I know of so many instances of this that I wouldn't want to bother relating them all. However, one of them is a little humorous.
Back in the early 80s, I went to the Tuesday night meeting. It was the new circuit overseer's visit, so there was a pretty big crowd - around 100 with a lot of visitors. The CO was there, shaking hands. He looked to be about 60 years old.
Well, I spied a young chick. I was in my early 20s, and she looked about my age. I started working my way over to hit on her, but ran out of time. So, I thought I would wait until later.
Well, as the meeting progressed, the CO got up on stage for his opening address. He then proceeds to introduce himself and his wife. And, who should the wife be, but the young chick that I was going to hit on.
Talk about getting a surprise, not to mention unintentionally dodging a bullet. If I had asked her out, I would have been looking at a mightly long three years, until they were rotated out.
Edited by - RunningMan on 9 July 2002 12:59:17