<or............ is this a five year plan?>
<choke> <splutter>
Gawd I LOVE this board.....
by biblexaminer 42 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
<or............ is this a five year plan?>
<choke> <splutter>
Gawd I LOVE this board.....
Here's an example of the R& F's mindset re: abuse.......Sister A, whom I know well and whose husband recently disassociated (said he doesn't like what they teach and doesn't like how they act ), told me that Sister B ran into Brother Pedophile and Brother Father of the Victim chumming around at the District Convention. Brother Father of the Victim told Sister B that Sister A's husband dissed because ' he got involved with some apostate web site '.....sick people in that org. So regardless what the hierarchy do, you're dealing with a great number of people who have liked it that way, we're attracted to it, and will have a whole lot of personal work to do to accept any healthy changes.
hello fellas,
I read all postings regarding this thread. And I appreciate the information and ideas. Not to long ago I had a discussion with our CO regarding many thing within the org. It was an open dialogue including the 1914 thing. I told him that this year is fallen in my mind and that I see the time present that WTS must explain the truth about that. In no matter he criticied me, he agreed and menat that the slave needs much time. I underlinde in my arguments that the slave teaches that in JCs the sinner must immediatly repent and there is no other way. So the WTS must be fast and not like a snail.
On the other hand I asked him how could the WTS speak about a free conscience when in times before 1995 jws served not in the army but at a hospital or red cross or like that. I know that they were dfd and shunned. He agreed that he didnt understand that too but noticed that he has confidence in the slave.
So I agree that those "managers" recognize their problems very well. But what kind of alternative do they have? No job, no income, no flat - nothing and at WTS they have position, money, donations from the brothers for a new car, they are in highg acceptance and stand as leaders on the platform.
I ask what still must happen that they take action for their own presence for their own social standing. It is sucking to to things where you are not fully convinced by. The WTS has made a special slave sitiatuion for those caders.
We should find out ways to lead them back into the "satanic world" that they can solve an own standing, independent but in economical position.
As they mostly are good sellers I guess they could claim any job in a sales org.
Does there anybody have an idea?
I know that in Europe in gthe 70ies from leading jws there was build up a service with covering cars by some kind of plastic stripes "trim line" and this business ran and runs.
surely there is much more gthat can be implemented.
Child molestation is a problem that has no easy solution. But how are we exJWs going to look in the media if the Society implements exactly what we have been calling for as part of a world-wide policy and then we continue to rant and rave that they harbour pedophiles? What are the ultimate objectives of the Silentlambs group since it appears that these objectives, at least on the surface appear to be attempting to be met if only for the WT's own reputation?
It almost appears that the WT has realized that it is in their interests all around to just leave these crimes in the hands of the police. And in doing so they take the wind out of the sails of the whole Silentlambs movement. When the march in Brooklyn happens in the interest of forcing change, won't that be a bit redundant if that change has already occurred? Or will we be hammering the WT on the past and be seeking acknowledgement of this now?
Even with these policy changes and the WT possibly going the route of handing all cases to do with this over to the authorities, I think alot of people will be surprised to find that in a good majority of these cases the authorities will come back and say we couldn't do anything but keep the complain on file. And we are back to square one with the problem in the hands of the congregation because now you have a person with an unproven accusation and the congregation has to now let that accusation slide because the law said there was nothing more at present they could do either.
And if this policy is implemented across the board, I'm sure there are countries that have really poor laws on child protection or that these crimes are not taken as seriously by the authorities. In countries like this, simply reporting the matter to the authorities might be insufficient to protect a child.
But I do wonder where do we go from here with this matter if it turns out to be like Hillary Step said. Whatever motive the WT has in making these changes are they not still changes made that attempt to protect children (and Wt's reputation)? If further changes are necessary, what are these changes and how will these be clearly conveyed to the media so that we don't appear to be "sour grapes" on this issue?
JT Wrote:
wt has always had 2 rules, i learned this early on : 1. ONE WRITTEN 2. ONE UNWRITTEN
So True! So often the teaching or doctrine and the actual practice do not even remotely agree. Take love for example. Society presents Witness people as loving while so many of us are aware that few are actually loving at all. They protect their leader's error and are selfish, rude, snobbish, snubbing, shunning, resentful, controlling, and devious if they suspect we do not partake in their delusion.
