Is This A MINI-SCANDAL In Kentucky?

by AngryXJW 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • AngryXJW

    Earlier today, I spoke on the telephone with a JW who will sometimes listen to "anti" info, but typically regurgitates the typical "party-line" responses.__________

    However, today, the situation was reversed. It seems that this JW was "slightly stumbled" at the DA held in Louisville, Kentucky back in late June.________

    The JW related that Saturday evening they were sitting around the motel pool with several other JWs when the conversation turned to the high cost of auto insurance. One Elder recommended his own auto insurance company, that being "Kentucky Farm Bureau". Another Elder evidently spoke up and dittoed "KFB", and remarked that he knew several others in his Kentucky congregation that had "KFB". Someone asked how people who were not farmers could buy insurance from "KFM", but the two Elders indicated that "anyone" could do business with "KFB"._________

    It just so happened that my Kentucky JW contact got their auto renewal notice last week. Recalling the DA conversation, they telephoned their local KFB office for a quote. The Elders were correct in that the quoted premium was notably cheaper. However, the insurance quote included something my contact HAD NOT BEEN TOLD ABOUT._________

    In order to do business with KFB Insurance, you have to "JOIN" the KFB as a "DUE PAYING MEMBER". My friend already was somewhat familiar with KFB from years of hearing, seeing, and reading advertising, but decided to visit their website to confirm some suspicions:__________

    _________ Sure enough, this "DUE PAYING MEMBERS ORGANIZATION" is heavily involved in POLITICS and GOVERNMENT LEGISLATION, particularly the PROMOTION OF TOBACCO._______

    Check out the "links" off the main page, and give me your opinion whether it is consistent for Jehovah's Witnesses to be "DUES PAYING MEMBERS" of this group?

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    They only used their stuff for the "library card", they didn't actually join! <ROFL>..

    Through the years, the cost of joining Kentucky Farm Bureau has been kept at a modest level. Today, the annual membership dues range from $20 to $30 among the 120 county Farm Bureaus across the state. That is why membership has soared to more than 400,000 Kentucky families, placing Kentucky in the top two or three state Farm Bureaus for the last decade.

    The organizations staying power has been a result of many factors, but the most important is the nature of Farm Bureaus leadership structure. Control of Farm Bureau, whether at the county, state or national level, is vested in the hands of agricultural producers, comprising the grass-roots membership.

    The members acting as voting delegates to their organizations annual meetings set policy and elect leaders to carry out their goals. Boards of directors function as the policy-setting groups that represent the members, and they are headed by officers, including presidents, vice presidents, secretaries, treasurers and committee chairmen.

    Committee chairmen are appointed by the presidents to assemble specialty, commodity and other committees for advisory input to the officers and directors.

    Each county Farm Bureau and each state Farm Bureau are autonomous units, setting their own policies and choosing their own leaders.

    For Kentucky Farm Bureau, the elected Board of Directors has overall responsibility for oversight of the organization. The officers, including a president and two vice presidents, traditionally serve as the Executive Committee.

    The Board employs an executive vice president to serve as administrator and chief executive officer. That individual has administrative management responsibilities to conduct the programs for Kentucky Farm Bureau and manage the professional staff.

    Kentucky Farm Bureau staff work under a structure involving four divisions: Public Affairs, Information-Public Relations, Organization and Operations. Some 40 to 45 employees work for the Farm Bureau Federation, most housed in the organizations headquarters in Louisville.

    Kentucky Farm Bureau has established a reputation as an effective advocate for its members in the public policy arena. Its legislative lobbying team traditionally is one of the most successful of the many groups active with the state legislature and state government agencies. Its information products and membership service programs are also well-established and highly successful.

  • SYN

    This is merely a fart in a teacup, but you could probably get them to feel all guilty & stuff by mentioning the fact that this association purveys things BANNED by the Society!

  • messenger

    This has got to the the stupidest post to date. KFB? What next? AARP? AAA? How about KFC? You know the secret recipe could have satanic overtones. AJW you need a life if all you can do is waste your time with such insipid drivel.

  • LDH


  • AngryXJW

    Messenger:_______You are obviously a smart-alec ASSHOLE who has the time to "reply", but NOT the time to visit the website and view all the links which shows that this Org is heavy into POLITICS, and is probably one of the largest supporters of TOBACCO outside of product manufacturers.________
    Syn:_______It may be a "FART IN A TEACUP" to you, but to the JW who gave me this, it was MAJOR!!! I fully understand why most people on this DB don't UNDERSTAND how this would affect the loyal JW with a conscience.__________
    Maybe, IF this DB gave this a little support, it might also be one of those final few straws on the back of other JWs, particularly those in Kentucky who could easily check to see if other elders or other JWs were KFB Members._______
    LDH:_______Your "LOL" is typical of the hypocritical ASSHOLE that you are--someone who thinks "CircuitLeasing" is a scandal, but NOT THIS.

  • blacksheep

    I'm personally not the least bit interesting in researching the roots of this "scandal." The JW doctrines are false. Their belief system is ludicruous. Their adherents are merely humans. So it doesn't surprise me that some might be involved in something of this sort. So what??? If someone is "stumbled" based on this, then I'd say they have their priorities all wrong (obviously to be a JW to begin with, their priorities are wrong).

    The WTS org is a sham. Who cares about individual shortcomings of individual people. Being "stumbled" by such examples is merely buying into the whole JW theme. Not interested.

  • blacksheep

    Oh, and btw, just as background, my mother (whose parents studied as a child, but later abandoned JW beliefs) fully believes her parents were "stumbled" by the JW's they studied with, via some financial transaction. She to this day believes I was "stumbled" by a JW jerk I dated briefly. Of course, it's nearly impossible to convince her that I left the organization of my OWN free will, because I beleive it's a crock, because their religious ideology is woefully bereft of any common sense and/or positive view toward humankind: it's anti-social, inhumane, and idiotic.

    She'd rather believe that I (along with her parents) were simply "stumbled" by bad JW's. How ludicrous to give such weak little people such power. And how insulting to me as a thinking person.

  • Valis
    Valis need for all that. Maybe its just that most of us have seen and probably been involved in some JWs who drive trucks that carry illegal tonnages in their freight vehicles, fake bills of lading for thier own benefit/profit, or they speed to the meetings, or JW mechanics that give other JWs inspection stickers when the ought not, I could go on.......Its great if your JW friend has a bit of a problem with this, however telling you is not the method of relieving his conscience over the matter. If it was really a big deal for him he should get up on stage and raise Kingdom Hell or contact the elders directly in that regard. Otherwise he is merely gossiping and is no better than the ones he refers to.


    District Overbeer

  • messenger


    Kentucky FARM Bureau is part of the FARM Bureau network. Can you guess who they support? FARMS! So let's say you are in Iowa, the IFB supports what primary crop for the state? Corn? What about Arkansas, the AFB supports cotton and soybeans, Gerogia, GFB peanuts, etc...Yet you are astonished to find Kentucky KFB supports tobacco?

    GEE AJW, can you guess what the primary FARM crop is in KY? Think real hard and you might figure it out. As a matter of fact you will find practically all insurance companies are politically involved in goverment with lobbist to protect their interests. When you buy insurance does that mean you support them?

    What's next AJW magazine subscriptions? Can you really be sure any magazine you subscribe to does not support anything negative to JW's? Then there is the fast food industry, oh my GOD! Ronald McDonald voted for BUSH! There goes your happy meals....

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