Naeblis, I am troubled by the way emotionally berift people are treated here. Regarding the criterea you established, yes, I would invite such people. I would never invite someone who hides their fear and depression with anger. When someone lashes out, there is a reason, and if people here can't see that, then they will drive people away that could be helped.
Follow up on KJV
by gravedancer 44 Replies latest jw friends
As for welcoming people - of all types - here? Damn! Some of us have been openly opinionated about that for as long as this forum has been going on. We've even argued that we should welcome people here - give some room! Many of us were given room when we came here as jw's - thank Whoever!
As for the sexual threads? I don't usually go into those threads - so therefore, I'm not bothered by it. But what memories that bring back! Tina used the Adult Forum and put up a thread about "Mother Fu*kers Welcome" or something similar - however, using the whole words (we did that back then). Simon changed the wording asking her to refrain from such colorful language in thread subject lines as all could read it. She laughingly apologized and said she didn't know that others could read what was going on in the Adult Section. Perhaps that's the problem with some? They don't realize that all can read their subject lines from the "Active" view?
Quote: "But the old, don't open it and read argument falls flat when you ARE forced to read the title of the thread". - wendy.
Yeah, that's like not going into Barnes & Nobles, Books A Million, reading the newspaper movie section, book reviews, or any multi-screen movie theater - because they have "Adult Material" in there. All the above, and other places, have notification of the type of material contained within, so that we can be alerted if we might be offended. It is our choice .
If we click "Active" - we know that all titles will be shown. If we don't want to see all titles, all we have to do in not click. It works.
How long did it take you to familiarize yourself to this forum? You know line thingies and smilies and all that good stuff? If a person comes here, and happens to click the little active button, and see a thread entitled...Help my boyfriend won't cum! It is all their fault eh? Give me a break! And why you continue to talk of people who cannot answer back for themselves is beyond me.
How hard would it be, to edit a person's post title? You could leave the title at the top of the person's thread. Just put another title on there? That way you are not altering their post at all, leaving all info intact, yet cleaning the place up a bit? I know you do not like the subject lines, and have often asked that it be cleaned up. You are the owner, and your repeated requests continue to go unheeded.
Simon is doing exactly what HIS instincts tell him to do. I agree with 99% of his decisions as most of what offends him also offends me. Maybe it's because we are both English and our sensitivities are pretty well the same, that's probably why there aren't many English posters who complain - they are also in agreement. The 1% difference is that I would have booted people off the board rather earlier than he has chosen to do in the past.
I've long gotten bored with the sex threads. Like watching a blue film for too long, they just numb me with boredom. To me, sex talk is like putting salt and pepper with a meal, just a little bit is fine occasionally, more than that is just downright bad manners IMO.
A lot of the current crticism seems to be around the topic "why can't my boyfriend cum?"
The reason this wasn't deleted was that it did seem to be a sensible, adult discussion about a sexual problem and not there merely to provide some adolescent-type titilation.
My reasoning for not renaming the title? Well, if I had changed it say to "why can't my boyfriend come?" then it would not as been as clear what the subject matter was. As it was, only people who were interested and chose to look could decide to look.
I try not to be too lenient or too stict. Obviously this is not likely to please everyone all the time but my aim is to try and keep some form of balance.
I just read that thread lol. I thought I would just jump right in and see what all my fuss was about. I agree with you, it was of adult nature, and a question I would have attempted to answer, if I saw it. My opinion will remain though, the title in itself though innocent as it may be, does turn the stomach a bit. Who would walk into a coffee house and ask that question? Perhaps if it was buttered up, it would be answered. I have talked about sex on this forum a few times. I also know that if I want to talk more about sex, and get "down and dirty" with it, this is not the place.
So the cum thread has been pushed to the 10th page...what will the next sexually explicit thread say, and how long will it stay on page one? We all have different tolerance levels. All I know is if I was an ex Jw and happened upon this board, I would leave. When I came here, it was not like this. The worst comments made was when Larc said a woman was like a taco, and a newbie wanted to nurse off me because my handle was mommy. Now look how it has changed...def not for the better.
I have to tell you, and you must agree, that I don't email you every time I feel upset about a subject. I feel like I would be running to Daddy. I feel you do the best with all that you can, and sometimes make mistakes, even admiting to them. Yet, how hard is it to see that THAT subject line is offensive? How hard would it be to edit it out? Just an example, you could have put...Sexual dysfunction question...I do not fully understand what you are dealing with, running a forum as large as this. Please accept this as coming from those too shy to say this puiblicly. The discussions I have had with ex jws who post here are frightened to publicly state opinions lest they be trampled. Much like your wife feels at times. I guess I speak for the silent majority, who feel they will be attacked for stating the obvious, yet are not strong enough to come forward themselves.
edited, posted in wrong thread..oops sorry.
