jw marriages age differences

by invisible 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • invisible

    Of 3 that straightaway spring to mind:

    DG (m) 64 E (f) 27

    BM (m) 49 D (f) 18

    PL (m) 43 E (f) 18

    2 of the above were also 'arranged' marriages, do you know of any other instances of extremes in JW marriage age ranges? Is there anything really wrong with this, as long as both parties and the children are happy?

    Your views and other instances are: ???


  • writerpen

    When you say they were "arranged" marriages, do you mean that they lived in a culture that still arranges marriages or was their marriage a result of parental pressure?

    My other question is, were all three men previously married?

  • Perfection Seeker
    Perfection Seeker

    In my "circuit" there was a girl BARELY 18 that married a man that was 66!!!!!!!!!!! Her father wasn't even in his 40's! The guy had GRANDCHILDREN that were older than her! My grandpa married someone 20 years younger than him. Yes, with the slim pickins' you have to choose from- age is the LEAST of your worries! In my old hall- my mom calls & tells me of all the young people getting married- they are all barely 18! When I was "in" they frowned upon early weddings, wait till you're older, so it isn't about sexual urges, choose the right mate, pioneer first- blah blah blah blah. (I did marry someone 15 years older than me- but wasn't witness related-lol)

    Edited by - perfection seeker on 9 July 2002 12:29:24

  • Matty

    All I can say is "You dirty old man!!". Yes, I have noticed a huge amount of these marriages, and the upshot of it is that young Jehovah's Witness men are generally poor earners, and perhaps a young sister might want a bit more financial security, and who can blame them?

    The kind of environment in you local Kingdom Hall is the same kind of environment of general society about 50 years ago. Sisters are not expected to have a career, but are expected to look after the home! Sisters also like a brother to have a position in the congregation; a single Elder is often hot property, even if they have a face like a baboon's arse.

  • zenpunk

    I know of quite a few instances where barely-18 year-old girls were married to JWs in their 40s. When I was 19 I guess my parents were getting desparate because they set me up with this guy in his late thirties who lived at the Patterson, NY complex. He was even divorced already. Anyway, my parents took me to meet him for pizza at the nearby pizza parlour. Deep down, I was really pissed-off about it. I took one look at this guy and thought to myself, "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING"! I told my parents I never wanted to meet that creepy guy again! (Needless to say he was incredibly interested in this young piece of flesh). Years later, my parents had the nerve to tell me that they had run into him at an assembly and that he had gotten married - like I missed my chance or something!

    Also - why does the guy have to be older. When I get to be 40 - I want to get myself a hot 20-year old! Yeah! !

  • maxwell

    In the congregation I grew up in there was a couple where the wife was 20 years older than the husband. However, I had no idea till they both died within a week of each other. First the husband died. Then sadly the wife died. She was in the hospital when her husband died, and people say she just gave up when she heard the news. Anyway, I guess I missed the husband's funeral, but when I went to the wife's funeral, I read the obiturary and was a little surprised to see that she was 75 while her husband was only 55. And apparently those were accurate ages. People told me that the wife got some heat for "robbing the cradle" when they got married about 30 years before. I think she had been married before. Personally, I don't think age difference should matter either way as long as they both are mature and well aware of what they're getting into.

  • Perfection Seeker
    Perfection Seeker

    I have a friend who is 48- and she married a guy who is 26. I think it is weird- almost motherly- yet if a guy does it- somehow its "ok". I love having my husband older than I am- 15 years- I can be young & playful- he can be older & wiser. Somewhere we meet in the middle & both enjoy it! :-)

  • RunningMan

    I know of so many instances of this that I wouldn't want to bother relating them all. However, one of them is a little humorous.

    Back in the early 80s, I went to the Tuesday night meeting. It was the new circuit overseer's visit, so there was a pretty big crowd - around 100 with a lot of visitors. The CO was there, shaking hands. He looked to be about 60 years old.

    Well, I spied a young chick. I was in my early 20s, and she looked about my age. I started working my way over to hit on her, but ran out of time. So, I thought I would wait until later.

    Well, as the meeting progressed, the CO got up on stage for his opening address. He then proceeds to introduce himself and his wife. And, who should the wife be, but the young chick that I was going to hit on.

    Talk about getting a surprise, not to mention unintentionally dodging a bullet. If I had asked her out, I would have been looking at a mightly long three years, until they were rotated out.

    Edited by - RunningMan on 9 July 2002 12:59:17

  • out4good3

    The rigid rules the old geezers up North put on the flock really encourages this type of extreme May December nonsense.

    There only choices are to marry brother just-got-out-of-diapers (so to speak) to satisfy those incredibly hot sexual urges.

    Then there's brother middle-aged whose spend the greater part of his youth working for the org full-time so he can get that coveted elders position only to find that now in a changing economy, he can't find a job with that "hi schul ejumacation".

    Finally, there's brother over-the-hill who has after failing to "beat into subjection" his first wife, outlived the second, now has a nice little 18 year old trophy hanging on his side that without the aid of viagra or a pump, he couldn't possibly keep up with sexually.

    But, at least that sister will reap the rewards of that nice SSI pension he's managed to save.


  • bluesapphire

    I got a lot of slack for marrying my husband who is 8 years younger than I. Personally, I prefer it this way. Ever since I was younger I always liked the guys in my little brothers' class more than my own.

    For years his mom tried to fix him up with little pioneer sister this or that. And being a young brother "reaching out" he had his pick. So when I came along with my three babies, well I wasn't exactly Miss Popularity before either. lol

    Even the circuit overseer tried to talk some sense into him. And the CO's idiot wife pulled me aside out in service once and tried to get me to break it off.

    Those were wierd times. Now I'm just glad we're out and free. And when his mom heard the news last week that I'm pregnant .... well I can just hear her mind saying, "Now he's permanently tied to her!" As if he wasn't before. But in her mind there was always hope that I'd cheat on him or something and leave him free to marry that cute little pioneer sis she has in mind. TOO BAD SOOOOO SAD MIL! lol

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