They are so self centered that their leaders have to print articles for them to read on human decency and they have to be instructed how to behave in public such as at conventions while wearing name tags and representing their leaders.
The practices and the teachings about the practices do not match.
Good post. Thanks!
Apstates putting in together to buy acres of property and putting up co/do tent villages...
I'm willing to bet that most of the men in authority see the hypocritical agendas in the leadership of the WT, but stay in because of the free lifestyle. With no skill to speak of and after a lifetime of working for the org they truly have no place to go and are loathe to start over.
AFAIK, I wouldn't give one red nickel to support any displaced CO, DO, or elder. I'd let them reap what they've sown.
CO, DO and other at the top "know better".
Actually they always think they are in such a position because they are smarter, more spiritual, honest etc etc.
For a couple of decades they have been able to "know better" .Many even aproved DF "trouble makers" and the like. Aprroved actions related to 'silentlambs' and so on.
Many did not do what they had to do, stand for the truth and justice. Instead of protecting a corporation.
A true almighty/powerfull GOD does not need anyone or corporation to help her/him/it keep his name clean by abusing, denying the rights of silentlambs or lying, DF anyone with question etc etc.
Now they see clearly the handwritting on the wall but feel it is too late.
Lambs have the right to be informed about misleading "pastors". They are the true victims.
Victms of Victms is no longer an excuse for the hi ranking leaders.
The WTS should publish a Watchtower article telling people what to do (go to the authorities) as waiting for people to call them is not good enough. They should educate their people on the correct course of action, what to look out for etc...
Quote: "Bill Bowen has shown that if you swivel your cannons from attacking individual JW's, who can change nothing, to pressuring the leadership who can precipitate the changes, the direction of the WTS will be influenced for the better." - Hilliary
This was such an important point to us on this board.......and it seems to have slid by. Nothing changes the WT if we attack individual jw's on this board.. NOTHING.
But united, as Bowen has proven (with an enormous help from other knowledgeable apostates) that the WTBTS can be made to CHANGE by united pressure. And it has been proven now.
IMPORTANT POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote: " WTS should publish a Watchtower article telling people what to do (go to the authorities) as waiting for people to call them is not good enough. They should educate their people on the correct course of action, what to look out for etc... "- Simon
Ahhhhhhhh, but this isn't something the WTBTS wants actually publicized - only the R&F who actually receive - and read - their KM, or who happened to be at that particular KM meeting. As Dung brought out, it wasn't even posted on the board for those who happened to miss that meeting or who wanted to look at it again....just to make sure what it said.
Dung was right in her points - it's terribly important that the change be made that jw's have the RIGHT NOT TO GO TO ELDERS AT ALL......let the police handle it. AFTER THE AUTHORITIES GIVE APPROVAL, if the jw wants - go to the elders.
If that were put into procedure - written and unwritten - then the evidence and the child/witness wouldn't be tainted by interference by well meaning, or evil meaning, elders.
Edited by - waiting on 10 July 2002 17:53:48
Good Lord - those men are some of the BEST SALESMEN ever made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They embody the very essence of MIDDLE MANAGEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not ALL of them are old, wrinkled men! The majority of them who come South *to serve* are 55 and below. Damn! Those men are capable, fluent, able to turn people's thinking around, corral troublemakers, troubleshoot for the home office, get money out of people, and READ people. And they *tend* to be smart. They've also learned to change with the religion, cover their asses, and get what they want.
I'd be willing to BET that a lot of companies who employ a sales force would recognize those abilities. It doesn't matter where they sharpened their tools - but CO's and DO's have them - and I'm also willing to BET that the CO's and DO's know just what tools they have.
These men & wives have a comfort zone, just like any other jw. Big change to leave that comfort zone..............but all of us did it - and a lot of us with a lot less tools. Have to make it on their own? Well, no duh. So do we. They are not the starving-masses. They are the taken-care-of-for-a-long-time-masses.