Edited by - dungbeetle on 7 July 2002 19:3:2
Simon and others,
This is KJV, using my uncle's moniker to at least make a statement. First off, I apologize to everyone I offended with the post "Do you swallow?". It was wrong, and I did it in anger. I was trying to make a point, but it failed. You were right for removing me from your board, after all, what should have I expected? I posted on Kent's board my anger and frustration, hoping in my heart that maybe this would surface over here, and it did. The one thing that I have in my corner is that "I am who I am", if you don't believe me, ask Alan F., Farkel, Maximus, JanH., and Amazing. Slipnslidemaster asked a very good question:"Who is this trash KJV?". My answer is this: I am a human being with feelings, who is imperfect who makes terrible mistakes. I have to live with this fact,...this being imperfect. No, I want to cut through the shit...I am nuts!!!! But is that an excuse?? No, it isn't. I would like to share something with you all. I don't care what you think of me(well, I kinda of do care), but we do share one thing in common,...we are all ex-dubs. I look up to ex-dubs...why? Because I know it took courage for all of you to turn on something that you believed and loved so much. We all are in pain. We are. Even Alan F. who makes more money than God himself, must be in a little pain for being lied to. Simon, You must be having the time of your life right now by having the most exciting ex-JW board that has ever been on the net. I should have taken time to really have gotten to know the people on here before I got removed, but I didn't, and because I really didn't know what the hell this board was about, I overreacted. I am sorry. By the way, COMF, when I posted "Do you swallow?", I was sober, so I don't have any excuse, do I?"
As far as my uncle, his head is so jacked up right now I actually worry for him. Too much too soon!! So, even though he is mad at me right now, he may change his tune, he is a very good man.
What have I ever contributed? I will tell you, and ros will back me. I was the one on H20 that pointed out for the very first time ever, that the reason that the Society endorsed the 'bribe" in Mexico is because the Society had regestarded as a "Cultural Organization" in 1946, and if the brothers in Mexico had refused the draft on religous grounds in Mexico, the Mexican goverment would have come back and said:"Hey, wait! are a cultural organization, what does this have to do with religion?" If the brothers had refused the draft, it would have ruined their "Cultural Organization" status.
But that is neither here nor there. I wanted to say that I am sorry, and I hope you all can forgive me, I am really a nobody, and I do want to thank those of you who have made an impact in my life. I will never forget you!!
- D8TA,
I am not leaving, I said 'good riddance' to the likes of you, dumb-dumb. How many times did you disrupt the meetings and the police were called. Did you ever talk to yourself while in the restroom at the Kingdom Hall during the meeting?? You are insane!! Did you want to get molested but nobody was interested?? No takers here!!!!
That comment you made regarding me and KJV being the same person made me lol. I think you watch too many X-Files, there is no conspiracy here. Are you the leader of the pack? Are we all supposed to agree with you? I have to admit that when I read KJVs post I thought it was sick and I am not supporting his vile mind, I just don't see where he is any worse than a lot of people on this board. Didn't Mr.Moe describe what sperm tasted like? I bet the silent lambs reading this board read her posts and learned much.
3) Do you swallow? Does sperm taste salty? When you meet a really good looking guy at a bar who turns you on and he wants a blow job do you take him in a closet and get him off? When he whips out his schlong for you to suck do you clean his dick first with disinfectant? Did you know that when men take a crap in a public toilet that their penises hit the rim of the toilet, which are usually filthy? Because some good looking men that are well hung don't clean themselves very good they have "cock cheese". It is also called "dick butter". What does "cock cheese" taste like? Does it taste like cheese? After you give the guy a BJ do you kiss him on the mouth tenderly? Does he say that you have bad breath afterwards? I hate bad breath. Just some food for thought.
1) wholewheat
2) goodgirl
3) KJV
Its my personal opinion that the EXACT SAME PERSON wrote all three of these posts, and whats more important is that I can make a whale of a case for it.. What is the DIFFERENCE between any of them? And it is very apparent to me that wholewheat/goodgirl are one and the same, the posting times are too close together, they would practically have to be sitting in each other LAPS to post like this.
