Whats your favorite Simpson's quote/scene?

by Leander 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • joannadandy

    I love mojo!!

    Ok I have about fifty million I could think of...but here are a few:

    (The entire episode of when Grandpa needs a kidney and Homer keeps running away-ROCKS) Homer is on the ship of Lost Souls, he tells them what he's done and the frenchman says "I stole this accordian from a blind monkey-but you disgust even me!"

    Marge is suing Mr Burns for sexual harrassment and says "I'm going to sue the pants off of you" and Burns says "You don't have to sue me to get my pants off *purring noise*"

    Homer remembers finding a dead body in the swimming hole when he was little (Very Stand By Me-ish) and they go back to follow the drain where the body came from and it pops up in Mr. Burns office and Burns says "You there, what are you doing in my corpse chute? err umm, I mean my innocence tube!"

    Homer has the boys over playing poker and he is going to out to the garage and moe says "Oh aren't we all fancy with our Garage" and Homer says "well what do you call it?" Moe: "My car hole"

    Edited by - joannadandy on 9 July 2002 15:58:41

  • FriendlyFellaAL

    One of my personal faves is the episode where Sideshow Bob breaks lose, yet again, and attempts to kill Bart. It's the one with the whole "Cape Fear" take-off.

    Favorite scene from the episode:

    As Bart and Bob are on the back of the boat as it careens down the river, Bart stalls for time and asks Bob to perform the entire score of 'H.M.S. Pinafore'.

    Bob: Very well, I shall send you to heaven before I send you to hell.

    That show is absolutely brilliant. I've probably seen each episode six times and I never get tired of it.


  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    the movementarians!

  • joannadandy

    'The leader is good the leader is great, we surrender our wills as of this date'

    "na na na na na na na na leader!"

  • funkyderek

    Lisa: Hey! People are coming! I think they're Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Marge: Yes! [cut to outside the house. A young man and woman walk up, and the man goes to ring the doorbell] Noreen: Wait, Marvin, I just had a thought. Maybe we're bothering people by trying to change their religion. What if we don't have all the answers?
    Marvin: You're right, Noreen. Let's go get real jobs. [they walk away, discarding their pamphlets as they go]
    [cut to the inside of the house]
    Marge: Hmmm ... I would have feigned interest.

    Edited by - funkyderek on 9 July 2002 16:38:58

  • julien

    An amazing show to have generated the amount of LOL moments it has. And this thread contains just a minute fraction of them.

    Godspeed, little doodle.

  • Wild_Thing

    Homer -- "Marge, you being a cop makes you the man! Which makes me the woman and I have no interest in that, besides wearing the underwear, which, as we discussed, is strictly a comfort thing."

    And of course, I love Reverend Lovejoy!

    "Once something has been approved by the Government, It's no longer immoral."

    "Ned, have you thought about one of the other major religions, there all pretty much the same."

    "This so called new religion is nothing but a pack of weird rituals and chants designed to take away the money of fools. Let us say the Lord's prayer 40 times, but first let's pass the collection plate."

    "... and the Lord said, Whack ye all the serpents which crawl on their bellies and thy town will be a beacon unto others. So you see Lisa, even God himself endorses whacking day."

    "...oh just about everything is a sin, have you ever sat down and read this thing? Technically we're not allowed to go to the bathroom."

    Edited by - Wild_Thing on 9 July 2002 16:43:1

  • sunstarr

    The kids get stuck on a deserted island. Ralph eats the berries. Bart asks how they are:

    Ralph: "They taste like burning..."


    Homer: "Hey, little girl."

    Ralph: "I'm a boy!"

    Homer: "That's the spirit!"

    Good times!

    Edited by - sunstarr on 9 July 2002 16:49:25

  • Scully

    Gosh, so many favorites..... it's hard to pick just one....

    The Stonecutters (Homer the Great) episode was hilarious... Patrick Stewart makes one fine "Number One" (a la ST-TNG)(RRRROWR)....

    Who controls the British crown
    Who keeps the metric system down
    We do! We do!

    Who keeps Atlantis off the maps
    Who keeps the martians under wraps
    We do! We do!

    Who holds back the electric car
    Who makes Steve Gutenberg a star
    We do! We do!

    Who robs ?fish of their sight?
    Who rigs every Oscar night?
    We do! We doooooo!

    Favorite quote from the episode:
    Homer takes his oath, "And by the Sacred Parchment, I swear that if I reveal the secrets of The Stonecutters, may my stomach become bloated and my head be plucked of all but three hairs."

    Moe replies, "Um, I think he should have to take a different oath."

    Love, Scully

  • RunningMan

    Homer fails to honor his pledge to PBS, and the collection van comes to his house. All of the PBS characters (Big Bird, Mr. Rogers, etc) are chasing him down the street.

    Mr. Rogers sings, "It's a beautiful day to kick your ass."

    Elmo says, "Elmo knows where you live."

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