If the message is consistently conveyed to immediately call the authorities then the atmosphere within the congregations will change. The present level of 'theocratic' tolerance will fade and the secrecy (confidentiality) shield will be destroyed.
You said "this will do nothing to address the pervasive atmosphere of pressurized silence". I agree it does not say enough but I wouldn't say "this will do nothing". It seems to be steps in the right direction although forced by caring "apostates
I realize you are hoping for the best, but the fact of the matter is this will do very little,
consider that the wt is an international organization, this issue is only being addressed in 2 countries per say, - yet the wt rules the lives of folks in some 200 lands
they like the catholic church are only doing window dressing for countries where legal cases can cost them money in my view- case in point
recently the POPE missed a golden opportunity to address a WORLD WIDE PROBLEM IN HIS CHURCH, but he like the wt blew it- they showed that thier real motive is not the kids or even helping the guy with the problem but doing a PR move to curb the tide of lawsuits
To show that the Pope was serious about addressing this issue and putting everyone on the same page, when he called in his "Boys" he only called in the "Boys" from the USA
this way at least it would have given the appearance that everyone is on the same page
instead we got the Boys from the USA drifting up some new wording just for the USA -
recently reports out of Africa of Priest "Banging" the nuns, making them get abortions and onTV they did a documentary of British kids 4, 5 ,7 ,10 yrs old being sent DOWN UNDER - austrialia as orphans-
instead they went down there to build the local church with giant masonary stones with thier little hands NO TOOLS - NO CRANS JUS THEIR HANDS----------the priest raped and raped the little kids over and over for years
SO wt like the catholic church is only doing window dressing instead of addressing THEIR SYSTEM WHICH IS THE PROBLEM
Whenever a man be an elder or priest is out in charge by a group (GB/POPE) that tells it's members
god whispers into thier ears and failure to listen will mean your DEATH AND DESTRUCTION
you already got a system in place that is going to Shaft someone and in this case the kids
just my 2