- All three of these posters do most of their posting between 6:00 pm and 3:00 am, whatever time zone they are in. (this includes milky on Kents forum too. There are a couple of exceptions, but that is what they are, exceptions.
- And aside from the obvious similarity (no, IDENTICALNESS) in posting style, perfect grammar, perfect spelling and puntucation, identical sentence and paragraph construction, including the name D8TA which practicially nobody but this guy gets right
- #KJV said that he posted some things he knew were offensive, and did it deliberately.
#wholewheat said he called us apostates and knew it was offensive.
#goodgirl used the term 'slut' and had to know it was offensive
So now we have several different posters, posting from the same computer, same time frame, identical writing style, message/content/ and identical ADMITTED intent.
Now, to continue our little journey,
Jun 07, 2002
18:47 (KJV)
Well Jan,
You've got no argument from me here. I did post to offend.
Jun 07, 2002
20:03 (goodgirl, to KJV, from the same computer)
KJV, that you need to apologize to all the sluts that you have offended on this board.
Jun 07, 2002
21:40 (goodgirl)
That comment you made regarding me and KJV being the same person made me lol. I think you watch too many X-Files, there is no conspiracy here. I bet the silent lambs reading this board read her posts and learned much.
You are insane!! Did you want to get molested but nobody was interested?? No takers here!!!!
04:13 PM Milkycomplains on Kents board Actually, this might be AFTER Simons gotcha post because of the differences between the two board computation of time zones.
Jul 04, 2002
18:34 simon exposes him ./them
So what we have here is a poster KJV who comes to the board, and at first is a perfect board rule obeying member. He is a veteran poster from H20, and also posted I believe on Kents board, so he knows the rules and what is expected. He does have a history of personal attacks on H20, as both COMF and Englishman have attested to. In the meantime, his uncle (shades of uncle yoyomamma and neice sexyteen here) comes to visit, an uncle that KJV claims he has spent a a year of emails and correspondanceand spent hundreds of hours of talking to the both of them about this org. He showed them this board
Now WHY would someone do that if their uncle and neice were on this board, brought to it HIMSELF?
Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wake up brains!!!!!
In the meantime, this poster begins to exhibit rage and anger in his posts, and eventually, when people appeared to tire of talking to KJV then Wholewheat comes on the board. Incidentally, wholewheat and KJV have the same love of the word apostate even in milkys posting on Kents board. I meanwe LOVE the word. Then along comes goodgirl and you have two people on the same computer talking to themselves.
Thats several times in a row that KJV is caught breaking the rules of the forum. Then he proceeds, at the very least, to allow a few more rules to be broken on the forum with the use of his own computer in his own home.
<You are insane!! Did you want to get molested but nobody was interested??>
That first comment was KJV/goodgirl/wholewheat/milky true colors showing. It took time for that to show, but there it was. Hooray for Simons patience, this never would have happened if Simon had kicked him off earlier as he deserved to be for DELIBERATELY BREAKING FORUM RULESand this is a very long established poster, on more than one board mind you.
<I bet the silent lambs reading this board read her posts and learned much.>
more obsession on the molestation issue, and a comment worth of every personal attack the members of the board could heap on themnot that they did mind you. (mimmilly did catch it tho)
Now, to Kents board: Over there, the person says he was kicked off, then claims he demanded Simon to deactivate him. He claims hes been working a long time to get his uncle on the board, and is caught posting the BJ ON THE FORUM thread at a time when his uncle is staying in his house with him (for several weeks).
And his uncle is so upset at the BJ thread posted by his OWN EX-JW NEPHEW (Jun 07, 2002
16:05 ) that he immediately signs up as wholewheat and then goodgirl and begins posting on the board. (Jun 27, 2002 17:26) . at his nephews house and from that same computer?
Edited by - dungbeetle on 7 July 2002 21:16:38
Edited by - dungbeetle on 7 July 2002 21:27:26
- D8TA,
Sorry, Simon, I just wasn't going to let this stay up there for HOURS unchallenged..and if 1) everyone hadn't ganged up on Naeblis and 2) Wholewit hadn't trotted out the
<As far as my uncle, his head is so jacked up right now I actually worry for him. Too much too soon!! So, even though he is mad at me right now, he may change his tune, he is a very good man.>
and the
<Even Alan F. who makes more money than God himself, must be in a little pain for being lied to. >
and the
<This is KJV, using my uncle's moniker to at least make a statement>
On behalf of those of us absolutely doubting that KJV/goodgirl/milky/wholewheat might be one and the same THANK YOU.