McKinney Texas pool party?

by Marvin Shilmer 305 Replies latest social current

  • Laika
    The request really wasn't that reasonable. The girl was hesitant to leave because she wanted to pick up her glasses. The idea that she should abandon her property (eye glasses are expensive) because of a power tripping policeman is rather ridiculous. She was probably worried about getting in trouble with her parents who would have had to replace the glasses.
    Generally if you violently assault someone and pull a gun on people you will be charged for it, there should be no exception here.
  • zombie dub
    zombie dub
    Generally if you violently assault someone and pull a gun on people you will be charged for it, there should be no exception here.

    Spot on!! People need to stop thinking Police have special rules, they are also humans, and they are public servants, they have no special rights over other humans.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @Laika - the girl could have complied with police instructions, simultaneously telling the officer that she left her eye glasses at a particular place.

    This ain't rocket science.

  • Laika
    Luhe, have you even seen the video? We're talking about a police officer who was throwing barrel rolls and in a clear rage, not a chap to be reasoned with, indeed, when she told him he violently assaulted her. You're talking shit, quite frankly.
  • LoveUniHateExams


    Yes, I have seen part of the video. It seems that the girl is not complying with the officer's orders. The officer seems to lose some self-control, and slams the girl to the ground, at one stage pulling her hair. He has her face down and kneels on the back of her legs.

    Had the girl had some respect for authority from the outset and calmly complied with orders, she probably could have told the officer where her glasses were.

    So no, I don't think I'm talking shit.

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub
    Had the girl had some respect for authority from the outset and calmly complied with orders

    How do you expect anyone to have respect for someone that acts like that? Respect is a two way deal. That office deserves no respect, and it's little wonder the police as a whole don't have the respect of some people when so many of their members act so badly and with so little respect to the public

  • Laika
    Luhe, when exactly would she have been able to have the calm discussion with the barrel rolling officer if she left the scene? The point anyway is that there doesn't seem to be evidence that she was being 'bratty' just for the fun of it.
    What do you think should happen to the police officer btw?
  • LoveUniHateExams

    Respect is a two way deal - quite right. The officer only lost self-control because of the lack of respect shown to authority by multiple youths.

    @Laika - the officer lost control and therefore should be disciplined. But lose his job? No.

    Instead, let's called it a warning, a week's unpaid leave and some training in maintaining self-control.

    What do you think should happen to the officer?

    Should US citizens show respect for US authorities and comply with orders?

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub
    Respect is a two way deal - quite right. The officer only lost self-control because of the lack of respect shown to authority by multiple youths.

    Oh god, the lack of logic is baffling

    1) The officer was on a power trip demanding things of them, this shows disrespect

    2) A trained officer should have self control, discipline and be "the bigger person" when it comes to showing respect, more so than you can or should expect from a 13/14 year old child.

    3) There is a long history of police brutality, this will be a factor in any public perception, and therefore respect earned/showed. This is a factor far before this confrontation.

    Office Rambo starting off with a barrel roll and going in all guns blazing is hardly cultivating an atmosphere of mutual respect

  • LoveUniHateExams

    The officer was on a power trip demanding things of them, this shows disrespect - officers of the law have authority over citizens, and so can make reasonable demands of those citizens. Responding to a disturbance of the peace and asking rowdy teenagers to move on is not disrespecting them.

    Office Rambo starting off with a barrel roll and going in all guns blazing is hardly cultivating an atmosphere of mutual respect - again, the groups of youths seemingly didn't comply with the officer's requests. They didn't show proper respect for authority. The officer then lost control and acted unprofessionally.

    Laika & zombie dub:

    What do you think should happen to the officer?

    Should US citizens show respect for US authorities and comply with orders?

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