paulmolark: you seem determined to believe that police officers are out to get black people. Every example you refer to, everything you say is based on this premise. I notice you never seem to touch Baltimore though - is that because so many of the officers concerned are black? Do you think officers are only abusive if they are white and the 'victim' is black? Or is it a "some cop was mean to me once so all cops are bad" logic? In which case your logic justifies any racism of others and also the same mentality by the police you accuse if they've had experience of "bad apples" in certain groups. Hating the police simply for being police is a type of racism - they happen to be blue.
Time and again we get the same incidents trotted out as "evidence" of police brutality against black people such as Michael Brown which has been completely discredited but it still goes on the list. Heck, I've seen people evoking the name of Trayvon Martin as proof of police targeting black kids which is simply retarded. The fact that there are complaints doesn't make things true. My sympathy has actually gone down since more of these highly publicized cases have been in the media because the complaints have always been the same regardless of what the facts show. What am I supposed to believe but that the complaints are sometimes / often contrived? People are looking for incidents to support the complaints, not make complaints based on the actual facts of the incidents.
Why are so many of the 'poster child' cases always some moron committing a crime or doing something incredibly stupid?
In many places the police have been told to be tough on crime and to clamp down to bring it under control. So is it the police or the people making those decisions who are to blame if anyone is?
I think the former officer should be charged with assault
The world you want to build is one where police are afraid to tackle any crime for fear of personal liability and criminals know they can defy any and all requests. Welcome to you new home of New Baltimore.
All this talk of rights of the people who have committed crimes not the be tackled and not to be touched. What about the rights of all the decent law abiding citizens not to suffer their harassment and criminal behavior? Why aren't their rights as important in all of this? I personally think they deserve far more consideration than the punks running around showing no respect to others.
Laika's, says that in some situations US citizens needn't respect authority and comply with orders. So, let's reverse the situation: in some situations, US officers needn't respect US citizens. Would you go along with this?
That's a damn good question!
Over reaction to teenager behavior because of teenager skin color... Is that possible? Yes. Probable... Welllllllll
Is it also possible that you have a biased view because people chose to film and upload video of the cop dealing with the african american girl but not of the cops dealing with the white woman? Selective exposure and media bias to present a warped story?
Re: what the officer is saying and his boss is saying - I think this is all irrelevant as proof of anything as neither is speaking freely without any threats.
The cop and his family are getting death threats for gods sake and had to take his family into hiding. Think about that. Yes, some lovely people out there - I wonder who they are? We'd best make sure the cops aren't rough with them mustn't we. Remember cops, you shouldn't get emotional and don't ever feel threatened even if you are being threatened it's never proof that it is valid for you to respond to any threat, even if they threaten your family.
His boss threw him under the bus to avoid a Ferguson situation plain and simple. Now we have the group of idiots threatening unrest and intimidation to get their way and get cops fired who shouldn't be fired over something trivial. This should be stopped and stamped out.
This whole narrative being endlessly promoted of "all cops bad, all blacks good" is ridiculous. We should look at each case and only the facts of that case. Every time people want single cops to pay for the perceived injustices of the past that others have experienced. Is that fair?