If all people were JWs, who'd commit crimes??

by Bona Dea 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bona Dea
    Bona Dea

    I didn't know where else to post this or whether or not this had already been posted. This was so outrageous, I couldn't pass it up.

    WT Aug 15 02, Back of Mag, article: "Do You Know Why I'm Returning Your Money?":

    "Oh, how I need money!" though Nana, a single mother of three boys living in Kaspi in the Republic of Georgia. One morning her dream of finding some came true. She found 300 lari next to the police station. There was no one around. It was quite a large sum of money. In fact, Nana had not seen a 100 lari bill in the 5 years since lari became the national currency. Local merchants would not earn that much after working for several years.

    "What do I need this money for if I will lose my faith, godly fear, and spirituality?" Nana thought. She had cultivated such Christian qualities, even enduring harsh persecution and beatings for her belief.

    Upon going to the police station, Nana saw five officers desperately looking for something. She realized that they were looking for the money, so she approached them and said: "Did you lose something?"

    "Money," they answered.

    "How much?"

    "Three hundred lari!"

    "I found your money," Nana said. Then she asked: "Do you know why I am returning your money?" They did not.

    "Because I am one of Jehovah's witnesses," (it couldn't have possibly have been because she was a decent person and had a conscience)she contined. "If I were not, I would not have returned your money."(so, I suppose if you're ANYONE besides a JW you have no conscience and your natural born instinct would have lead you to be dishonest and keep the money)

    The police chief who lost the money gave Nana 20 lari in appreciation for her honest conduct.

    The story quickly spread throughout the Kaspi district. The following day, a cleaning lady who came out of the police station said to Nana: "[The chief] always keeps your literature in his office. Now he will probably appreciate it even more." One police officer even said: "If all people were Jehovah's Witnesses, who would commit crimes?"(lol....I suppose he hasn't heard about their little pedophile problem)

    *NOTE: The words in italics and () are mine...

    Edited by - Bona Dea on 7 July 2002 10:50:37

    Edited by - Bona Dea on 7 July 2002 10:51:55

  • COMF

    (it couldn't have possibly have been because she was a decent person and had a conscience)

    "If I were not, I would not have returned your money."

    Nope. She answered that question.

  • Bona Dea
    Bona Dea

    Wow, Comf. I guess you're right. I guess some just need the guidance of the WTS to keep them in line...

  • gsx1138

    More urban legends for the JW masses. I love how the WTS just make up stories and their followers just eat it up like fact. So sad. I do see the absolutist ideals there though. The arrogant belief that 'if everyone just thought, and acted like me there would be no problems with the world' I'm sure most of us have these thoughts at one time or another but can see them for what they are Fantasy. JW and other religionists really believe that though. I had a christian fundy in my class last quarter that was positive that if everyone believed in Jesus and the Bible the world would be so much better. Apparently he didn't know that that had already been tried by the church during what is now known as the "dark ages". To us pagans it's known as the burning times.


  • Ladyruby

    Wow! That was GOOD. lol

    It always amazed me how they convinced people of their honesty...when I, when on the inside saw such a different picture.

    Several years ago, I bought a car from my parents. Not knowing much about cars... I had my friend check things out and when he did... it had a cracked head. I called my parents and told them that the car had this problem and you know what my father told me to do? He told me to get some Barsleak and then resell the car. The Barsleak seals the head in the car and works for about a hundred miles or so, and then the engine blows up!

    I had been out of the relegion quite a while... but I told them, I personally, couldn't do this to another person. I didn't want to take someones money and then see them on the side of the road and without a car again! I just flat refused... and told them that if that is what they wanted done... to come and get the car and "Do it themselves"! lol

    My father (Elder/Reg.Pioneer) sent another elder down to pick up the car and they did what they wanted. The poor man that bought the car drove it for about 150 miles and the car engine blew up! That man was on SSI and didn't have the money for another car! It broke my heart for him.

    Boy ... I am so happy to NOT be a witness. lol

    Love yas,


  • ozziepost

    Commendable though the action may be, it's nothing less than self-glorification.

    After all, is it only JWs who are honest people? Of course not. Yet, those who do comparable acts of goodness and honesty do not have the means (nor want) to have their acts publicised. Wasn't the Watchtower's actions specifically condemned by Jesus, with these words:

    "Hence when you go making gifts of mercy, do not blow a trumpet ahead of you, just as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be glorified by men. Truly I say to you, They are having their reward in full. But you, when making gifts of mercy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that your gifts of mercy may be in secret; then your Father who is looking on in secret will repay you." (Matt. 6:2-4 NWT)
    Cheers, Ozzie
  • Mimilly

    Omg. These stories just kill me, and even while a die-hard dub, these stories irked me. They obviously forgot about the story of the good samaritan. Moral of the story - it isn't only God's supposedly chosen people who have consciences and morals.

  • ozziepost

    G'day Mimily,

    How right you are! In the "Greatest Man" book, the comment is made in chapter 73:

    This true-to-life story, however, made it obvious in an irrefutable way that our neighbors include people besides those of our own race and nationality.

    Guess they overlooked that, eh?

    Cheers, Ozzie

    Freedom means not having to wear a tie.

  • Bona Dea
    Bona Dea

    gsx1138:: I may sound naive in saying this but....they make these stories up? I didn't know that. That makes it even worse, I guess. It is sad that there are people out there who believe that being a Jehovah's Witness makes you a better person. These people don't even have enough confidence in themselves to believe in themselves; believing that without the FDS their lives would be messes and that they couldn't make good judgements on their own. Also, I've had that same debate with a firm believer of the world being a better place if everyone believed in Jesus and the bible. I suppose they missed out on history.

    Suzi:: You gotta appreciate that "true christian love"....lol. I, personally, couldn't do that either. I traded in a car of mine once and that car was a piece of junk. Every fluid in that car had a leak and one of the back doors would not stay shut. I had to tie the door shut (long detail of how I rigged that, so I'll spare ya). Anyhow, I figured the dealer would fix all of these things before selling it to someone else. Well, a few months later, I see the car and I am a little aquainted with the people who are driving it. So, I tell this woman that this used to be my car. Then she goes on and on about how they have had nothing but problems with it since they bought it and that the back door wouldn't open at all (I suppose the dealership had welded it shut....lol). Needless to say, although I was not the one who sold it to her, I felt so guilty. I'm with ya....I'm sooo happy not to be a witness too!!!!

  • Bona Dea
    Bona Dea

    Yet, those who do comparable acts of goodness and honesty do not have the means (nor want) to have their acts publicised.

    They obviously forgot about the story of the good samaritan. Moral of the story - it isn't only God's supposedly chosen people who have consciences and morals.

    Great points!!

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