Arrrgggghhh!! Help I'm losing my mind

by Leander 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    Leander, I know EXACTLY how you feel: I also tend to be very creative and while I really like my job, I know I could be doing alot more with my talents. What I've is this: I'm taking courses at my university by Distance Ed; mostly in 'creative writing'. I know I have a givf for story-writing and so FINALLY, after all these years I'm going to do something about it. I look at alot of the trashy movies that Hollywood produces and I know I could do better, so I thought "what the hell, I'm doing it!"

    I also look at that woman who wrote all the Harry Potter books; I'm not sure if she went to college, but I had heard that she was dirt poor when she wrote them. It took her 5 years I think to write the first one, but she obviously has a talent for writing and look at her! She's worth millions!

    While going to school for years might seem like a drag, try to imagine how much you'll regret it 30 years down the road..............(but of course, Armageddon will be here, so geeze, what AM I saying??!!!)

    Good luck!

  • TheStar


    You're not alone. I'm in a darn cube too and hate my job immensely. I feel I'm stuck in a rut and don't know what to do to get out. I've racked my brains trying to figure a way to make a living without working for someone but so far I haven't had any brilliant ideas. I fear I'll lose my mind as well if I can't figure something else out soon!

    I hope things work out for you and all of us in the same boat. Francois idea sounds great but I don't have anything to sell, nor am I a writer or know the first things about creating a website. It really sucks!

    Let us know if you figure something out, it might help inspire the rest of us.

  • The_Bad_Seed

    Join Greenpeace!

  • COMF

    I'm just glad I have a job.

    The job is to ease hunger pangs. I exercise my creative instincts on my own time. I play music. I build things with wood. I write.

    If you can kick that food habit, then work's not necessary. Until then...

  • LyinEyes

    Have you seen the movie, "Office Space", ??? It is sooo funny!!!!! I wouldn't recommend the antics they do in this movie , but I bet you could relate. I just bought the dvd of it and it makes me feel for anyone that has to work in a cube. Hope you find something you like better, maybe you can win the lottery!

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