Julien, I'm LMAO here! Thanks for the guffaw.
Out, thank you for your input and well wishes. You made some excellent points, especially about removing "should" from one's vocabulary. It's difficult to overcome a lifetime of programming.
Spice and Moe....you guys are scaring me now! Actually, I need a life-shaking experience. I've got the next two weeks (beginning this Sunday) free, so you two let me know when would work best for you.
IW, YES! Seeing life from a child's perspective is very heartening at times. Sometimes I get so caught up in being "Mom" I forget to relax and be a kid. Thanks for the reminder.
LB and Syn, thanks for your comments. Staying away from negative people AND negative thinking is vital and Syn, I agree that helping others gives me a boost too. It certainly takes me out of my own head, which really is a place I should never visit alone!
Edited by - safe4kids on 10 July 2002 12:55:48