The WTS Two 'Credible' Witness Policy.......

by ISP 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • ISP

    Below is an excerpt from the Branch letter to all congregations.

    'Thus, although they investigate every allegation, the elders in not authorized by the Scriptures to take congregational action unless there is a confession or there are two credible witnesses'

    It reaffirms the two witness policy.No surprise there...... But why does it say 'credible'? Witnesses are witnesses are they not? To introduce the idea of credibility in the context of child abuse is most unfortunate. It leaves so much to interpretation. 'Is this child credible?' Why did the letter mention 'credible'? It just introduces more uncertainty to the whole garbage policy. This is a paedophiles paradise.


  • Gopher

    One word for the WTS attitude: Incredible!

  • Xandria

    Edited .. was not in my body yet when I was reading the message. Leave a message at the beep.

    Edited by - xandria on 8 July 2002 19:58:15

  • Mary

    "......But why does it say 'credible'? Witnesses are witnesses are they not?......"

    Oh good lord, NO! This letter is written in code. If you're accusing an elder of being a pedophile then only the following would be considered 'credible' witnesses:

    Jehovah, Jesus, maybe some of the angels, District Overseers, Circuit Overseers, Missionaries, Regular Pioneers, some Auxilary Pioneers, if they kiss enough ass.

    Witnesses that are NOT credible are as follows:

    anyone below the rank of elder or elders' wife; someone who's 'only' a publisher who gets less than 10 hours of service in each month, anyone who misses more than 2 meetings per year, anyone who has education beyond high school, anyone who lets their kids go to college, anyone who has an IQ higher than Forrest Gump.

  • minimus

    Suppose somebody tries to blackmail you or falsely accuse you of something that you did not do.Maybe a husband and wife or 2 best friends have it in for you regarding something: the thought is just because 2 witnesses make an accusation , it doesn't automatically mean it is the truth.Otherwise, all somebody would have to do is get anybody that would agree with them to accuse you of something and now automatically it is not defensible.

  • ISP

    Thats OK but in the bible...two witnesses were two witnesses. Thats why 'false' witnesses or falsely testifying was so bad.The bible doesn't say two 'credible' witnesses. In the context of child abuse the bar has been lifted to two 'credible' witnesses. It makes it even harder to bring wrongdoers to justice, don't you think? Furthermore child abuse is certainly more of a problem than blackmail etc., agreed? I've never come across blackmail or similar trouble causing....although it is possible ,of course.


  • dustrabbit

    It makes you wonder if "Credible" is meant to exclude any children who could be witnesses to the crime? If I'm not mistaken, when I took a criminal justice class the first time i was in college, the prof said the most likely candidate to witness the molestation of a child is another child.

    just my .02 cents

    the dustrabbit

  • minimus

    Generally, everyone would want to make sure that a person is not falsely accused. The credible policy is used for the protection of all.Child abuse cases should be handled by the authorities.

  • teenyuck

    The whole issue of "two credible witnesses" begs the questions:

    Why are they looking for proof of something someone did? Why are they so concerned with what people do? Why are they not more concerned with reading the bible and helping people with their spirituality?

    It all comes down to control. Do what we want, how we want or we will cut you off from friends and family; all because you seen smoking by "two credible witnesses."

    What a joke of a religion.

  • Pathofthorns

    I see no problem with the use of the word "credible" to describe acceptable Witnesses. But I do think the WT should get out of this whole situation and start referring all matters beyond things "spiritual" to professional third parties.

    Elders at most are only qualified to read scriptures, provide articles to read and pray - things which might be considered of limited or no value unless combined with some sort of professional assistance.

    The problem in this organization is that it severely lacks its own professionals to offer input during times such as these, so you have old and uneducated and sheltered men taking shots in the dark. Since the professional community generally views JWs as a bunch of nuts, the WT finds it hard to refer people to these ones and yet cannot provide their own professionals because they have discouraged education.

    Possible criminal matters should be turned over to the authorities, those with marriage problems should be encouraged to seek qualified marriage counsellors, depression should be referred to trained doctors etc. The elders should be there to offer spiritual support while professionals deal with the rest imo.


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