And this is a good one for the basics of the Strings theory:
Evolution & Beck_Melborne
by Francois 38 Replies latest jw friends
on basics for string theory.....basics site very good but I thought I said all that in my post and was also able to explain how it works. Something not supplied in the basics. If the common denominator for all existence is wrapped up in this "string theory" then my hypothesis..(not actually mine) is correct and makes an excellent case for the existence of GOD as explained. If you read my post carefully you can see this is true.
QUANTUM THE PHYSICIST! [ one skilled in natural science]
D wiltshire
I have trouble trying to Imagine who or what God is. Even if I have experienced a miracle I still couldn't say for sure what he is or if it's not just some superior being and not the Ultimate Creator. Some things we can never know for certain we can only experience it as time moves to it's end, ..well i don't think is moving towards its begining , but can we ever say with absolute certainty this is truth?
You know what I mean
Jelly bean.
Um, Beck, I thought you were going to post a new picture of yourself smiling. Pearly Whites? Remember?
And Downey Chicken? I thought that was going to be our little secret? If you're not careful people will discover more than you said you wanted them to know. If you ask again, I'm afraid I'll have to tell you, since you are She Who Must Be Obeyed.
SYN - Have you read "A Canticle for Lebowitz"? It's a science fiction book set in the times after a nuclear exchange, or Flame War as it's called in the book. Some of it is hilarious, some pathetic.
I can't go along with the nuclear war on this planet business - not on the evidence currently available. I feel sure that the [likely] asteriod collison in Russia on the Tunguska (was it?) is supposed to have been part of this war? You can find a really good collection of facts about the explosion in a book titled "The Fire Came By." Sorry, don't remember who wrote it. I read it in 1974, but found a copy in an out of print book store two years ago when my brother in law wanted a copy. (There's hardly anything you want you can't find in Atlanta.)
Just been called for dinner.
trouble trying to Imagine who or what God is
If i could add my 2 cents,,, thankyou. In reading of others' divine experiences, and considering my own, i think the vast majority of experiencers are in the same boat. This really shows how high and dry are the biblists who think they can learn all about god from a book.Ok, turning it over to francois.
Btw, francois, do you have some of those fractamorgrafriers? Just wondering:)
DWilt - I can't really give you a definitive description of the experience, except to say it is ineffable which is no help at all. It was beautiful. It was timeless, it was beyond our concept of "love." And there was a direct "knowing" that didn't involve linear thought. And just as soon as the left brain became involved wanting to analyze the experience it went away.
But understand please that I'm not saying this experience has anything to do with an appreciation of the fact that IMHO evolution is the technique of deity. And who's to say it isn't? Since there's no proof of deity in the first place, it follows that there's no proof of the activities of deity.
I'm also quick to state that I don't view God as some big daddy in the sky who has a name and is made in our image and who intervenes in the goings-on here on earth all the time.
I had a quiet interesting discussion with the hard-shell Baptist wife of a friend not too long ago in which she insisted that since man was created in God's image that it was clear, then, that God had hands, feet, eyes, hair, the whole shot. I asked did that mean that God had a penis. Spluttering heavily, she had to admit that, yes, God indeed has a penis.
"Well, what does he do with it," I wanted to know. "It only has two uses. And I can't imagine that God ever needs to take a leak since he's perfect he couldn't have any body wastes. And I can't imagine God standing at a urinal shaking his dick." She was getting very uncomfortable about this time since - like all these ultra-Baptists down here in the South - she hadn't really thought her assertions through to the bitter end. "And the other use. Do you mean to tell me that you think God engages in sex? And with whom? Does he have a wife?" Well, she was getting really flustered by this time. So I went in for the kill. If he doesn't have a wife - as you say - then do you think that means that God jerks off?"
You ever seen a three-hundred pound woman wearing spandex tights run through a double-wide? You don't want to.
Where is everyone on the evolution debate? You reckon they don't want to get involved given the presence of He Who Has Shit For Brains? Can't blame 'em I guess.
Oops! Fractamorgrafriers? If, sir, you are making reference to my soon to make me richer than three feet up a bull's ass invention, yes - I have an alpha test model. It is kinda expensive since I made it myself, and it's fulla jumpers on the solder side. You couldn't possibly put it in an actual machine at this point. And I'm gonna need to get back in line at the ROM burner guy's place. I don't do enough of this to make purchasing one make sense, unless I just wanted to add to my stock of gadgets which isn't a bad idea when you think about it. I just have too many irons in the fire right now.
I'll keep you in mind if you want to be put on the beta site list. But you have to qualify. You have to love music. You have to be visually oriented, as opposed to say touch oriented (I have a test for that), and I prefer that you be a dope smoker - especially if you think music and dope go together. Keep in touch.
OK friends - let the evolution debate rage - or let it die. Whatever. I see that neither side really wants to budge. The scientists wanna measure something and think the assertion that there's a God is huge, when in fact the assertion that there isn't one is more so. I can see the science types mopping their brows now, saying "Thank God there's nothing to measure (unintended irony)" The creationists have got their favorite pacifier stuck in their faces and are furiously sucking that sucker. Too much trouble to think about evolution being a divine technique. Contradicts Genesis. Upsets the status quo. Well, it upsets the status quo of both sides, doesn't it? But I'm still game if you are.
D wiltshire
You're funny man!
Hey did she ever come visit you again, I thought you were suppose to be a charmer of the ladies?
Unless I missed it somewhere, there still hasn't been a straight answer. Just a bit of teasing on Franc's part.
So what IS downey chicken?
Hey RF nice to see ya around.
DW - She who? She who must be obeyed? I really can't say.
PlumCrazy - I daren't say. I'm shocked, SHOCKED, that She Who Must Be Obeyed brought it up. Maybe she'll tell. I'd better not.