I was raised a jw since childhood. Besides the emotional trauma that comes with being an outsider from the rest of the real world, my father was phsically, mentally and verbally abusive to my 2 younger sisters and I. Apparently my mother seemd to be so brainwashed with the ideas of respect for headship and all the other bs she didn't do anything about the abuse.Needless to say my father was also an elder, sheperding the flock while at home beating his children senseless. After 20 years of this and all 3 children leaving home by the age of 16,something finally clicked in her head. She wrote a very detailed journal of all the event that had taken place in our home. She convinced my 2 sisters to do the same. They gave these journals to the local elders, to have the ones from my sisters dismissed as crazy ramblings of rebellious teenagers. As for my mother they said she had no scriptural grounds for a divorce.She finally left him anyway, and of course none of it was his fault, he just had a rotten family. I have struggled for years with conflicting feelings for the witnesses,sometimes hating the whole organization, other times just certain individuals. But on June 2 my22 year old sister,commiited suicide. My father showed absolutely no remorse, didn't come to the funeral. In fact there was a convention that weekend, and I was told that he went around announcing it as if it was a pregnancy or something,"Oh did you hear about Rickie? She just killed herself". And where was allthe "agape" love from all the so called friends in the 2 congregations we had been in for 20 years? Not one called my mother, or could even send a card. I can't even put into the words of overwhelming hatred I have for thar organization. I found this website yesterday, it is refreshing to find others who can understand my feelings.
more tales of the abused
by littleangrypolishgirl 24 Replies latest jw experiences
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.
I've been saying this little mantra for years, but I'll say it again: JWs have been indoctrinated into becoming numb to the most basic human feelings and human compassion.
They are only interested in saving their own butts and they believe that can only happen if they sell Watchtower books, and even then, only if they are very
lucky, er, "fortunate."They swim in a sewer of religious hate made putrified by hateful old men who have created a God of Hate in their very own image.
Little... it is so nice to meet you.
What a sad story... I am so sorry for the loss of your sister. I lost my older brother a few years back and it was one of the hardest things I ever had to live through.
I am so happy that you found this site... there is much encouragement here.
Look forward to seeing more of you.
Love yas,
Lady Lee
Little I don't blame you for being angry. That these men get away with this is beyond reprehensible - it is disgustiung and criminal. I wish your family would have found us sooner. But you are here now and you will get a lot of support here. Many of us have been through similar experiences. Hang in there - it does get better even if it doesn't look like it now.
Don't the stories ever end? I'm sad those thing happened to you. I'm glad though that finally the truth about this organisation is coming to light. More and more people come out into the open with their stories.
When I first found this site I was one pssd off person. I had years with not one person to turn to. Till I found this site. I found there are so many people with a story. Simon did one good thing by creating this board. Hope it helps you.
Dear LittleAngrypolishgirl, I am so sorry about your sister. I am glad you found this site, hopefully you can find some comfort in knowing there are people out here that care. Best wishes to you.
Hi LittleAngrypolishgirl, I am so sorry you have had to go through such hurtful things. Welcome to the board. Please feel free to vent your feelings on this site as many who post here can understand how you feel. By venting and letting it out, you will find that it can be very freeing and healing. NewLight2
hi polish girl,
sorry to hear that your sister was so abused that she commited suicide........no one even cared, is a big clue, isn't it..................i'm glad you didn't commit suicide................ this site has alot the stuff you need to recover.
....what ever became of the journals you handed over to the elders?.......... can you get them back?........ they are yours!.......... lawyers should be reading them......
Welcome, Little!
I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that we on this board are here to offer support. Please keep posting and let us know how you are.
I love your name...I am an angrypolishgirl also.
Welcome Little.
I am sorry for your loss. I hope both you and your mother will get help to heal from such a high control group you have been associated with. You are among friends that are at their own stages of healing.
Edited by - joy2bfree on 7 July 2002 19:25:17