Follow up on KJV

by gravedancer 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • gravedancer


    Actually contrary to the stupid accusations about me stirring things up you have captured the reason why I put this up. This is not an affront on Simon as some are obviously presupposing it is.

    1. It is a fact and it happened. People can play ostrich to to if they like...
    2. There are some valid points raised such as what content is applicable on the board and what is the real purpose of the board?
    • Is the purpose of the board to attract JWs to investigate their religion?
    • Is it to offer "the next step" out of dubdom? If so does it fulfill that need?
    • Assuming that stuff like cursing and porn are forbidden then where do we draw the line at offending the dub who is inquiring? Is it OK to post all kinds of stuff that meets those requirements but yet will still offend the sensitive natured dub?
  • How do we as a board take this into account?
  • Should censorship be applied at all? I think it should by the way!!!
  • If of course I am off base and the purpose is not to support and attract those leaving or those curious then ignore this post entirely. This is Simon's board and they are his rules.....I totally understand that. I am not quite as stupid as someone who is simply trying to get his account suspended.

  • Prisca

    As for "the other board" I don't bother reading it anymore. I simply don't have the time to read the hogwash over there. I'm busy enough helping people from THIS board.

    As far as the "porn" that has been posted in the past, Simon has said what he thinks of it, and anyone who has read his messages (found in the "Announcements" forum) will know that he doesn't approve of excessive sex talk or explicit images.

    Simon is concerned about JWs who may be lurking on this board, as well as the overall impression this board gives. Isn't that why he has closed some threads that got out of hand? Isn't that why he uses his powers of editing at his discretion?

    Anyway, if someone has a problem with the way Simon handles the board, have they taken it to him in email? Given him an opportunity to explain his position on things? I doubt KJV has.

    KJV may be expressing his/her opinions, but that's all they are, opinions.

  • gravedancer

    Prisca...believe it or not we have more in common on this issue than you think.

  • Wendy

    Hey Grave

    I feel really bad about what happened to KJV. Most who saw his explicit post will only remember that one, and forget all the others he had. I think it was a normal reaction he had to post what he did, maybe he did not go about it the right way, but I understand his feelings in doing it. As for the fallout from his family, that too is a bad situation. I know my sisters have come here, and refused to stay and keep posting. They felt the negativity here was neck deep, not willing to concede that we are all at different levels after leaving.

    My comments on the sex threads remains, a title can be offensive, without even opening the thread. I don't open the threads on certain topics, because I have a feeling I will not like the subject manner. Of course talking about the sexual repression most of us felt as JW's is part of the healing. I do not mind commenting on sex subjects, if it done with a bit of class. But the old, don't open it and read argument falls flat when you ARE forced to read the title of the thread.

    My suggestion, is to remove the sexually explicit titles. Why does so much need to be said in the title? Can't it be changed to ***Sexual Content*** and leave it up to the viewer if they want to go in? I think taking that step would help clean things up a bit. I mean when you go to a magazine rack, they don't keep the Playboys right next to People magazine.


  • Simon

    I don't see the reason for copying the post over here other than to dwell on the negative as you seem very keen to do lately gravedancer.

    I am still having difficulty with the whole concept of:

    1. being unhappy with some of the things posted on the forum
    2. making an obscene post 'to prove how bad it is'
    3. being surprised that said post and poster are removed
    4. claiming that this somehow proves that posts like that are allowed to remain?!?

    If someone is unhappy with something posted then it would be helpful if they emailed me.

    While people visiting for the first time, JW or not, familly or not, are of course a consideration it is not really because of this that posts of that nature are not allowed. Most people just don't want to read stuff like that and if they do they can go somewhere else for it. There is a time and place for it and this is not the place. Just because we are not under the constraints of JW-dom doesn't mean that we have to try to be a disgusting as possible just to proove that we are free IMHO.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Whatre you gonna do? Look after the wants of the people you already got?

    or look after the possible views of people that might post here in the future.

    As to KJV...who the hell is that? Dont know the dude.

  • gravedancer


    You have an interesting challenge Simon and for the most part you do a great job IMO.

    Perhaps I dwell on the negative....that is your interperetation. Perhaps you are seeing that once one establishes guidelines that it is tough for all of them to be enforced or that they only cover selected offenses and you cannot dictate common sense and decency.

    Last week sure I was pissed off with the board (so lets say it was "dwelling on the negative"). While things like porn etc are obviously out of line you let things go unchecked (and you shared in those threads - while not as actively as the authors I admit) that were very offensive to all of the American contingent on here. So I called you on it. PersonalIy don't think thats dwelling on the negative....but if you do thats your choice. Why didnt I email it to you? Because LOTS of people were offended by it....we even saw others (regular folk who don't try to "stir things up") leave. The offenders? Still here posting merrily - accounts intact!!

    It seems that you have drawn a line at cursing and posting of sexually explicit pics (descriptions too in select cases). Those are easily understood, and yes I have occasionally cursed on here in spite of your ruling.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    There is just no way everyone is going to be happy when it comes to making "rules" around here. Someone is always gonna have a beef about it.

    On the same token, SOMEONE has to determine what is offensive and "obscene". Also, what has to be taken into account is a posters INTENT. Is it a poster's intention to just cause trouble and stir up the board? Or is their post sincere, but STILL offensive to a certain few? People are offended all the time here, unintended.

    What if someone post something intending to be funny, but, instead, offends the majority?

    So, what to do? Well, I believe that is where "What is reasonable" comes in. And who determines that? Why it's SIMON.

    My point is that this subject can be debated into the ground and someone is always going to disagree. As far a profanity, I recall Simon posted that one "risks" deactivation, not that deactivation is a given.

    Dung is(was) extremely offended by the posts of Wholewheat due to her own life experiences. He offended many others too. I surely don't think it was his intent to offend deliberately. I thought it was very unfortunate how he was treated here. In fact, I really detest how badly JWs are treated here. However, based on this posts *I* don't think it reasonable to give him the ax (now, I'm not referring to KJV/Wholewheat mix-up which Simon immediately rectified).

    I remember being extremely offended by what someone posted here once a while ago. I knew the intent was suppose to be funny (I guess if there IS humor in spousal abuse). Still, I went off with both barrels because I grew up with that happening in my home. That poster is still here posting, and should be, because IMHO, this person does not have a PATTERN of such, and I use this word very hesitatingly, "insensitivity".

    Anyway, I have no idea where I am going with this. It's probably too wordy. Oh well!

    Ok, here's my point:

    When all the "colors" of this debate are thrown together, what we get is a big bucket of GREY. I think for the most part, Simon does a commendable job with all the paint that is thrown around on this place.


    Edited by - BeautifulGarbage on 7 July 2002 14:53:44

  • larc

    Let me ask a question. Who would you invite to visit this discussion group. Would you recommend someone like Wholewheat who was shook to his very core by the Dateline program. Someone who is defensive and in denial and is trying to justify his religion. I would never recommend someone like that to come here. Even though all of you have been where Wholewheat was, somehow many of you have forgotten that. You were taught as a Witness, the methods of overcoming angry objections. You have forgotten how to do that as well. I am deeply troubled my what I see here, in fact, I am ashamed of what this place has become.

  • Naeblis

    Who would I invite here? Anyone grown up enough to realize that a few people attacking them does not invalidate a message. Anyone grown up enough to not read things that offend them. Anyone grown up enough to not attack an entire board full of people for no reason from your first post onward. how's taht? And why are you ashamed larc? Did you build this board?

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