accelerated study course at a local university. I applied knowing that I could not afford it either. But, after I was accepted, I went to the Financial Aid Office and they found a grant that will pay 100% of my degree. I'm stuck at a desk too now, but after I get my degree, I look forward to focusing on a job that helps other people. Some social service thing. If I were you, I wouldn't toss school out the window. There are alot of grants out there, especially for ages 30 and up.

  • Leander

    And what makes me even more annoyed is that I had several scholarships I could have used to prepare for the medical field or either my first love architechture. Of course it would have been unheard of for a witness kid to actually prepare for a future, so I ended up skipping school in favor of pioneering.

    Grrrrrrrrr I need something to punch right now

  • Perfection Seeker
    Perfection Seeker

    MASSAGE THERAPY! Gets you a good hourly wage, flexible hours, and the people love you! Schooling is usually 6 months- made $40,000 last year working PART TIME! I'd recommend it to anyone! :smile:

  • Prisca

    Leander, you have my empathy. I was in a similar rut a couple of months ago.

    Look at every available option, and even those you don't think are viable. Sometimes opportunities come along when we least expect them - if you are already prepared for change when those opportunities arise, you will be able to make the most of them.

    What hobbies do you enjoy? Could you turn any of them into a part-time money-making opportunity?

    Look for casual work in areas that interest you. This will give you a taste of what is involved in these industries, and will give you contacts and a network system.

    Do a short course in an area of study you're interested. Again, it will give you a feel for studying, and will give you more options.

    I wish you well in whatever endeavour you persue.

  • CoonDawg

    I sure don't make my living in a cubicle. I quit my job and started driving a truck. Was thebest thing I have ever done. I make good money, don't have a boss looking over my shoulder all the time...and I get to see the country.


  • Francois

    Leander: Do exactly what you threatened to do in your post. I just did.

    I sold my boat, my stocks, my house. I simplified, a la Thoreau, and now I'm putting up a web site I expect to make money on, and I'm writing a book. It CAN be done.

    I'M DONE WITH CUBE FARMS FOREVER. Come join me. The water ain't deep.


  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    I work for myself, sleep in till 10 if I want, spend the nice days at the beach and work on articles at 3 in the morning if that works best for me. I was inspired by many people and especially by two books that helped me see that there are more options available than the typical 9-5 situations.

    You might like them,

    Do What You Love The Money Will Follow

    Marsha Sinetar
    Dell Publishing


    Making a Living Without a Job

    Barbara J. Wintner

  • peaceloveharmony

    i'm kinda in the same spot. hate my 9-5 cubeland existance but i'm working towards changing all that...still not sure what i want to do for a living but i know it's not sitting in a cube for 40 hours a week. i'm moving out of state and getting ready to start fresh in a new area. and i'm hoping i can avoid the office type job forever...wish me luck :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

    good luck to you leander, i think it's important to follow your heart and search for something that earns you a living but at the same time you love to do.


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