Does anyone here workout on a regular basis?

by Leander 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leander

    I just wanted to get a little dialog going with some of the members here who workout. I know Reborn works out quite a bit and I've been doing fairly well as of recently in getting back into a regular exercise regimine.

    So far I've worked out everyday for the past 17 days, I usually try to do weight training at least 3-4 times a week and I usually do some cardio everyday. I've also been trying to clean up my diet a bit. I've managed to stick with basically vegetables and grilled meats, although I strayed a bit over the last 3 days. (fortunately it was'nt by much)

    So how many of you out there are working out?

    What goals are you trying to acheive?

    Are you happy with the way you look?

    My goal is to get down to about 230-240, I'm naturally a big guy but at about 230 I think I would be ripped. I used to workout quite a bit in my early 20's and I maintained a weight of about 200-210. Since then I've put on more muscle but also more fat, fortunately I have lots of determination right now and I plan on working my ass off until I get lean and mean.

    So jump right in, whats your fitness goals and story?

  • scootergirl

    Does chasing after three kids count? If it does.......YES, I get a daily workout!

  • Leander

    Chasing after kids definitely counts. Some of these 3 and 4 years old can move! :^)

  • Perfection Seeker
    Perfection Seeker

    Just started riding 20-40 miles a day on the bike. TRYING to get in shape- but the immediate benefit is more energy, being outside, weigh loss would be an additional bonus! ;-)

  • JanH


    Getting ready to go to the gym right now to pump some iron. The goal is improved strength and fitness and to look better. I train 4-5 times every week.

    I have trained far too little in my life, just occasional working out that went down the drain due to various circumstances, and some years training karate.

    I don't have any concrete goals really. Oh well... Perhaps a real six pack by next summer

    - Jan

  • Leander

    20-40 miles a day?!?! Thats some serious biking man, you'll probably be in shape by next week,,

  • zenpunk

    I work out like a fiend. Weights, biking, running, yoga, pilates, etc... You name it! If I hurt the next day from it - it's a winner! My goal is to live to be 100 and have enough muscletone (as a 5'1" woman) to scare the hell out of people without being a musclebound freak. I'm about 5 lbs away from being happy with my appearance, though I'm sure that's just me being a perfectionist.

  • openminded

    Leander- I work out 5-7 times per week. Working out has become a hobby for me and I actually look forward to my work out time each day. Physical condition is important to me because in my opinion it makes me look better to others and myself thus I am more confident and I feel mentally alert when I am in good physical shape. I also enjoy several competitive sports (basketball,football,softball...) and I know my physical strength and condition gives me an advatage. Diet is huge and the sooner you can get used to eating less junk and more fuel the better your results will be. Lately I have been working on increasing my overall strength...Id like to be pressing 350 lbs by late August early September which is huge for me considering I started out pressing about 155lbs a year ago. Oh and stretch, stretching is important to healthy muscles. om

  • JanH


    Id like to be pressing 350 lbs by late August early September which is huge for me considering I started out pressing about 155lbs a year ago.

    Wow! You are talking bench right? May I ask how old you are? That seems like amazing progress in that time frame.

    - Jan

  • maxwell

    I started doing weight training 3 days a week about a month ago. I had been riding my bike to work (8 miles round trip) since May 2001 on days it wasn't raining and through the winter whenever the wind AND the cold didn't push me onto the bus. A month ago, I started increasing my bike riding. I had occasionally done 30 or 40 mile weekend rides, but started adding 13 mile extended rides on the way home, in order to get a cardio workout. Unfortunately my bike was stolen 2 weeks ago. And I wasn't motivated enough to use the cardio equipment in the gym/club to keep up. I just got a replacement last week. I'm going to get another for commuting and use the one I just got for exercise/recreation. I plan to do 15 miles 3 or 5 days of the week and 30 or 40 one day of the week probably the weekend. And of course I'd like to ramp that up. Yes I'm hooked to cycling. I'm getting a For Sale sign to stick in my car today. My goals: By the end of next summer, I hope to be able to do a century (100 mile bike ride). And be able to do a century at will on any weekend. There's a 36 mile mass group ride called BikeDC that I will participate go on this September. I'm also trying to knock off some weight or at least get rid of excess body fat. I weight about 220 now. I weighed about 180 when I got out of college 3 years ago. So I'd like to eventually get back to that or at least get rid of the extra fat in the stomach area and a few other places by the end of the year. If I put on muscle in the gym that might keep the weight up a little.

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